Misandrist Filmmaker Eli Roth Strikes Again

I must warn all the readers that this post will likely disturb you. The first Hostel was bad enough, but sadly, a sequel was made (which was banned in New Zealand and not even for the reasons I mention) which pushes misandry to it's limits and then some. Though the trailer leads you to believe that women will be the main victims of this movie, it is actually three men who suffer the worst fates; one is eaten alive by dogs, another is eaten alive by a cannibal, and the third is sexually mutilated at the hands of one of the would-be victims, completely uncensored. Had it shown a woman being mutilated sexually, it would have never made it into theatres. In a suprising twist, a poster for the movie depicting the body of a dead woman was pulled because it was deemed "misogynistic", yet the movie itself, horrifically misandric, was still allowed to be released. Can anybody else think of a greater example of a double standard in movies? We need to work together to get this filth banned!

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Hey, I like Eli Roth. Quote from 'Cabin Fever': "That's not funny. "Yes it was, you slut!"

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It's interesting that we live in a society that tolerates and even endorses torture porn snuff movies going Hollywood mainstream, but we are prohibited from viewing the images of the flag-drapped caskets of thousands of dead U.S. soldiers coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan.

I guess pornography truly is still defined legally as -- "I'll know it when I see it."

But when you can't see it, will you know it?

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The answer to that is more footage of the caskets, not government control of entertainment. Calling for censorship of the entertainment media has always been a page of the feminist playbook-- a play that has very rarely paid off for them. See any lack of porn, for example?

The government is the feminist's tool. Let's not invite it into our lives.

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Completely agree with you Sosickoftheirlies.

I'm against all censorship because it requires the establishment of authorities who dictate what I can read, see, or experience -- once you buy into censorship, you have already defined yourself as an infant incapable of making decisions.

This is partly why the majority of feminists are anti-porn -- they view themselves as victims needing protection "a priori" -- though it remains a divisive issue, with all the raunch culture "girls gone wild" female liberation today and Hanna Montana dildos.

(I made that last one up ... they're not scheduled for marketing by Disney until 2011... Hanna has to evolve as a brand...)

You have to admit that it is curious that we Americans will pay to sit through a gore-fest like Hostel and its slasher genre ilk, yet we insist upon being protected from seeing documentary footage of what actually happens in combat, or even police videos of ghetto robberies and average daily urban slaughter, right?

American's dilemma has always been the insistence on being privileged but still retaining our innocence.

The days of a child-like Empire are waning....

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Absolutely. The public should get a chance to see that footage.

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And what's really funny (ironic?) is that the Internet will be the first medium where America's daily Permanent War footage will show up.

(The technology already exists, obviously, to stream "live" or recent digitial video onto any given web site.) It's only our government's repression that is preventing such war coverage. That's called censorship.

And the video compression algorithms that make streaming possible on the web were largely capitalized by the PORN Industry!

So, behind every Hanna Montana clip on YouTube, there's a porn site coder who's dedicated to increasing optimum bandwidth.

Crazy world, eh?

When the feminists stop complaining about porn long enough to educate a few genius next-wave coders, then they will experience something like equality.

Until then, wait for the Hanna Montana vibrator ensemble, with optional 'net-controlled joy stick for her partner.

Available in pink, blue, and lavender!

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........because Cabin Fever was so good. I saw both Hostel's and both equally sucked.

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Im glad im not the only one who thought Hostel 1&2 where misandric. Searches on the net only bring up the "Its offensive to women" crap.

It wasnt a woman who was killed ina copy-cat killing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostel:_Part_II#Bj.C3.B6rn_Jue_murder)

And check this comment out (from the link in the artical)

"the scene with the girl getting cut with the sickel was disgusting but the rest of the movie was awesome castration on stuart FTW!"


Eli Roth is a sick man-hating traitor.

