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Guy has guts. You may not always agree with him, but he is ballsy. He goes into the bear's den and has it out with her. His interviewers almost always steer him into his personal life and start talking about the expectations men have of women, but he is getting his point out and everyone knows what he is saying and that he is right. Women who disagree just don't want it admitted in public for fear that they will have to start walking the talk or that their fellow women will get on their case about it. If men were 10% as good at sticking together when faced with the opposite sex's various tactics, we wouldn't need MRAs. Sticking together and publicly supporting one another is something we need to work on, IMJ.
He goes into the bear's den and has it out with her. His interviewers almost always steer him into his personal life and start talking about the expectations men have of women,
They sure do, but he does not let that take him off course. I love the part when the angry black woman says "And what you're looking for is equality?"
Marc responds "Well yes, Isn't 'equality' what women fought for?" He then rips her down a notch again when he says "What I am saying *whatever her name is* in a huff..." bringing attention to her inability to debate logically.
He really gets the women riled up when he exposes them. Most women simply don't cultivate themselves enough to debate logically with men. They are too used to throwing hissy fits and using the "silent treatment" or some other such childish rejection tactic. Marc doesn't go for it, nor do I. I actually chat with Marc alot and he's a smart man.
but he is getting his point out and everyone knows what he is saying and that he is right. Women who disagree just don't want it admitted in public for fear that they will have to start walking the talk or that their fellow women will get on their case about it.
Women know that it has been women that have been running things behind the scenes and they don't want the hustle they have been running on men(and other women) to come to an end.
Remember: If men have all the power, how come women make the rules?
If the patriarchy was so mighty then why did it just give in to the feminist ideological structure? Just look at how much resistance we are coming up against by criticizing women for the negative things they do? We are literally putting our lives and/or our freedom in danger. Men are murdered, censored, fought by other men, arrested and jailed, have their companies overturned, etc; just on a woman's word.
Anyone who sees that and still thinks men are in control -- and still claims men only work to help men -- is dreaming and on crack.
I just watched it, and ya that guy is one strong willed guy to put himself in that position. Notice how he never gets angry, that is a VERY important thing to remember when your faced with feminism.
It don't matter where you are or what your doing, when you face some feminist pig, you tell it like it is, with a straight face just like Marc does.
It's been along time since I admired anybody, but Marc is that guy!
I've tried those internet love sites, many of them, and all the women say the same thing, they want a knight in shinning armor, perfect in everyway.
Marc Rudov is evolving into the main MRA lethal weapon in the MSM arena. Why?
Because he translates and simplifies men’s rights issues into the necessary 30-second soundbites and occasional 45-second debates.
And, he is a master-debator....
I only wish the Marc that I dissed two years ago and which got me banned from a couple sites had been the Marc that I see today.
My main complaint against him in his earlier incarnation was that “The Man’s No-Nonsense” yadda yadda yadda ... was still pussy-centric.
Marc two years ago was still trying to tell men how to get laid.
Now, he’s a credible theorist and analyst and thinker.
Plus, the dude is fully composed when he stares down these silly post-feminist bitches. (And these two were thankfully brunette and ethnic...) Un-PC for him to win against these homegirls....
Watch the girlies' body language in this clip ...
They are flustered and on the verge of a hysterical seizure!
Never once did Rudov ask them an unfair question.
And they could not credibly answer a single one.
This video is like watching a first conversation between alien species.
And, it's really funny!
(Did the two gay newsreaderboyz just decide to bow out and try to quietly survive this segment?)
I like this appearances on this show a little more than his Fox debates (although I enjoy both). I think sometimes on the Fox debates he gets a little sidetracked, but that does tend to happen when you're passionate about something. Plus, this show there's some give and take, it's not 5 minutes of 'you're wrong Marc!' like the debates can be.
I think he's honing his skills a bit too, and it's helping his opinions get across. Especially when the one host got indignant that he was calling all women prostitutes. He very quickly was able to point out that he's not calling them ALL prostitutes, he's just trying to say if you want the 'traditional' dating model where the man pays your whole way, and then you feel obligated to have sex with him, that we do infact have a word for that profession...
By wording it this way it did force them into a "Well I don't do that.." defence, and as he pointed out, even if they don't, they know plenty of people who do.
His opinions on asking for what you want instead of taking what you can get would serve people a world of good too.
Whenever a debate between mra's and feminists or in this case princesses is allowed it's always clear to see they are not used to being challenged. Resorting to pulling up his online dating history as if its relevant to anything was priceless. Like he's the only American to ever online date? It's as if they are trying to say his single status makes his points irrelevant, he's bursting their princess bubble and they are all of them retorting like spoiled misandrist princesses. They got nothing. IMO that's exactly why well researched and well spoken mra's are typically kept out of the mainstream, they always have the most valid arguments and research and it always contradicts the promoted mainstream view. It's not our fault American debate/news shows have adopted daytime talk show trash tactics.
