Police say woman groped Santa

Is nothing sacred? Story here. What's unusual is that she's even being charged. That's progress. Excerpt:

'DANBURY -- A 33-year-old woman was charged with fourth-degree sexual assault Saturday after allegedly groping a man playing Santa Claus at the Danbury Fair mall.

Sandrama Lamy, 33, of Danbury, is charged with fourth-degree sexual assault, according to Danbury Detective Lt. Thomas Michael.'

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If convicted she could end up on a database pretty much indefinitely, right? I wonder if women who support the system realize how extreme it is.

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she'll have an excuse.

maybe we should start a betting line. the whole victim scam thing is soooo predictible in court.

i'll bet $x she says she has a sex problem and needs therapy.

anybody want the "i was abused" one? low odds there.

how about the new long shot "i thought he called me a ho"? shorter odds in Australia.

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When I first read the article headline here, I must admit: I laughed.

Just the image of a horny chick groping Santa is one that just struck me as funny.

After reading the comments posted after the article, I'm pretty disappointed in men in general.

There are a few guys who are sane and saying, " If a man did it to a woman, he'd go to jail so she should go to jail too."

The vast majority of male responses are more along the lines of, "Lucky guy, how do I apply for a Santa job?"

Are guys this desparate for some personal contact? Really?

I hang in bars. You can't go to a bar 3 Fridays in a row without having a woman suggest heading to your place or hers. I mean that literally. Is there some sub-culture of guys that live in their Mother's basement who fantasize about how, when they were on the bus, they were only 2 feet from a real, live woman?

Honestly, I've groped women aplenty and been groped aplenty myself (And, to be honest, both have happened at work a lot). I've never freaked out about it and neither did the women.

Just a little rant because I love women. Don't get me wrong, I'm a strong supporter of men's rights. We need equal protection of the law. That said, unless you're gay - learn to deal with women. Protect yourself legally, but why be a hermit? Moving to somewhere that the culture is different works, but you must stay there to keep the benefit. Bring her home, and 6 months after she learns the language, she'll be just like our home-grown women. The reason for this is, women are women. I know, you're gasping with shock. They have flaws just like we do. Learn what those flaws are and don't let them ruin your life.

A lot of guys I read comments from on the MR blogs take the approach of, "They won't look twice at a good man like me, but they'll fall on their backs and spread their legs for some tattoo'd, drug using, non bible-reading, hoodlum. I say good for them. I don't need women. I don't want women. They're fat and ugly and all slimy between the legs. Yeccch!!"

That thinking is because these are guys who thought, on some level they needed to work for or buy a woman's attention. You know what happens if you think this way? Women treat you like someone who has to work for or buy their attention!!!!! If you're a better man and you know it, act like you know it. Anybody you put on a pedestal will treat you like they're on a pedestal and you're not. Don't stand for their shit. If they annoy you, walk away. As silly as it sounds, women want someone they can't walk all over.

I know we've all been hurt on some level by women, and we've all hurt them on some level, but they are half the population.

We need equal treatment under the law, beyond that though, learn to deal with the other half. They're pretty damned easy to deal with as long as you let the big head make decisions and you aren't afraid of them.

Edit: I know this post isn't exactly about the story, but it's a rant that's been building since I've been researching men's rights and reading blogs and article comments on the subject. There seems to be a very small minority of balanced guys. The majority fall into 2 camps:
1) Women are goddesses whose feet we need to kiss. I wish some of them would let me kiss those feet. I'm so sad and pitiful.
2) Women suck! They're inhuman, demonic, blood-sucking creatures from from the planet castration. I'm going to hide under my bed now.

I don't know, I just want the freedom to be happy. To me, that happiness wouldn't be complete without warm, willing, naked women in my bed. The problem isn't that they're abusing the law (that's one of the flaws most women have - they will abuse power if they have it), the problem is that the law allows them to abuse it arbitrarily. That's where I think our fight is. Am I the only one who feels this way?

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But don't you want to at least be selective about what you allow into your bed? You're saying "don't let them ruin your life," but that's not up to you.

You could be standing in a bar and not grope a woman and have her say that you did, and that's it, POW! you're on a database for life. That's all it takes.

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There seems to be a very small minority of balanced guys. The majority fall into 2 camps:
1) Women are goddesses whose feet we need to kiss. I wish some of them would let me kiss those feet. I'm so sad and pitiful.
2) Women suck! They're inhuman, demonic, blood-sucking creatures from from the planet castration. I'm going to hide under my bed now.

Both of those highly opinionated positions are quite false. The men's movement is quite varied and cannot be pigeonholed into two weak Ad Hominem attacks. Moreover I have never seen an "actual MRA"(this does not include imposters of which we receive plenty here on Mensactivism.org. I actually believe you're one but that is another story..) refer to a woman as a "goddess", that's feminist spirituality that promotes such nonsense.

