US woman launches 'Taserware' parties
This isn't a new development; Mark Rudov debated this issue on Fox news. Notice at the end of the article there is a section called "related stories". One particular story reads "Tasers can be instrument of torture, says UN"
"An enterprising Arizona woman has redefined the Tupperware party paradigm for the 21st century, and is hosting girlie get-togethers where security-conscious women can get to grips with the US's fave non-lethal lethal weapon - the Taser.
Shafman explained: "I felt that we have Tupperware parties and candle parties to protect our food and house, so why not have a Taser party to learn how to protect our lives and bodies?"
Her customers agree. Debi McMahon, who attended the first Taser party in Scottsdale, described herself as "excited" by the electrifying Taser experience. She said: "I feel like I'm 6 feet tall and 250 pounds. I'm going to buy one for my mom. It's going to be her 81st birthday present."
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Tazer against a .45?
As we like to say in my country where many people carry knives or a blank gun.. "the next one might have a real gun". This can literally backfire. And actually I hope it does.
Taser as an instrument of torture
Here is a video where cops taser a student:
But I don't think that tasers in hands of women is a real threat to men. If there will be mass tasering of men by women, this can cause public unrest and mass murdering of women by men.
Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.
Covered by Newsweek
"Electroshock Therapy
Taser International tries to soften its weapon's harsh image, with a civilian model designed just for her
Every Saturday afternoon in Scottsdale, Ariz., women gather at Dana Shafman's house to watch demonstrations of her sleek new wares, which come in such enticing colors as "metallic pink" and "electric blue." It's like a Tupperware party … only not. Shafman is peddling Tasers. Hers look a lot different from those bulky blasters carried by cops: they resemble something you'd shave your legs with, and at five and a half inches in length, they're small enough to slip into a purse. But don't be fooled. These babies deliver the same 50,000 volts of muscle-paralyzing electroshock therapy.
I have heard of sex toy parties some women have, too; apparently there is so much trepidation at investigating the possibilities that such things offer that in order to do it, they have to get together in groups to talk about it first, then start considering getting one (or more) for actual use. As long as it's all done in groups at the same time, hey, nothing's weird. Just look at your typical religious service or the bizarre institution of marriage.
And of course there is the more mainstream stuff: candle parties, Avon, Tupperware, MLM of all kinds. I know, why don't they just combine them all into one giant "ladies' home party" experience? The question is, just how does one schedule the product demos with a lineup like that??
Humor aside, this whole thing is really disgusting on so many levels and for so many reasons I just don't know where to start.
"I feel like I'm 6 feet tall and 250 pounds"
Essentially whats she saying is: I feel like a man. Are women jealous of a mans superior physical strength? Women must feel weak, and because of feminism's philosophy of thrusting women in the role of victim, I really can't blame them. [Though this taser thing is assine] Feminism also hurts women. It has zero value. They chastise men and victimize women. We can't forget the manipulation of feminist groups like NOW. This is why most women don't consider themselves feminists, yet groups like NOW have had such a social and political impact, most people don't realize the damage they've caused. Its also based on chivalry and weak male politicians who can't say no. If we enlighten both genders, feminism would than be rendered useless. Unfortunately their impact might forever be ingrained throughout our culture.
A taser is a poor substitute
A taser is a poor substitute for a gun. Feel like you're a 250 man, sweetie? Well you're not.
A woman is less likely to pull out a gun for frivolous reasons, but I can see this being abused, and it's really a bad idea to pull out a taser on a man because no matter how well you shock him, he's going to get up.
And when he does, you'd best hope he has a really good sense of humor.
On a gun tangent...
For the women I've known who own firearms, not ONE of them has been to the range to fire it and practice their marksman skills. If you aren't practicing your marksmanship -- you own a fancy looking rock!
A woman is less likely to??