Pulling up his Jdate file was pretty pathetic. However, Marc did not let that childish stunt sidetrack him. He simply put the onus of explaining "why" they were pulling his online dating files up on the shoulders of his host. In other words, he "flipped the script" on them.
I don't know if anyone caught this, but one of the women tries to get out of taking responsibility for such a childish act by claiming "someone sent it to was one of their viewers" or something of that nature.
Marc wiped the floor with those clowns. I've known him for awhile now and he's always been on point.
and then you feel obligated to have sex with him
He never said "and then you feel obligated to have sex with him."
Why? Many women that exploit men obviously "don't" feel obligated to close their half of the deal. He simply stated that if you fit into the category of wanting to be wined and dined(unspoken in exchange for your body) then yes he is saying you're a prostitute. I agree. The women he is speaking of are pretty much trading their bodies for financial gain in relationships. Some men rent(boyfriend--girlfriend, One night stands, etc.), some men buy(Marriage, Long-term relationship).
If the woman exploits the man with her body for financial gain she fits the bill.
...whether they feel "obligated" or not does not change the situation(i.e. Women who exploit men for money or things money can buy in exchange for access to their bodies are engaging in legalized prostitution) since most women don't feel "obligated" to do anything for men.
I always watch the way things are worded. Since wording something in the wrong way can allow women to get out of being held responsible for their actions.
Permalink Submitted by Roy on Fri, 2008-01-04 20:08
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- The Men's Activist News Network
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
Rudov has guts
Guy has guts. You may not always agree with him, but he is ballsy. He goes into the bear's den and has it out with her. His interviewers almost always steer him into his personal life and start talking about the expectations men have of women, but he is getting his point out and everyone knows what he is saying and that he is right. Women who disagree just don't want it admitted in public for fear that they will have to start walking the talk or that their fellow women will get on their case about it. If men were 10% as good at sticking together when faced with the opposite sex's various tactics, we wouldn't need MRAs. Sticking together and publicly supporting one another is something we need to work on, IMJ.
That's right mc99.
He goes into the bear's den and has it out with her. His interviewers almost always steer him into his personal life and start talking about the expectations men have of women,
They sure do, but he does not let that take him off course. I love the part when the angry black woman says "And what you're looking for is equality?"
Marc responds "Well yes, Isn't 'equality' what women fought for?" He then rips her down a notch again when he says "What I am saying *whatever her name is* in a huff..." bringing attention to her inability to debate logically.
He really gets the women riled up when he exposes them. Most women simply don't cultivate themselves enough to debate logically with men. They are too used to throwing hissy fits and using the "silent treatment" or some other such childish rejection tactic. Marc doesn't go for it, nor do I. I actually chat with Marc alot and he's a smart man.
but he is getting his point out and everyone knows what he is saying and that he is right. Women who disagree just don't want it admitted in public for fear that they will have to start walking the talk or that their fellow women will get on their case about it.
Women know that it has been women that have been running things behind the scenes and they don't want the hustle they have been running on men(and other women) to come to an end.
Remember: If men have all the power, how come women make the rules?
If the patriarchy was so mighty then why did it just give in to the feminist ideological structure? Just look at how much resistance we are coming up against by criticizing women for the negative things they do? We are literally putting our lives and/or our freedom in danger. Men are murdered, censored, fought by other men, arrested and jailed, have their companies overturned, etc; just on a woman's word.
Anyone who sees that and still thinks men are in control -- and still claims men only work to help men -- is dreaming and on crack.
The domain of Mr. Reality
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
I just watched it, and ya
I just watched it, and ya that guy is one strong willed guy to put himself in that position. Notice how he never gets angry, that is a VERY important thing to remember when your faced with feminism.
It don't matter where you are or what your doing, when you face some feminist pig, you tell it like it is, with a straight face just like Marc does.
It's been along time since I admired anybody, but Marc is that guy!
I've tried those internet love sites, many of them, and all the women say the same thing, they want a knight in shinning armor, perfect in everyway.
No wonder women are so miserable.
Marc Rudov is the
Marc Rudov is the No-Nonsense man...
No-nonsense says it all!!
Marc Debates Aliens; Rejects Gay Date Offer
Marc Rudov is evolving into the main MRA lethal weapon in the MSM arena. Why?
Because he translates and simplifies men’s rights issues into the necessary 30-second soundbites and occasional 45-second debates.
And, he is a master-debator....
I only wish the Marc that I dissed two years ago and which got me banned from a couple sites had been the Marc that I see today.
