Missing woman returns after $250,000 Search

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO - Family members arranged a meeting at an undisclosed location between investigators and a married woman from Illinois whose disappearance on Christmas Eve prompted a $250,000 search.
Cell phone records indicated Solanki had left voluntarily with a 23-year-old male friend from California, authorities said earlier Friday. Mayberry did not know whether the friend, Karan C. Jani, had returned with Solanki.
Solanki's husband, who lived with his wife near suburban Des Plaines, was not aware of her friendship with Jani, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart told reporters.

Dart said authorities did not know how Solanki and Jani met, but the cell phone records suggested they had been in contact for about a year.

Anu Solanki called a friend Monday afternoon and said four men were following her, then called back saying they were not following her anymore, relatives have said.

Jani placed several cell phone calls to Anu Solanki while she was at work at a Wheeling hotel Monday morning, the sheriff's office said in a statement. Solanki may have met Jani a short time later that day, then left the area with him, officials said.'

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This is a very simple tale of a frustrated new wife seeking a booty call with a young college student.

It's a B-grade soap-opera, Bollywood style.

(The drama queens are both East Indian, so it has some interesting cultural nuances.)

Much shame and blame will happen, for sure.

If it was Brooklyn ... fergit about it!

Don't look at my sister ever again!

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Now the story reads in part:

'Ill. woman regrets disappearance, costly search
CHICAGO - Anu Solanki wanted out of her marriage, so the 24-year-old met a male friend at a forest preserve on Christmas Eve, jumped into his car and fled for what she hoped would be a new life in Southern California.

Only days later, she told investigators, did she learn that her disappearance had made headlines and prompted a costly search by authorities, who had feared that Solanki might have drowned in a river.
Police will meet with prosecutors soon to determine if Solanki broke any laws, but Cunningham declined to say what charges she could possibly face.

"The first thing you'd think of is making a false report. But she didn't make a false report," he said. "It's not a crime to deceive your husband and family."
"She didn't want to have any of his possessions and wanted to completely break with him," Cunningham said. "She indicated that she was not a victim of abuse in their relationship. She just stated she regretted getting married and wanted out of the marriage."'


"The first thing you'd think of is making a false report. But she didn't make a false report," he said. "It's not a crime to deceive your husband and family."

Indeed. Not illegal at all-- unless you're male, in which case you face at least disorderly conduct or maybe perpetuating fraud charges. Pretty young woman? No problem. Wonder if she'll say she was being abused? Watch and wait.

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What I said....

Except I forgot to mention that Ms. Anu Slutanki would "regret" her behavior.

I see an Oprah special in her future!

Wanna bet it was an arranged marriage that she never felt comfortable with?

Tee-vee moovie!

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"It's not a crime to deceive your husband and family."

Yea, we know, or for judges, cops and prosecutors to lie, cheat and steal.

It's a woman's right to choose in all things, and it's the laws right to excuse and reward her.

Justice, truth and the constitution be damned. Afterall, the is femi-nazi America, where women are right and men are wrong so we just need to fabricate evidence to excuse women, fabricate research to excuse women, destroy evidence that would convict a woman, detroy evidence that shows them capable of any kine of wrong doing.

And of course, promote the empowerment of their evil, their moral corruption in mass media.

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One less headache for men to deal with. Why do they always have to come back? Damn...


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Of course she'll claim she was being abused, so that'll shut the door on any responsibility for her. And all she had to do to prevent this was tell somebody-- anybody-- what was going on.

Maybe the police should think twice before wasting taxpayer dollars like this. The chances of her having been abducted were extremely remote, anyhow.

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They are trained to be dumber then shit puppets who are completely incapable of thinking beyond their given instructions and they like it that way.

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