Rudov: Female Violence Against Men in South Africa

Rudov: "This commercial from a South African florist warns the typical husband that, if he forgets a special occasion -- like an anniversary -- his wife will respond with violence, such as scrubbing the toilet with his toothbrush. If a man would do this to his wife, he'd go to jail. The message: violence against men is OK. You also must hate the men responsible for creating, producing, funding, and airing this crap.""

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Isn't Oprah's school down there?

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The anti-male/rape hysteria is at an all-time high in South Africa too. This kind of sheds light on why Oprah went there and opened a "girls only" school. This woman built her fortune off of misandry among other things and she can easily see where male bashing would be most profitable. I think that is the real reason why she is in South Africa.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Too bad women abuse kids, too. Makes you wonder if Oprah has come forward with all of those kids's allegations. She supposedly gave them her private number; haven't they used it?

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She only says she does -- or will do -- things so soccer moms can keep supporting her show.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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