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I just want to say that I'm sorry if anyone was traumatized by hearing this news. That movie bothered me for nearly a month. In fact, I fell into a deep deep depression because all I could think about was how such a horrible act committed against a man makes a movie a blockbuster, when they would never show something of a similar nature happening to a woman. The closest they ever came was in Freddy vs. Jason when Freddy is about to finger the blonde girl with his blades, but was stopped. It makes me sick that hollywood would even allow sexual mutilation to be a part of a film. I'm also against censorship for the most part, but when it comes to something as demeaning, and traumatizing as this, I believe that the only people who would miss it are sick psycho bastards anyway, so who really misses out? I also sent a letter to the film advisory board asking why a film as grotesque as this was allowed to be released. I'm still awaiting a response. Anyway, the reason I said you guys helped me a lot is because when I voiced my discontent with this film among my male friends they all looked at me like I was crazy, and I began to feel alone and powerless in a truly anti-male world. God Bless all of you, for in all honesty, had I not found this site, I might have committed suicide to get my message across. It seemed there was no other way. But now that I feel I have allies (and might I say I feel like I've known all of you my whole life), I feel like I can make a difference. I think what I might do is make cue cards which say something like "If you buy this movie, you are worse than a rapist." and put them in front of copies of the movies in stores. [Cause who else would enjoy the sexual mutilation of someone?] In closing, I would like to agree that Eli Roth is indeed a misandrist traitor, and a sick psycho saddist, and if he is sent to hell, I'll applaud God, for no punishment would be more fitting for someone who thinks an act worse than murder and rape combined is entertainment. Anyone else wanna burn an effigy? BTW, I think it's horrible that thanks to this sick bastard, someone was inspired to torture someone else to death. But, I must say I'm glad that I'm not the only one who views this abomination for what it truly is. Wikipedia said Rotten Tomatoes gave it a failing mark. That's a sigh of relief.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Did anyone notice in the movie, how when the girl was chopping the guys dick off, it was not portrayed as "evil violence perpetrated by a woman"?

But when the gender roles are reversed, the man is portrayed as evil, especially for killing a woman.

As Warren Farrell has pointed out: horror movies are the only genre where a woman who has appeared in a given movie in more than two scenes, is still allowed to be killed...and horror movies almost always include the death of at least one woman, because a man being killed is not considered horrible enough to make it a horror movie.


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If anyone really wants to be pissed off by a movie, watch "Hard Candy."

About the film-- wouldn't it be better to write letters asking for a man-hating liar like Nancy Grace to get kicked off of TV? She's not a horror movie director, but a former prosecutor and "journalist" who uses lies and sleaze to get attention, completely degrading her own profession and everybody who has anything to do with her. You might expect horrible things to happen to a man (and plenty of women) in Eli Roth movies, but nobody like Nancy Grace should ever be allowed to pose as a journalist.

One other point: please, please, PLEASE nobody commit suicide! (Or any other -cide!) The point of it really would be lost. Just donate $100/year to men's rights causes and post online and you'll be doing your part to drive the feminazis batshit.

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The problem is its getiing harder and harder to find films without sick crap. Ima horror fan but im starting to avoid anything post 2000 because its like every modern film has to have it in. I check IMDB for 'castration' before watching so i dont have to see such sick sh*t. Even in 1408 it gets a mention (at least it wasnt shown though).

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I hear you, empirical. I usually like horror movies, too, but the one thing I don't want to see is castration. It's something I don't even want to think about. And what really bugs me about H2 is that that chick in the movie proved that she was more saddistic than anyone else in the place, and she got to live! But it might comfort you to know that I thought of a great idea to make the world wake up and smell the coffee. I've never mentioned this to you guys, but I've recently started writing a horror movie in which evil people are killed via a combination of their own actions and karma. (I also have a character in this movie who's based on Eli Roth, who gets killed ^_^) It was one of the ways I found solace through my depression. I think I might start writing another movie as a side project. This movie will be about a womanizer who lures women to their deaths. In this movie, I'll have it show said womanizer cutting off a woman's breasts, as well as her labia (or give her a female circumcison), and as people are offended and mortified, and start to complain, I'll ask them, "why is this exact same thing ok if the victim's a man and the perpetrator's a woman?" It seems drastic, but that might be what I have to do. Not that I would actually want to see that happen to a woman; it would be like one of Goya's paintings. He was a Spanish artist who painted scenes of savagry to teach people it's wrong to be savage. It seems gender reversal is the only way to show people.

