Presidential Candidates Address Equal Parenting

Here is a video from this summer in Iowa, where Presidential candidates are interviewed regarding equal parenting. The interview is taped by William Wagner and is posted on his website,

Should any of these Presidential candidates move up in the "Presidential process," this bit of videotape could be huge in educating the public to the issue of equal parenting, and where the candidates stand on that and other issues.

Near the end of the video, one of the candidates can be heard saying he would do away with the Federal law known as VAWA, although it appears he may not have understood all the horrors against men that VAWA has created. Clearly more education of the public is needed, regarding the misandrist Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and how it discriminates against Fathers and men.

Now then, where do the other candidates stand on the equal parenting issue and other Fathers' and men's issues?

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