Also, I've seen this very same argument -- that you're regurgitating -- presented before and it basically equates to "don't blame women, they won't change, just live with and tolerate negative behavior." The inherent flaws in said argument are readily apparent. The last person that brought such a fraudulent piece of bile to these boards was also debunked and dismissed.

I don't know, I just want the freedom to be happy. To me, that happiness wouldn't be complete without warm, willing, naked women in my bed. The problem isn't that they're abusing the law (that's one of the flaws most women have - they will abuse power if they have it), the problem is that the law allows them to abuse it arbitrarily. That's where I think our fight is. Am I the only one who feels this way?

No, the problem is most men are concerned more about "not being complete without a warm, willing, naked woman in his bed" than their own rights as a civilian. Negative behavior is learned at a young age with women taught by both men and women that say the very same things you do "Girls will be girls." I just want to fuck, let them run wild and ruin things. Hey they are just being girls right? Wrong. Females are told -- in so many words -- at a very young age that their vagina carries power and that most men(at a young age) are socialized to base their happiness on women, as you do. People create the government and its laws, not vice versa. You must attack the source of the problem not the result. The government is a vehicle utilized by spoiled women to "make the personal political." Before they made misandric laws they used the klan. Nurtured hatred will alway find a way to assert itself whether through the government, the media, the klan, etc.

The law is the dependent variable not the independent one. Creating these laws are men and women who are socialized to react negatively to one another. What you see as "women just being women" is learned behavior from years of pampering, coddling, and simply not being held accountable for what they do. It is not unlike the behavior of a spoiled child that gets away with so much dirt that said child begins to see the dirt they do as their "right."

Ignoring it and "just wanting to get laid" is the worse thing an MRA can do.

I've said my piece. If you're anything like the other pseudos that run through here you'll want to argue on and on.

So, feel free to go back and forth with the other MRAs you come across. I am sure some will be dumb enough to agree with you. I've had my fill of inane ramblings from pseudo-MRAs.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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You have to be able to recognize an MRA imposter such as those who routinely invade this forum. They usually say such things as "don't blame women, let women do what they want" or "Girls are just like that, let's just have sex with them."

In other words they excuse excessive negative behavior from women routinely. Remember, they are "just being women." This society that refuses to hold women responsible for their negative behavior then creates men and women that refuse to hold women responsible. These men and women become judges/politicians and thus do not hold women responsible. Responsibility must be thrust upon women by no longer tolerating their bullshit. Just as most men do not tolerate another man's bullshit. The pseudo-MRAs happiness comes from women so he in effect "worships them." He'll take anything from her as long as she gives him a shot of stale ass. As a matter of fact most pseudo-MRAs think happiness is sleeping with some AIDS-infested skank in a hotel "he paid for."

It's quite pathetic...really.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I'm not an MRA imposter. I don't label myself anything. As a man, I feel we should get equal protection under the law. While I understand what you're saying about the societal indoctrination of both genders to think man bad woman good, and I agree this is a problem, I just believe the real issue is the legal system making it possible for women to rape men in court, not their tendency to take advantage of this (I did state I believe they're likely to do this if allowed.)

As for worshipping women, I didn't say my ONLY source of happiness and fulfillment was women, but they are A source of happiness and fulfillment for me. Do you see something wrong with that? I've said it, convict me: I love women. I enjoy them and get more out of interacting with them than a nut.

The point I was trying to make (and, like I said, it was a rant - therefore my rambling might have been unclear) - is that IF (big IF) we had equal protection under the law, the personal issues could be dealt with easily.

Also, I was saying DON'T put up with their princess shit. The fact that men put up with it is why they keep doing it. Maybe you consider me a troll, I don't consider myself one. I just feel like the problem isn't how women act, but how we react. If you don't like how someone talks to you, or whatever, you're free not to associate with that person. Unless, like you guys have pointed out, that person has the option of punishing you legally for nothing at all. That's what I think the #1 problem is. Sure, it's bad that feminists control college campus decision-makers. Why can't we change that? Because a woman will say we're scaring her and we'll go to jail. On a societal level, the laws need to be changed before men's opinions can even be heard in a wide-spread forum.

That's the side of our indoctrination that's hurting us. Men are taught to "Man up" and grit their teeth and accept whatever's going on instead of trying to fix the problem. I just don't feel like the 2 extreme types I mentioned in that previous post can get past their fear and stand tall. I was trying to say we can't hide in a closet and avoid confronting the issue. If that makes me a troll, I guess I am.