The one thing that really kills me is feeling powerless, and doing nothing, thus I will not be idle. As Elie Wiesel, concentration camp survivor and author of Night says "the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference." Pretty profound.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Feel free to check out the other topics too, as well as the sidebars..certainly this issue is not the only one you're interested in?

I wonder whatever happened to Paragon...


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Whilst I understand what your trying to do I dint think its the right way to make a difference. You will never get such a film made or distributed (unless privately or something) in today's women loving society. Attitudes that female on male violence is fun and great is what needs to be changed. The film is just a minor symptom of that.

If you don't want to feel powerless then don't. There are many ways to make a difference. Be sure to get involved in RADAR campaigns and help raise awareness and change attitudes. Everyday REAL men are beaten, abused and even murdered by their wives or girlfriends and society either ignores them or laughs at them. These guys need your help.

Do write to complain when you see misandry on film or TV. Personally Id rather balance it by stopping such things being idly put into films.

BTW The film 'Creep' has both male and female sexual mutilation in it, but not close up on the act. I think that's as far as you could go today.

But whatever you choose, good luck!

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...and the never-ending stream of sexist, misandric, girl-power/girl-privilege crap coming out of Hollywood, the movie industry will get the next penny from me when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.

I don't even watch TV anymore, I just can't stand the sexism. I don't even want to hear about women.

In a world where a woman sexually mutilating a man is considered entertainment, where women have better-than-equal standing in all areas of society, and where women can slaughter men for profit and get probation for it, all of the formerly "innocent" jokes and violence at men's expense JUST AREN'T F*CKING FUNNY ANYMORE.

Given how ridiculously anti-male the climate has become, if a woman makes a joke at your expense, make one at hers and call her out on her sexism as loudly and as publicly as possible. If it's in a workplace or other "protected" environment, make a case against her with HR and file a human rights complaint. If a woman even discusses seeing this movie or others like it, tell her she's a sick, sexist bitch that needs some inpatient psychiatric help in a hurry.

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On the other hand... isn't it good to show that men can also be victimized? Men should see the horror of castration, which is a crime much worse than rape.

Remember all of the jokes about John Wayne Bobbitt? I doubt there would have been so many titters if they'd actually seen what she did to him.

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Here's a movie you might want to avoid, "Hard Candy". The majority of the movie focuses on a teenage girl castrating a man. How long would a movie last if female gential mutilation was the theme? Its ironic the writers and director of the film were men. The movie is also rated very high by some prominent movie critics. You know what guys, maybe some here should watch the movie to truly gage the gential hypocrisy in this country. A mans gential integrity means very little when compared to a woman's.


FYI: I watched the movie with my girlfriend. Neither of us knew what the movie was about. I watched the entire movie, but she found the movie disturbing and stopped watching after about 40 minutes. She even asked me "How can any guy watch this"? I told her it was more of a sociological gender study.

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Yes, that movie will totally piss you off. The female character is the most sanctimonious little ho you'll ever see (outside of cable news).

Not a bad film, although it really, really cops out at the end, making her vile behavior appear justified instead of leaving it an open question.

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I also don't want to see a movie with female genitial mutilation.

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I started reading again to entertain myself, given how horribly misandric TV and movies have become. The best part is that you get to pick and choose the author, the subject, everything, and none of it has been re-edited to add in misandry.

If you must watch a movie, go for something that's a male fantasy or which is oriented towards men. Failing that, never watch anything made after 1970 without checking it for misandry first. Basically, if it was made before 1964, you're safe. If you want some suggestions, just ask. Ditto for man-friendly fiction (I spend most of my time at home reading, so I've got quite a list).

