MSNBC: Dads don’t come from labs, readers say

Story here. Excerpt:

'It seems guys don't need to worry about their paternal job security. As part of our special report “BabyQuest: The modern pursuit of parenthood,” we asked readers to respond to an story about how scientists made artificial sperm from human bone marrow and asked, “Will science render men unnecessary?”

Reader Comment:

"Men and fathers are needed. They aren't just sperm donors but an essential part of our society. My son lights up when “Daddy” gets home and I can't imagine not having his male influence on my son."'

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Thing is, at the rate science is going, neither men nor women as such will be necessary for reproduction. If you can take two body cells of a certain type or types and fuse them together successfully to create a new zygote, a given man won't need a woman nor vice versa to reproduce.

Remember "Attack of the Clones"? You know, I wonder what if any human rights will be left when human lives can be simply manufactured in a lab. Will such people have any rights to speak of if they were not created the "usual way" (which paradoxically will become the "unusual way", eventually)? The movie depicted the creation of an eminently disposable army of men (no surprise there) cloned from a bounty hunter's DNA. His character didn't bat an eyelash at the idea of copies of himself getting made and messed with and thrown away. The ethics of creating the new beings didn't enter into the equation. And I have a feeling in such a world, it wouldn't matter if it were the "good guys" or the "bad guys" doing it. It seems like it wasn't even a question in the realm of consideration for anyone. It was an entirely believable scenario for the future in that regard.

How long will humanity last? Genetic variation is a complex game. Nature has taken a long time to get it to where it is. If we start making it happen in animals (us in particular) the way this trend suggests may be possible, what eventually will that do to our ability to fight disease, adapt to changes, etc? My guess is weaken it considerably. Consider that many breeds of cow that can no longer calf without human intervention-- a few hundred years of intense domestication and they have in-bred "lazy uterii" now. They wouldn't last a generation without us and we made them that way.

Bad, this new world we are heading into. Bad, bad, bad.

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In 1965, Senator Patrick Moynihan was condemned for his observation of the consequences of family breakdown:

"From the wild Irish slums of the 19th century eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: A community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any rational expectations about the future -- that community asks for and gets chaos."

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I see alot of men asking questions about the artificial womb. A few researchers on Popular Science said they created a few.


I don't know but I think women should never have started this idiotic gender war. All they did was bring more light to how greedy -- and selfish -- most women are. Men don't want to deal with them anymore. The majority of women are both a financial and health risk for men now. The feminists are SO going to lose.

The Future of the Body: A few intrepid researchers are learning how to make babies the new-fashioned way: growing them in artificial wombs


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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All such articles about whether men are needed for procreation is just a "proactive defense" of feminists who are in total desperation because the Artificial Womb is going to make all women soon simply useless and economically ineffective garbage.

The progress cannot be stopped. The price of women's bearing children is too high nowadays and growing. And this price and all other problem issues connected with women's pregnancy impede the further development of society.

Artificial womb is coming.

Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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...Soon if a man wants to raise a familly, he will not have to put up with the violent, selfish bitch anymore!!!

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Do you really think feminists want this? There will be no daddy to go after for child support!!

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I will be one of the first men to volunteer to make a child in an artificial womb, finally i wont have to depend on women ever to proved me with a son. I wont have to put up with their nagging and emotional mood swings.
It will be me and my son, my own small comfy home, our hobbies, living life the way we want to.


"A true Man should do what he sees fit in the name of fairness..." Repent 07/12/07

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