Sydney Herald Blog: "Man Haters"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ask ten people on the street what the opposite of misogyny is and eight will probably say "polygamy" or "trigonometry"; in fact the term for a hatred of men is "misandry" and it's so rarely used Microsoft Word's spell check doesn't even recognise that combination of letters (go and try it, I'll wait.)

The fact is, if you were to apply the same criteria to misandry that some feminists use for misogyny and its "pervasiveness" in Western culture, you couldn't turn on your TV, open a newspaper or attend a hens night without being swamped by our "hatred for men".'

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In some of the comments following the article, women complain that many of their experiences with men have been negative; men are selfish, they don't commit, they expect the woman to do the laundry, etc.

What do these women expect? When you rob men of their rights, you also remove their sense of responsibility. Of course men are going to be passive-aggressive. Give a man a real stake in a marriage and more often than not, he'll honor his commitments. But why should any man put anything into a relationship if he can't expect anything back? He'll only do that if he finds a woman he KNOWS he can depend on.

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Let's debunk this "bunk" shall we?

1. men are selfish,

Translation: This usually means the man does not kowtow to the woman or spend all of his money on her. He's not selfish he's smart.

In truth, women are the selfish ones because they hardly ever do anything for men as a group. You may have a few women here and there that do for men but together women rarely support men and they hardly ever pay for us the way they want men to pay for them.

Conclusion: Women are selfish and men are sick of tolerating it.

2. they don't commit,

I am submitting an article that answers this partially; it is titled: "Women marry for money." The other half is any married man is effectively a second class citizens both in his relationship and to the government.

Conclusion: Don't commit.

3. they expect the woman to do the laundry, etc.

A woman that expects to be paid for by men, get preferential treatment everywhere, have doors opened for her, get automatic child support because she has a pussy, etc, etc has the nerve to get mad because he told her to do the fucking laundry?

Please...bitch get your motherfucking ass in there and do those goddamn clothes and make sure my shit is ironed and folded too.

Conclusion: Most women are insane today.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Truth is, I found out about this website when I went online trying to find out what the opposite of misogyny is. It took me about two hours, as the word is so rarely used. Not to mention, the word misandric is not recognized by for some reason. BTW, I agree with the other two comments. Relationships have become a losing situation for men. There's no point in spending yourself into the poor house to be treated like shit. I learned this lesson the hard way.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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When I type the word "misandry" in MS word and run a spellcheck, it offers to substitute -

* masonry
* milady
* missionary


It cracks me up that all three of these suggested terms reek of ancient chivalry, male wage-slaves, and boring sexual positions!

Anybody got Melinda Gates' phone number?

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