Unlike people who write fiction aimed at women, none of the authors I read these days spend significant amounts of time trying to make their target audience feel better at the expense of the other gender.

As for your comment about suicide, that's no joke, and I've had my share of dark moments myself (I'm a survivor of some serious abuse, so I've got my issues to contend with and I've faced such thoughts before). If you're ever seriously considering or planning to harm/kill yourself, you need to talk to a health care professional about it, and I mean right the fuck now. No bullshit, get on the phone, call 9-1-1, or a crisis line. You hear me? One man to another, don't mess around with that stuff.

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You have a point, but there's better ways to achieve that than giving sick little girls their "kicks" by staging the mutilation of men and boys on-screen.

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I definitely think that there's misandry in Hollywood, but it's more subtle than castration scenes.

In many, many Hollywood movies, all of the men are wimps, while all of the women are screaming bitches. The men always defer to their obnoxious behavior.

One good example: "A Perfect Storm." That movie oozes feminist ideals and stereotypes. There's even a scene in which you learn that a male character was given a black eye by his female fiance, and he doesn't think it's even an issue, and neither does his mother. This doesn't even have anything to do with the rest of the film; the black eye story is just thrown in there for its own sake, as if the writer is going out of his way to make a point about female violence being acceptable.

And there are never any weak, neurotic women who think that the Y chromosome is and should be bred out of existence-- we only have to deal with them in real life.

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In the film in question he is NOT shown as a victim its shown he deserved it and wasnt she just swell for doing it to him.

In 'Creep' a man and a woman are sexualy mutilated, but again (he suddenly inexplicably attempts to rape someone) its shown he deserved it.

In 'Battle Royale' a boy is sexually mutilated by a girl. Again he mentions "I could rape you" to insure he too deserves it.

THEY ARE NOT SHOWING THIS AS VICTIMISATION. They are showing that any man steps out of line and this is what you do to him.

Don't believe me? Go check out the IMDB board for Hostel 2. There is a evil fem scum there saying how good it was and how guys deserve this. Dont expect to see anyone disagreeing much either.

Its part of the indoctrination. Mutilation of guys is good. We mutilate boys when they are too small to defend themselves against there barbaric parents. And if a women mutilates a man that's ok too because MEN DESERVE THIS.

And Eli Roth is also sending this message out, which is why I call him a sick man-hating traitor.

And whilst the copy-cat killing was done by men, it was due to a lie told by a woman.

Even when men are not shown to deserve it, you think people see them as victims? Check out the comments from the video link in the original post. One says the girl getting killed was disgusting but the rest was fine.

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A good film (which surprised me being modern) was National Treasure. Nick Cage continuously tells a woman to keep quiet until she can learn not to raise her voice, its funny and shocking. I'm surprised it wasn't banned or something lol.

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Way back up this thread, I tried to make the connection, indirectly, between celebrating movies that mutilate men as fictional symbolic sacrificial spectacles, and a society that refuses to even directly acknowledge let alone view its actual accepted brutality of sacrificing young men as IED fodder and amputated heroes.

Apparently I failed to make this point fully, or maybe there's a whole sub-genre of MRAs who just like to debate the merits of faux-porn slasher movies.

Whatever. It's all cultural criticism in the end.

There was a time in film criticism when a daring experiment like Hostel would have been ruthlessly interrogated for its politics.

Today, all that matters is its BANK.

The opposite of the authoritarian censorship flock is the idiot "we're just giving them what they want..." crowd.

And still we have no images of the flag-drapped caskets, or the amputees, or the widows, or the kids missing their dads and moms.

Hostel is a metaphor for the stylized violence that America can accept, and for the implied actual carnage that it must ignore.

Witnessing/experiencing actual rather than vicarious porn-torture-flick pain would be the end of the John Wayne popcorn moovee "We're Number One" fiction, right?

Seeing a flick like Hostel is like taking a valium and telling yourself that your successfully adapting....