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Sam, my concern is that you aren't sufficiently afraid. The vibe I'm picking up is, "This is bad, this bad, and this bad, but it won't happen to me." Big mistake.

I'm not saying don't have anything to do with women again, but I am saying be cautious. They don't need proof to arrest you, and they don't need proof to convict you. Not all of the women who hang out in the environment you described are of upstanding character.

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I'm as afraid as I need to be, which is deathly afraid. I assumed that was a given. The thing is, that's the reality we live in. We can smacked in the head by the legal club at any time for any (or no) reason.

That being said: I refuse not to live my life. I also refuse to apologize for what I enjoy in life.

There are definite "don't do's" in today's atmosphere
- Don't get married
- Don't procreate

These are just borderline suicidal actions in the reality we're in.

Part of why I think everybody misread my previous text was my fault, I was comparing apples to minivans.

The thing that got the rant started was all the guys posting in the comment section of this article. I didn't read all of them, but from what I did read, 2 out of 3 guys answered something to the effect of, "Santa should have been happy he got groped, I would be." I wasn't saying I've EVER heard someone who calls himself a MRA say anything like this. These are the pitiful guys I was saying don't seem to realize there's a whole world of sluts out there that can be had for a glance.

These guys just seem so, I don't know - broken? by the situation.

There are also many people who call themselves MRA's who are just pissed (A lot of us are pissed, justifiably), but all they want to do is demonize women who take advantage of the law, instead of talking about how the law needs (and when I say "law" I mean legal system) to be fixed. This, to me, just looks like the other side of the feminism coin. On this site, the vast majority of people who post seem to be still sane and still men, that's why I felt I could post what I did without being flamed (AHEM.).

Sure, people are pissed. There's plenty of people who are pissed. Mr Reality comes off as pissed a lot, but what he says makes sense. To me, the "I refuse to have anything to do with those dirty women who won't give me the time of day" people seem broken, too. Maybe I WAS asking for it to say something like, "I love women" on any MRA site, but hey - I do. My point was if you do happen to like women, this attitude seems like drowning yourself to make sure you don't get hit by a car. What I was saying was, if you're going to be around women, learn about their psychology. I'm not claiming any great insight into women, but I've spent a lot of time studying how they react to certain things, and tricks they use to get what they want that hurt guys.

Bottom line, my point was be informed, but live your life. Like I said, women are half the population and for what it's worth, I really don't think they will change the way they think and act so keeping that in mind is your first line of defense on a personal level.

ps I didn't say I go to bars to get laid, I said I hang in bars. I actually enjoy shooting pool, beer, and bad country bands on stage. I never have sex for the first time with a woman if she's had ANYTHING alcoholic to drink. I was just saying that those pitiful, broken guys who seem to think women are so special we should feel special if they touch us should get a reality check and spend some time in them learning that we're the ones in demand.

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I don't really expect you to get it...many don't which is why men are where they are today.

I'm not an MRA imposter. I don't label myself anything. As a man, I feel we should get equal protection under the law. While I understand what you're saying about the societal indoctrination of both genders to think man bad woman good, and I agree this is a problem, I just believe the real issue is the legal system making it possible for women to rape men in court, not their tendency to take advantage of this (I did state I believe they're likely to do this if allowed.)

Actually I was referring more to the societal indoctrination that states women should make men pay for them and women should manipulate men into doing things for them rather than being partners with men.

Biologically women are attracted to men; whether they talk about us negatively or positively they are ALWAYS talking about us. Once a society of women(and men) raised to think men should provide for women comes into the picture the indoctrination begins. At an early age women learn HOW to have a man provide for them whether those ways are legal or illegal. One of the mechanisms being utilized now is the government. Yet this was not always the case. Thus the government is simply a vehicle at the time. As soon as one gets rid of it the root of the problem remains. Women have used other means in the past and when those means were exposed or exhausted they moved on to the next one.

As for worshipping women, I didn't say my ONLY source of happiness and fulfillment was women, but they are A source of happiness and fulfillment for me. Do you see something wrong with that? I've said it, convict me: I love women. I enjoy them and get more out of interacting with them than a nut.

Your personal opinion -- and/or infatuation(with) -- on women has no bearing on the facts being presented.

The point I was trying to make (and, like I said, it was a rant - therefore my rambling might have been unclear) - is that IF (big IF) we had equal protection under the law, the personal issues could be dealt with easily.

You will not have equal protection under the law because men are not seen as equal to women due to the reasons stated above. Controlling "the law" are men and women that adhere to the misandric doctrine exposed earlier in my post. Thus until this societal stigma against men is removed the laws will either remain OR as one law is removed another misandric law shall take its place.

