Essay: Feminism is a society killer
An excerpt from the article: "Over the past several decades, feminist leaders like the late Betty Friedan, who was a founder of the National Organization for Women, and Gloria Steinem of Ms. magazine fame have decried the roles of women as mothers and housewives, suggesting they are forms of sexual exploitation. The modern feminist movement, as a result, has placed a higher value on women's place in the working world -- and its influence has had far-reaching consequences.
For example, Joseph D'Agostino, vice president for communications at the Population Research Institute, sees feminism's influence on nations' birth rates. He notes that modern societies now are organized around economic production, not the production of the next generation of human beings. The result? D'Agostino says feminism "destroys" every single society it touches.
"It is the most socially destructive movement perhaps in the history of the world -- and I mean that in the scientific sense," he emphasizes. "Every single culture, every single nation that's adopted feminism [as a dominant philosophy] is now dying out. Feminism means death.""
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Makes sense. Society is made
Makes sense. Society is made of families, and feminism is all about destroying the family, so why would anybody want to have children in a feminist society?
It does even more than destroy families
Because of the type of economy the world uses now, we use money called 'Fiat' money, which is not based on gold, like the old days, it is based on how much goods a country can produce. Like what Joseph D'Agostino is saying.
All developed countries now use this system, so logically, if you take away large portions of the population, then you have economic collapse. Just like Russia experianced, now they are scrambling to save their country. You might have read in the news that Russia is selling all kinds of military technology to just about anyone who has the money to pay for it, because thier flat broke!
Another thing to think about, is that Feminism only exists in developed countries, which really gets me mad. What this means is, once a country is built (mostly on the backs of men, not only in the form of labor, but all the soldiers that have died in wars to protect their country) then the women come out and say "Hey, now that our country is strong, give it to us!"
You wont see feminism in Africa, or China, because they are still on the verge of being an industrialized country. Feminism simply cannot exist in that kind of environment.
China is very close to achieving this, and you can bet as soon as they do, the women will start crying foul and demand that they get their share.
The only place where I have seen feminist type systems work, is far outside the normal populations. Like in deep jungles, where there are still tribes living under a more socialistic society where the females are important to the survival of the tribe. This is done in the form of arranged marriages, or a bride taking on several husbands so they can make lots of babies. In this society the female is not exactly powerfull, in political way, but more in a social way, where she is treated very well because she is the source of life, and the tribe needs that to keep going. But think about that for a second, these tribal women are doing what nature has made them best at, and it works.
Too bad so many western women have given in to the idea that the workplace will provide more satisfaction than having a family. Its no wonder they keep bitching about how unfair society is on them, they cant find happiness and the answer is right under thier noses!!
Of course once men do all of the work, here come the women.
Another thing to think about, is that Feminism only exists in developed countries, which really gets me mad. What this means is, once a country is built (mostly on the backs of men, not only in the form of labor, but all the soldiers that have died in wars to protect their country) then the women come out and say "Hey, now that our country is strong, give it to us!"
It's not unlike a whore that does nothing to improve her image and simply waits around -- like a hunter -- to ensnare a wealthy man while having nothing to offer to him except a stale shot of pussy. This is why women are so obssessed with youth.
I am also pleased to see that other men understand the inherent flaw of the greenback today as opposed to when we were under the Bretton-Woods standard. Many things that we believe in today are false; our court system, our women, our money, our sense of security, and so on...
Great post Dutch.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
more (or less) to come
wonder how the male birth control pill is going to factor in here.
in the back of my mind (feeble as it is these days) something tells me that the MBCpill has already been diverted from shelves. i learned a long time ago what feminists want, they get. that's how we got our collective heads stuck in this septic tank.
like i said, give me a double prescription.
w/o a doubt the rate of replacement is going to take a cliff dive, unless they make it illegal for men to take it. remember, in many states married men need written permission from their wives to get a vasectomy.
if they can pass laws like that in multiple states w/o anybody knowing or talking about it maybe they figure we will just forget about the MBCpill. afer all it's her body, right?
Free Market Feminism
Feminism is the side-show. A convenient distraction from the real conspiracy.
The real origin of family destruction is monopoly globalism. (NAFTA, CAFTA, et. al.)
If you can export to the Third World (and export again to the Fourth World) a man's ability to earn a living wage in the name of "being competitive," then feminism is the least of your worries.
As America becomes a Third World economy, feminism will die off because it requires a middle-class privileged space to exploit.
The "Free" Market will extinguish feminism.
Of course, there is one little problem --
Free for who, to do what, to whom....???
What ever happened to My Body, My Choice?
How come this term is one that only applies to women? I don't think men should need permission from their wives to have a vasectomy, nor do I think they should be forced to get one if their wife wants them to. It should be the man's choice. After all, it is his body. If they try to make the male birth control pill illegal, all we have to do is say "my body, my choice" and they'll crumble. It doesn't surprise me that feminism destroys societies, as feminism creates a bunch of sharp-clawed harpies. I think that harpies have been known for destroying societies. But in all seriousness, it makes sense, because feminism serves to confuse the traditional gender roles in the family, thus skewing the opportunities for such a family to form. On top of this, it promotes women to destroy their unborn children for the sake of freedom (Not that I don't support the right to choose, but it's almost like baby killing is encouraged). So, is feminism ultimately detrimental to society? I think the answer is YES.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
My body, my choice doesn't
My body, my choice doesn't apply to women who prefer not to press charges when they get into an argument and mild shoving match with a man, so that's never applied to anybody who doesn't tow the party line.
I have noticed a very interesting conundrum
Wasn't it Friedan, in her hate-mongering book "Feminine Mystique", who said that housewives were equivalent to prostitutes, because their husbands effectively pay them to have sex? Maybe that is not the exact spin she put on it, but she did equate housewivery with prostitution. Thus was born one of the rallying cries for feminists.
Fast forward 35 years..we now have Marc Rudov, telling Lis Wiehl and the CNN viewers, during their weekly debates, that when women accept payment for a date, such as lunch or a movie, that they are being prostitutes. But, Rudov is an MRA (his main point here seems to be that the guy is an idiot if he's automatically paying for all the dates and showering the woman with gifts). And Wiehl (and usually everybody else on the show, feminists and honarary women alike) disagree with his analogy with prostitution!!
Are modern-day feminist pigs saying Freidan (The Queen Sow) was wrong? Or are they just hoping we've forgotten that part of the book??
No ax, thats the famous
No ax, thats the famous double standard they keep shoving down our throats, one minute they are victims and prostitutes, the next they are strong willed individuals that can do everything on thier own. It all depends on the situation...haha..
Thanks MrReality, I like to research lots of things and history(political, religous and social) is my favorite.
For those of you that dont know, all the worlds wealth is held in the Central Banks, I believe there are 5 of them, one in N.America, Germany, Sweden, Finland and England... I think thats right.
When a country gets into a bind, the central banks can unload millions of dollars to that country, this is technically a loan, but the interst rate is very small, and they have decades to pay it back (but never do thats why we are trillions of dollars in debt).
The amount of the loan is based solely on production and population. The net worth of any country, is based on this. In America we had a housing crunch and millions of dollars were lost in bad loans. So the central banks dumped $100 million dollars into our federal banks!!
Feminims directly effects this system, as our production goes down in America due to cheap labor(from illegals) and Feminism(spoiled american princesses), the net worth of our country goes down fast.