UK Schools told to teach boys netball and dance

Story here. Excerpt:

'Schools have been told to encourage boys to play netball and take dance lessons in the name of equality.

Thousands of schools are being forced to ensure that pupils are more "gender balanced" as part of discrimination legislation introduced this year.

They must also ensure more girls study traditionally masculine subjects such as science, while increasing numbers of boys take options such as drama or dance..."

...Mick Brookes, the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said: "It doesn't make any sense to promote things to boys that they don't want to do, simply so you can tick a box on a form."'

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It is NOT the job of educators to try to reprogram children.
Their job is to teach reading, writing, and mathematics.
Trying to teach a young boy to be a girl is only going to hurt the child in the long run and will likely prevent them from enjoying school.

oregon dad

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So now they'll have boys and girls both doing poorly, taking subjects they have no interest in. I suspect one of those groups will have lots of money dumped on them to improve their performance. I wonder which group it will be...

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Under Britain’s new Gender Equality Duty law, public authorities must ensure that they proactively promote equality between women and men and transsexuals; rather than merely respond to allegations of discrimination.

This means that the onus is shifted from individuals having to prove that they have been discriminated against to public bodies having to positively promote gender equality.

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We're not supposed to be balanced. We're supposed to act like we've got a pair.

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When I went to school there was jack shit preventing us from taking the courses we wanted to, and this brick wall between the genders wasn't there. What I mean is regardless of whether you're a boy or girl, you could take the options you wanted. You could take drama, dance, home ec, shop, computers, art, whatever. I think that what they're doing here is actually detrimental to the cause it's in the name of. How can equality exist if freedoms are taken from people, and children of all people? If freedom is no longer there, equality is pointless.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Forcing activities and programs that children do not want to take will not instill interest. If anything, it will further the children from the activities they are being forced to do. All those anti-drinking programs, in my high-school, where they yelled at you for an hour about dangers never helped. The kids who wanted to drink did and those who didn't never lifted a glass; there were prenotions about drinking in their minds long before the programs.

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