Men Are Disposable, Psychology Today Cover Shows

Cover graphic here. Article here.

Here is the letter I sent Psychology Today about the December cover (their letter submission form is here):

"Dear Editor,

The December cover was blatantly sexist and portrayed men as disposable objects. It showed a woman who was proud of herself for disposing of a man. Because the man was lying on the ground after falling, it implied that violence against men is not only acceptable, but something desirable.

Perhaps you think I lack a sense of humor? My sense of humor in these matters has steadily declined as I've become aware of the perfuse portrayal of men as buffoons, lazy bums, disposable objects, and objects of violence in the media. Many of these are supposed to be funny. Such portrayals of women would never be tolerated, nor should they be.

As a card carrying member of the ACLU, I have a strong commitment to equality. Without a doubt, your cover is sexist and offensive and degrades men. You should apologize for it--to both men and women. If you can't muster an apology, at least explain to everyone why you would think this type of sexism was acceptable for your cover."

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discoverer1..I just sent my E-mail!!

psychology today should be aware that there are some people that are concerned about their current representation of males..

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Can someone give me the same email address you guys used, so the same idiot at P.T. will get more than a couple emails? My impression is that it has always has been a questionable publication anyway. I have browsed through it and I think I've seen articles by Ph.D.'s, but shouldn't those people be doing something more productive, than writing an article which will appear next to an ad for crispy critters?


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...that it's just a story about breaking up with your mate. That's when you should play the switch and ask if they would ever show a spurned woman sprawling on the ground, while a content-looking man is holding a saw.

This isn't as violent as most things we talk about here, but I certainly don't think they'd show the reverse, even in this...

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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looks more lke cosmo to me.

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I want to send them an email too. This is BS. I know it's not as bad as a lot of stuff, but it's true if it was a woman on the ground, and a man with a content look, it would not have been used. Since when does breaking up with somebody mean you have to commit violence against them? I guess the propagators of this filth are as idiotic as the makers of Cosmo, which by the way seems like it was written by a bunch of teenage girls at a tenth grade level.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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