Peter Zohrab: "The Frontman Fallacy"

An excerpt from the article: "The general point is that Feminists assume that men always promote their own interests over those of women. This is not, in fact, true. But, on the other hand, it does seem to be true that, when Feminazis score some political victory, they almost always use their newly-won power to benefit females exclusively. This is because of their persecution-complex.

You could even argue that democratic countries are actually matriarchies, and that male politicians are the paid servants of the Feminists. The litmus test would then be whether the (mainly male) politicians enacted legislation that favoured men's interests more than women's interests. And the history of the last two hundred years in the West is peppered with examples of mainly male governments enacting legislation that benefited women more than men.

It is true that most decision-makers in society's political institutions have tended to be men. But they have not usually acted solely in men's interests, or solely to the detriment of women's interests. To the contrary -- they have tended to act severely against men's interests, and in favour of women's interests."

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The genius of feminism -- and the Second Wave rad-fem theorists deserve full credit -- can be found in how they successfully morphed neo-Marxist class warfare concepts (capitalists vs. workers) into gender warfare ideology (men vs. women.)

Then, they cleverly invented the idea of the Evil Patriarchy to impose the myth that "ALL men are powerful and seek to oppress women."

In truth, few men are powerful and the chivalrous majority are wage-slaves who continue to foolishly sacrifice their lives and well-being in domestic servitude to women and children.

It is self-evident that feminists have absolutely no interest in gender equality; they are only about winning a zero-sum contest of domination.

The unanimous passage of VAWA 2005-2010 by a predominantly male Congress testifies that feminists need not be concerned about a feeble men's rights "movement" now or anytime soon.

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This is a tug of war, and "equality" is some arbitrary, barely visible mark on the gym floor somewhere in the middle. Women are winning it at the moment, because so many men are on their side. That's why women are murdering their husbands, lying about rape, robbing men blind in family court, etc. Women will never jump to our side unless they decide that it's in their selfish interests to do so.

The feminists who hate men because they feel insecure without the boundaries that men are no longer setting in their lives will continue to get away with whatever they can, including violence and fraud, until they're told, not asked, to stop.

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until they're told, not asked, to stop.

You can't let the majority of women run wild. Imagine a world ran by spoiled, selfish ten-year olds with attitudes and you have a spitting image of a world dominated by the majority of women.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Or, imagine a world "run" by the silly subservient manginas that the selfish spoiled ten-year olds with attitudes have so capably trained and taught.

Do MRAs think it is a coincidence that there is not a single Congressperson willing to even mention men's and father's rights?

Women learn very early in life how to get other people to do their dirty work.

Any high school girl can teach you this subject matter.

The assassins are called "my best friends."

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..The "persecution complex" Is one that they have carefully constructed for the most part, over the last 40-50 years!!

It's a tactic known as...... victim demagoguery

Nazi's effectivelly used victim demagoguery to persecute the jews...

The nazi agit-prop stated that german's were actually victims of the jews. They stated jews have all the money in germany now, and refuse to do business with any...non jews..

And hence the german people are actually victims of the jews..which justified the nazi persecution of jews!!..agit-prop is very powerfull!!

classic....victim demagoguery!!

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They also claimed that the Jews had stabbed Germany in the back, just as the German army was on the brink of victory towards the end of WWI (in fact Germany had exhausted its manpower resources and was doomed at this point, but due to strict censorship the public had been unaware of this). This was an excuse for the failure of the German army bigwigs to deliver on the battlefield.

Similarly, the feminists blame male oppression for their failures, as they compare our "evil" capitalist system with a socialist fantasy world in which everybody's needs are provided for, without anybody having to do anything to produce this additional wealth.

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The nazi agit-prop stated that german's were actually victims of the jews. They stated jews have all the money in germany now, and refuse to do business with any...non jews..

I was not completely aware of that. It seems that the negatives keep coming back in one form or another. They say many women supported Hitler.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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He was a sex symbol. They loved him.

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From the beginning Hitler had women to help him. They held him back from suicide, they paid off his debts, they worshipped and desired him. HITLER'S WOMEN is a six-part series dedicated to the role of women in Hitler's Reich.
Eva Braun, Magda Goebbels, Winifred Wagner, Leni Riefenstahl and Zara Leander:
none of them fitted the image of women that the Nazis wanted to fix in the German consciousness. They were beautiful, stylish, and talented."


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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