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Well, I'd just like to say again thank you all for all you've done for me and sorry if this news really bothered anybody. I thought I was the only one on planet earth who was outraged by the content of the film, but now that I think about it, most people would find the movie utterly disgusting, men and women. For those that actually enjoy this kind of sick stuff, I'm writing the movie Womanizer. And I'm going to make this movie so controversial and grotesque on purpose so that every single person who watches it will be shocked and apalled. I'm going to do this on purpose to prove a point; to show people that this sick trend of sexual mutilation in movies has to stop. BTW, who do I blame for these scenes in movies and their unfortunate ubiquity? I blame all those stupid jokes people have made over the years about castration and getting hit in the testicles. Obviously, since this is usually viewed as a funny topic (for some messed up reason I will never comprehend. I mean no one would ever joke about a woman losing her breasts or having her vagina sewn shut and if they did they'd be met with a slap in the face or an accusation of sexism), but anyway, thanks to this trivialization of male sexual mutilation, it's now become commonplace in horror movies, and a lot of people still view it as a joke. It's a pretty sad world. But don't worry, I'm not going to commit suicide. I saw my doctor, twice through my depression, and he adjusted my medicine accordingly, and he kind of understood why I was traumatized, though he disagreed with me on the film's content being misandric (must be in denial). But anyway, I would also like to say that this is not the only issue I'm concerned about, but that something does have to be done about this. Hell, if my movie doesn't even make it into theatres when it's done because it's too grotesque and misogynistic, I won't care. I'll still be able to prove my point either way. It just seems that the only way to draw people's attention to the problem is to show them that a woman getting mutilated in the manner I described is the male equivalent of what is in so many movies these days. I'm even going to have a message at the end of the film explaining what my intentions were in making it. Maybe that'll get people to see the light!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Ummm, do you own a movie camera? A digital video cell phone?

Super 8mm? Sony-beta? A 16mm film Eclair?

"I'm even going to have a message at the end of the film explaining what my intentions were in making it."

Has your psychiatrist approved your project?

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Don't worry, xtrnl: plenty of people here, as well as others (both male and female) are literally nauseated with all of the "jokes" and such about destroying the bodies of men.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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Actually Roy, I don't see a psychiatrist. I would if I could afford it, but I can't. I just saw my physician. I don't have a video camera sadly, but I do have a video phone (which of course wouldn't suffice for filming this project.) But I know somebody who knows a ton of producers. I didn't tell my doctor about this new project, as I've just recently decided to start it, though I did tell him about the other movie I'm working on (it's called You Should Know Better, and it's kind of like Final Destination), and he thought it was a good idea. In this movie, evil people + their intentions = their demise . Like I stated earlier, one of the characters, Theo Eliro, (name sound familiar? ;) ) is based on Roth, and he gets it good. The idea to make the movie "Womanizer" came to me when I thought to myself that somebody should make commercials where a man is beating his wife, then have a message at the end that says "you wouldn't laugh at this, so why is it funny when it happens to a man?" Thus, this movie is like the same idea. I'm against misogyny, but sometimes it seems the only way people can see our side is when we put a woman in the same position. Then, people suddenly show empathy for some reason. By the way, I think that we should add all the movies in this discussion, as well as everything by Roth, Tarantino, Frank Miller, and Robert Englund on to our boycott list. We might be able to spare people weeks of trauma as well as stop them from wasting hours of their lives watching the filth. Anybody agree with me on this?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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My advice is, switch genres. (The slasher schtick is too tedious already....)

Go get a copy of the just released final director's cut of Ridley Scott's masterpiece flick BLADE RUNNER.

It's a simple sci-fi allegory about what it means to be human.

Watch it and then ponder how what it says applies to our current gender wars.

You have a sufficiently quirky mind to understand it.

BLADE RUNNER is also the textbook on lighting, cinematography, sound, set design, editing, subtle references, and pretty much everything you see today on commercial TV and film.

You can buy a copy of the screenplay as well, and study how the words became pictures.

Good luck evolving your concept.