My main complaint against him in his earlier incarnation was that “The Man’s No-Nonsense” yadda yadda yadda ... was still pussy-centric.
Marc two years ago was still trying to tell men how to get laid.
Now, he’s a credible theorist and analyst and thinker.
Plus, the dude is fully composed when he stares down these silly post-feminist bitches. (And these two were thankfully brunette and ethnic...) Un-PC for him to win against these homegirls....
Watch the girlies' body language in this clip ...
They are flustered and on the verge of a hysterical seizure!
Never once did Rudov ask them an unfair question.
And they could not credibly answer a single one.
This video is like watching a first conversation between alien species.
And, it's really funny!
(Did the two gay newsreaderboyz just decide to bow out and try to quietly survive this segment?)
No Nonsense since day one.
Marc has been the "No Nonsense Man" since Day One.
Marc Rudov is the No-Nonsense man...
No-nonsense says it all!!
It's actually good to see a man that does not tolerate nonsense. Especially since I know alot of men that do tolerate it!
The domain of Mr. Reality
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
I like this appearances on
I like this appearances on this show a little more than his Fox debates (although I enjoy both). I think sometimes on the Fox debates he gets a little sidetracked, but that does tend to happen when you're passionate about something. Plus, this show there's some give and take, it's not 5 minutes of 'you're wrong Marc!' like the debates can be.
I think he's honing his skills a bit too, and it's helping his opinions get across. Especially when the one host got indignant that he was calling all women prostitutes. He very quickly was able to point out that he's not calling them ALL prostitutes, he's just trying to say if you want the 'traditional' dating model where the man pays your whole way, and then you feel obligated to have sex with him, that we do infact have a word for that profession...
By wording it this way it did force them into a "Well I don't do that.." defence, and as he pointed out, even if they don't, they know plenty of people who do.
His opinions on asking for what you want instead of taking what you can get would serve people a world of good too.
Whenever a debate between
Whenever a debate between mra's and feminists or in this case princesses is allowed it's always clear to see they are not used to being challenged. Resorting to pulling up his online dating history as if its relevant to anything was priceless. Like he's the only American to ever online date? It's as if they are trying to say his single status makes his points irrelevant, he's bursting their princess bubble and they are all of them retorting like spoiled misandrist princesses. They got nothing. IMO that's exactly why well researched and well spoken mra's are typically kept out of the mainstream, they always have the most valid arguments and research and it always contradicts the promoted mainstream view. It's not our fault American debate/news shows have adopted daytime talk show trash tactics.
The Online Dating Shaming Tactic?
Pulling up his Jdate file was pretty pathetic. However, Marc did not let that childish stunt sidetrack him. He simply put the onus of explaining "why" they were pulling his online dating files up on the shoulders of his host. In other words, he "flipped the script" on them.
I don't know if anyone caught this, but one of the women tries to get out of taking responsibility for such a childish act by claiming "someone sent it to was one of their viewers" or something of that nature.
Marc wiped the floor with those clowns. I've known him for awhile now and he's always been on point.
and then you feel obligated to have sex with him
He never said "and then you feel obligated to have sex with him."
Why? Many women that exploit men obviously "don't" feel obligated to close their half of the deal. He simply stated that if you fit into the category of wanting to be wined and dined(unspoken in exchange for your body) then yes he is saying you're a prostitute. I agree. The women he is speaking of are pretty much trading their bodies for financial gain in relationships. Some men rent(boyfriend--girlfriend, One night stands, etc.), some men buy(Marriage, Long-term relationship).
If the woman exploits the man with her body for financial gain she fits the bill.
The domain of Mr. Reality
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
The obligation was implied,
The obligation was implied, yes of course he didn't outright say that, I think everyone knew what he meant.
My point was...
...whether they feel "obligated" or not does not change the situation(i.e. Women who exploit men for money or things money can buy in exchange for access to their bodies are engaging in legalized prostitution) since most women don't feel "obligated" to do anything for men.
I always watch the way things are worded. Since wording something in the wrong way can allow women to get out of being held responsible for their actions.
The domain of Mr. Reality
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
Professor Rudov is a Champion
He is a Champion of logic.
And that will always fluster women who, most of their lives, get what they want by means of manipulation and coercion.
oregon dad
Logically, naturally coercive?
Hey, oregon dad --
Are you suggesting that there is nothing LOGICAL about manipulation and coercion?
That modern women are flustered by men's pretense to logic?
I recommend that you Google "Machiavelli" and read THE PRINCE, and apply it to modern feminism.
"Men must either be pampered or crushed, because they can get revenge for small injuries, but not for grievous ones."
(Niccolo Machiavelli, 1513)