«A woman is less likely to pull out a gun for frivolous reasons, but I can see this being abused, and it's really a bad idea to pull out a taser on a man because no matter how well you shock him, he's going to get up.»
Whoaaaa easy there. Is this proven? I think women are MORE likely to use this level of violence just as they use EVERY other method of violence more often than men. - Old, phased out due to Google's policies. Archives here. - Current.
I didn't mean less likely
I didn't mean less likely than a man, just less likely than to pull out a taser. That's speculation on my part, but I think that one of the problems with the taser is that people think of it as a non-lethal weapon, and therefore use it frivolously.
Is a Taser a One-Shot Weapon?
One commentor on the article's website made the point that a taser is a single-shot ("electric discharge") weapon. True?
In which case, what if she misses with the first-and-only-shot?
What if there is more than one assailant?
What's the maximum distance that a taser can be used with accuracy?
Even a slingshot has more utility than a taser, assuming you've got a pocketfull of rocks...
An Alternative.......
If these women didn't act like a_holes with enormous entitlement mentalities maybe they wouldn't be so prone to attracting violence in the first place. Then they wouldn't need tasers, pearl handled .25 automatics in their purses, mace, pepper spray or other self defense crap.
Some women aren't happy
Some women aren't happy unless they surround themselves with melodrama 24/7. And they still aren't happy even when they are.
E-harmony for the Gender War Zombies
So true.
But there is a similar species of masochistic men who are seeking these women.
In my perfect world, these melodrama princesses would all be forced to marry the sorry dudes who only believe they're in love when they are in emotional pain inflicted by a woman ...
That would solve a large percentage of the gender wars blowback we normal guys are experiencing.
Just mandate that the co-dependent idiots have to hook up.
Lesbians are OK to apply under my plan. ;-)
Arms Race
"I felt that we have Tupperware parties and candle parties to protect our food and house, so why not have a Taser party to learn how to protect our lives and bodies?"
Let's revise that for men:
"I felt that we have fishing trips and hunting trips to feed our families, so why not have a Glock party to learn how to protect our lives and our bodies?"
"I feel like I'm a woman who can maim, torture and murder men with complete impunity. I'm going to buy one for my dad. It's going to be his 81st birthday present."
Still sound "sexy", you murderous, sociopathic, narcissistic cunts?
Just what we need, privileged white girls who were already on unimaginable power trips carrying weapons to help them with their terminal penis envy.
Back to my original point, this is how an arms race works. Since women commit about 60% of domestic violence (and essentially all false accusations), and feel the right to assault, torture, maim and kill men with more or less complete impunity (as awarded by both governments and the courts), it's only logical that men will also need to start carrying these weapons, since we're victims of 80% or more of ALL violence. I think I'll just carry a gun instead, since I'd rather be ahead in any arms race with a more violent, psychotic (paranoid delusions and delusions of grandeur in this case) foe.
Of course, the joke's on these penis-envying psychopaths: a weapon carried by a woman is far more likely to be taken from her and used on her than on the attacker. I hope they enjoy the shocking realization that they've just bought themselves a world of hurt. Not to mention the fact that any attacker will shoot any woman that pulls one of those pretty-pink toys on them long before they ask questions about her motivations for doing so.
Pardon the language guys, but I'm sick to death of the serial-killer mentality of the average American woman these days.
The psychology of weapon fetishes
A psychologist friend of mine once explained that in the area of paraphilias (the psychological term for aberrant sexual desires/fantasies), fetishes are typically semi-conscious expressions of what one fears. Nazis are a common theme in the fetishes of Jews who survived the camps. Domination by men is a common fetish of women who survived sexual abuse/assault. Medical themes present with people who've had serious health problems. Foot fetishes are an expression of the fear of being "walked on" by others, and so on.