As I said simply attacking "the law" and not the corrupted gender relations propagated by women(and enforced by men and women) -- based on greed and a lack of respect for men -- behind it is like striving to drown an ocean.

Have fun..

Also, I was saying DON'T put up with their princess shit. The fact that men put up with it is why they keep doing it. Maybe you consider me a troll, I don't consider myself one. I just feel like the problem isn't how women act, but how we react. If you don't like how someone talks to you, or whatever, you're free not to associate with that person. Unless, like you guys have pointed out, that person has the option of punishing you legally for nothing at all. That's what I think the #1 problem is. Sure, it's bad that feminists control college campus decision-makers. Why can't we change that? Because a woman will say we're scaring her and we'll go to jail. On a societal level, the laws need to be changed before men's opinions can even be heard in a wide-spread forum.

Of course the problem is how women "are taught" to act; and it is mostly other women doing the teaching with a few chivalrous buffoons. Watch a female child and male child before other female adults and chivalrous men get involved and they will play with each other as if there is no difference between the two. Once adults get involved these young girls that get along with boys easily are told to "not play with boys" and are labelled "tomboys." They are taught "young ladies don't act like that" and taught to have men treat them a certain way in exchange for company. They are made into whores. Society -- controlled by women -- is against girls interacting normally with boys; there always has to be an arbitrator and a price tag. The father -- taught to be a human shield for the "women" in the family -- is the one used(by the mother) to enforce so-called female virtue. The father is not the culprit, he's just the stupid enforcer that believes he is helping women. In essence he represents the enforcement side of the government. The woman represents the administration.

Women supported and funded Hitler. When women utilized the WKKK as their power structure they did the very same thing; used men to enforce women's will. The stigma that started the hatred against black men was spread by women and many women were present at hangings. Once that died out and they no longer needed it -- after getting the vote -- they moved on to the government. Thus why I say the government is simply their most recent "vehicle."

The mistake made is noone ever looks at the root of the problem which is how women are socialized to be takers and men are socialized to protect women no matter what. Men are taught "never to hit(i.e. attack) a woman." This translates into never criticize a woman and the infmaous "men don't hit women" beaten into young boys by mainly mothers but also chivalrous fathers.

To claim the father(i.e. the enforcer) is the root of the problem is obviously false. Until the dysfunctional relationships between women and men are corrected the cycle of hatred perpetuated by women will continue.

That's the side of our indoctrination that's hurting us. Men are taught to "Man up" and grit their teeth and accept whatever's going on instead of trying to fix the problem. I just don't feel like the 2 extreme types I mentioned in that previous post can get past their fear and stand tall. I was trying to say we can't hide in a closet and avoid confronting the issue. If that makes me a troll, I guess I am.

I have yet to see a real MRA hiding in the closet. I see word being spread via the internet(which is a powerful tool), you have people on TV(such as Marc Rudov. He is basically saying the same thing I am with a few exceptions), and we have bright men such as Marc A. in the legal arena holding things down. We are moving forward -- and it is working -- the dismal and quite false "men are at fault alone" ideology you hold cannot be accepted as fact.

I broke my own rule by responding yet again. This "will" be my last post to you on this subject.

Do well..


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Though I believe your post could have been shorter, I agree with what was said. I agree that the source of this double standard is that girls are taught from a young age that boys are unworthy of them unless they have something to offer. This is the equivalent of prostitution. As a boy grows older, few things change. Women act like men are lepors unless they have a perfect body and money. Well, you know what I think of women who act like this? They're parasites. What other word describes a life form looking to attach itself to another life form for sustainance? And BTW, I've stopped playing their stupid game where no matter what I'm not good enough. My ex-girlfriend was a big fan of that game. I did so much for her, then she cheated on me and dumped me for no reason, cause she knew she could. I didn't matter, because she could easily find another guy, due to the fact that many men out there are raised to believe that women should be worshipped. Well, I'm calling bullshit. Women always try to cut us off from sex to punish us. Well, I believe if WE refused to have sex with them to PUNISH THEM, we could gain the upper hand. But, who would want to act so immaturely? Only a female indoctrinated from an early age.

A woman is just a man with an inverted penis.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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A woman is just a man with an inverted penis.

Well there are innate biological differences between the two, but that in no way translates into women biologically "having to" murder innocent people in cold-blood. Women try to use the primitive, outdated fallback "men are providers" angle, but such nonsense is simply not factual(men are who they want to be). No more than the fact that a grown man(or woman) who used to walk on all fours -- as humans evolved -- means they have to do so now.

Men have evolved, most women haven't. Most women still engage in primitive behavior and society backs them up instead of telling them to "grow up." It's like women hit a "glass ceiling"(*Tongue in cheek*) in their evolution and got stuck in a primitve way of thinking.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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