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-Is that the same dvd as the "25th anniversary" edition that supposedly came out recently? I saw some of the actors getting interviewed about it on TV, like Darryl Hanna(sp?) and Rutger Hauer, and Olmos. (Ford didn't participate for some reason. Where the heck has that guy been lately?? Probably his girlfriend Calista is fucking with his mind, as well as with his deep pockets. Oh well, typical "young career woman" scenario..work for a few years in the field for which you are trained/educated, then marry up and retire).

Getting off subject, aren't we?


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This gets a bit complicated, since the 25th Anniversary edition of BLADE RUNNER is being released in seven (count 'em 7!) different configurations.

It has to do with Blue-Ray, HD formats, and several different packaging options.

As a fanatic, I bought the "ultimate collector's" set with all 5 DVDs, limited edition artwork, and cute replications of the origami unicorn and spinner car.

Harrison Ford is extensively interviewed in the documentaries and mini-features, as are all the actors, producers, set designers, cinematographers, and Ridley Scott himself.

BTW, Scott says definitively that Deckard IS a replicant. (The unicorn scenario...)

So, I'd argue that this particular movie that so deeply explores what it means to be human in a totalitarian world is not at all off topic for MRAs trying to survive and subvert feminism and its subtle and not-so-subtle accepted and legalized violences.

Oh, and the chicks in the movie -- Sean Young, Daryl Hannah, and Joanna Cassidy -- are "hot" beyond belief!

They are all interviewed in their now "mature" years -- 40's/50's -- and these women are still incredible.

Smart, funny, feminine.

Something today's twenty-something actresses-as-commodities seldom achieve.

I'm considering sending Kim Gandy at N.O.W. a copy of the Final Director's Cut.

If only because it will piss her off that a man has finally had the last laugh! ;-)

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Goodfellas: No comment necessary

Office space: A man who seeks freedom from his office cubicle.

Fight Club: A couple of guys sick of our feminized society.

Midnight Cowboy: Two men society threw in the garbage. Joe Buck run out of his Texas town because of a false rape accusation. The false accusation is just a series of short flashbacks during the movie.

Falling Down: Michael Douglas wants his child back.

Platoon: Men trying to survive war. No female military personnel filing documents in an air conditioned office.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles: One man who just wants to see his family for thanksgiving. Another man (john Candy) living a lonely life as a salesman. Funny movie.

Glenn Gary Glenn Ross: Men who work there asses off in a crappy sales job. Not one female in the movie. Pacino tries to help a man who is petrified of his controlling wife.

Stand By Me: Four young boys face the challenges of child hood. Four boys portrayed as intelligent and overall a bunch of good kids facing the insecurity of their pre-teen years.

American Beauty: Kevin Spacey wants his life back taken away from a nasty wife.


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Who knew MANN had so many secret film fans?

More guy flicks ---

* Unforgiven - Clint Eastwood's definitive tragic western.

* Last Tango in Paris - Brando's best performance with the sexiest lesbian ever captured on film (Maria Schneider).

* The Last Samauri - Tom Cruise as a noble warrior before Scientology gave him a lobotomy.

* The Passenger - Antonioni's dreary thriller starring a young and still unselfconscious Jack Nicholson, with the always and never again sexy Maria Schneider.

* Cool Hand Luke - Paul Newman in his prime.
Definitely a "failure to communicate."

* Dead Man - Johnny Depp in Jim Jarmusch's existential western zombie masterpiece. A man in search of a grateful death.

Anybody hereabouts old enough ( or schooled enough) to talk about "Blow Up?"

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I've seen them all for except for "Dead Man". Unforgiven and Cool Hand Luke are classics! I forgot how many eggs Paul Newman ate during that great scene.


Papillon is also a must see. Steve McQueen suffers, endures, and survives a brutal environnement. A true testament to a males survival ability. Dustin Hoffman gets screwed by his money hungry wife and rotts at Devils Island but shows great friendship and devotion towards McQueen.

Kramer vs. Kramer is another great Hoffman film. A man who struggles for involvement in his child's life while Meryl Streep's character is a self centered mother who really doesn't give a shit.