A similar pathology is at work with these women who want to carry armor-piercing ammo and assault rifles in their purses, despite evidence showing that any weapon carried by a woman is far more likely to end up being used against her than against some hypothetical attacker. The origins of this weapon fetish (it's really a power/domination fetish) are simple: they've been fed so much rape hysteria, so much pedophile hysteria and so much misandric, men-as-monsters, feminist hysteria that they've internalized hook, line and sinker, that they've developed a weapon fetish. The weapon fetish is just the expression of a deep desire for power over men - they fear that they will be victimized by men because of their conditioning to believe the myth of men-as-monsters who lust after every female body in sight, so they react by creating a fetish for power, expressed, in this case, by arming themselves to the teeth.
They need psychiatric help, not weapons.
A few answers
One commentor on the article's website made the point that a taser is a single-shot ("electric discharge") weapon. True?
It depends on the model. The probes/darts can only be discharged once (they use an air/CO2 cartridge), but depending on the power output, the battery may last long enough for more than one shock once the probes have been deployed (or when the weapon is used as a hand-held stun gun). The lighter versions being sold at these psycho-parties probably are not capable of more than two or three shocks (as I said, most models can also be used as stun-guns to torture a suspect/victim into compliance), but the police-grade equipment can penetrate Class IV body armor and deliver repeated shocks. Those generally aren't legal for civilian use.
A well-motivated assailant can usually shake off an attack with a Taser in 5-10 seconds and resume his assault. Not to mention that a shock has to be delivered to the right area of the body to cause the kind of incapacitation necessary to give the user a chance to subdue the victim or flee. Depending on the models being sold to these nutcases, light body armor or thick clothing may be enough to stop an attack with a Taser, and an assailant who is strong and sufficiently motivated will be able to pursue the Taser-ette in seconds if she turns and runs. Good luck with that.
In which case, what if she misses with the first-and-only-shot?
She gets killed.
What if there is more than one assailant?
She gets killed.
The real danger is that women carrying these things may develop a false sense of security and enter situations/areas where they are at higher risk of an actual attack, not realizing that the security they feel is little more than an illusion.
What's the maximum distance that a taser can be used with accuracy?
Typically 15 feet, but that can vary by model, and the accuracy is questionable given the aerodynamics of the "darts" used. To be accurate enough to guarantee a stopping blow at more than 5-10 feet, significant skill and marksmanship is required, in addition to training and practice (how many women do you know that can even identify the "10" ring on a human body, or know that you always shoot for the center of mass?) Not to mention the fact that a Taser is completely useless if you're "jumped" from behind, or your purse is snatched.
Even a slingshot has more utility than a taser, assuming you've got a pocketfull of rocks...
Exactly. Personally, I'm a knife man, because in close quarters, there's not many things more effective at killing an opponent. Of course, it requires some training and skill, not to mention some strength to be effective with a knife, and most women have none of the above.
I wonder how many men will
I wonder how many men will have to be killed by these things before there's a major uprising against them.
Especially with short-barrelled handguns that will fit in a purse. Hell, I've seen trained marksmen miss targets at 20 feet with some smaller pistols. They just suck when it comes to accuracy and stopping power.
For an average person who doesn't practice marksmanship, if it fits in your purse/pocket, you're better off throwing it at an attacker than trying to shoot him/her with it.
Evil Patriarchal Logic
So, assuming all this technical detail is accurate (and it reads credibly), then women are really being sold a bill of goods and being actually ENDANGERED by buying into the notion of Tasers for self-protection.
In just this brief thread, several obvious disadvantages of Tasers have been ID'd -
* mostly one-shot capacity
* accuracy in doubt
* most effective at close combat distances
* untrained users likely to fail application
* multiple assailants can't be deterred
* brief immobilization of attacker likely
* try getting the Taser out of your purse in time to zap an agile, quick assailant
* possession induces false sense of security
Damn! You would think that N.O.W. would already be protesting this exploitation of naive females by the evil patriarchal Taser Industry!
My advice, wait 'till they go on sale right after Christmas.
(The Tasers ... not the naive females.)