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George Romero's "Dawn of the Dead."

The ultimate testimony to male CHIVALRY!

(Sorry for all the young guys here who've never heard of it. The "hero" (a black man) gets shot in the head at the very end of the flick after trying to save the only non-zombie white woman...)

An MRA allegory?

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Your perspective on the movie is interesting, never anaylized the movie as a gender study.


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I haven't seen all of those films, but the ones I have seen I like. The other ones sound interesting too. I don't think we're off topic at all. We're just listing movies which a man would actually enjoy, the ones on the other side of the coin so to speak. Oh, and BTW guys, my movie You Should Know Better is now 2/3 done. And Theo is the next to get killed. That's gonna be fun! Can't wait for that scene.

BTW, Merry Christmas everybody, and thanks again for all your help.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year for all the guys who contribute to MANN. Maybe a generic holiday statement, but the message should resonate. We all share a common bond and are pioneers as MRA's. By far my favorite website!


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Hey xtrnl,

Don't kill Theo!

You'll need her/him for the sequel!

You gotta think beyond the first script, dude!

Theo could come back as a zombie or girlfriend in the next flick, or maybe inspire a dream scene that explains everything in the pre-quel.


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For a few months after I saw the first "Hostel" on DVD, I was trying to piece together what message or deeper meaning Roth and Tarantino were trying to give. I was doing it on my own without looking on the internet or reading anything. After all Pulp Fiction has been pretty much dissected in this regard, e.g. for symbolism and metaphor.

For a while I was pissing around with the small stuff; like how Oli was the "head of.." whatever, and ended up with his head on a chair. Actually when he was living and sitting down normally, the face (painted on his buttocks) was like a "head in a chair". (There was another version where Oli was the "king of.." whatever, so maybe in that case it was a reference to the beheading of a king).

That one seemed pretty obvious, but I also had a theory that the oriental woman having part of her face burned off, represented the idea of "losing face". In certain oriental cultures, when a man loses face (for example if his reputation is ruined), it is considered ritually correct for him to commit suicide..which is ultimately what the girl in the movie did by jumping in front of the train.

Another thing I was interested in was how (so I thought) some parts of the movie were "predicting" later parts. For example, in Amsterdam in the bordello scene, with the woman on top of the man and hitting him..then later in the movie, it is stated by "Tatyana" or whoever that dark-haired girl was, that Paxton had "become her bitch". I even thought that maybe this was indicative of the screwing around with TIME that Tarentino has been know to do, like in Pulp Fiction where the scenes were out of order. I dunno, maybe there's nothing there..

Actually as it turned out, the "switching places" was one of the two key pieces necessary to determine the underlying theme of the movie. The other peice is given by the incident where Paxton and his traveling companion show up at the hostel, and Pulp Fiction was showing on the TV set on the clerk's desk. Since the movie on the TV was having the actors appear to be speaking in a foreign language (since it was being show to a foreign audience in the country Paxton was in..), Paxton did not understand the language and commented "oh great, no subtitles.". Then later when Paxton is about to first be tortured, he pleads with the torturer in German (I think) not to torture him, and WE the audience are not given subtitles during that scene. Then when Paxton escapes, he effectively becomes the torturer himself. For example he shoots the torturer and a guard, then exits with some kind of a devil's helmet on his head. Also shortly afterward when he is conversing with the American in the locker room, and he ask's Paxton, "How was it?" Paxton says "Quick."..Paxton is responding as if he himself is a torturer.

So to get to the point, we have (1) The actors "switching places", especially between tortured and torturer; and (2) Roth seems to be "projecting" from the movie into the audience, for example the subtitles issue mentioned above, or even just the fact that the actors are watching a Tarantino film in the movie..which is effectively what WE are doing when watching Hostel. So the conclusion is that not only can victim become torturer in the movie, but in actualiy, i.e. in real life, each one of US is himself capable of being either victim or torturer (depending on the circumstances, etc)!

Hostel II confirms this analysis.
Sorry to change the subject.

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