Father Christmas fired for saying 'ho ho ho' - because it is 'offensive to women'

Story here. Excerpt:

"A Santa in an Australian department store said today he has been sacked for saying "ho ho ho" and singing Christmas songs to children.

Employment company Westaff, which supplies stores with red-robed, white-bearded Father Christmases, had earlier asked its Santas to say "ha ha ha" because the word "ho", which is American slang for whore, could offend women, media reported."

This actually IS a joke, or was. Take a look at the MRA blog Heretical Sex from last December.

This joke has actually come true...

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He should say, "Cunt, cunt, cunt. Merry Christmas!" Or maybe it's merry Mangummass; I don't know.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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This reminds me of what happened with the joke about Congressman Bob Packwood. He was found to have sexually harrassed some of his female staff. Here's the joke:

Bob Packwood can't spell. He thinks "harrass" is two words ("her ass").

I think the original incident (the harassment hearings over Packwood's behaviour) occurred in the early 90's. Then sure enough, a few years later, even after people had forgotten about the actual incident, women would look at me like I said something dirty if I innocently used the word "harass" (that was true in around 2001, I think things may have cooled off by now).


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The feminists should go after "Ho-ho" snacks, but that might ruin their Oprah time.

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...garden instruments. Calling it a hoe means women are whores and when you use it to weed your lawn you're implying that a woman's vagina is a lawn that must be weeded by your penis.

How ya like that blaze? My Fem-logic/Self-Created Victimology trumps your own. Ha ha!


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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S-hoes are a secret message invented by men that really means "Slave-hoes." There's a secret chemical in all women's shoes that forces them to buy more and more. They should be renamed to Slave Slippers and banned immediately.

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maybe oprah can switch to devil dogs.

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wow ....

another victory for women's rights.

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Its all fun and games until somebody gets fired, loses their livelihood, and may even go to jail for sexual harassment.

The attitude that these things are hilarious is coming from larger society, and this is what is making sure that men stay second-class citizens.

http://petepatriarch.blogspot.com - Old, phased out due to Google's policies. Archives here.
http://petepatriarch.wordpress.com - Current.

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Someone claiming that Santa Claus saying "Ho, ho, ho" is demeaning women is ridiculous and quite comical. Nowadays anything "one woman" does not like gets labelled as "demeaning women." It's a fucking joke. The problem is people take such a claim seriously -- and not as the retarded ass overly emotional tirade it is -- and that is where men start being held responsible for ridiculous standards and laws that should have been laughed off of the floor in the frist place.

The problem is these stupid, downright dumb gender laws and standards are being taken SERIOUSLY by those in power rather than as the exercises in female histrionics that they are.

It would be better if they were considered idiotic jokes rather than being held up -- quite falsely might I add -- as examples of actual oppression.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The anti-male bias in western culture is so pervasive that people aren't even aware they're practicing it. Any attempt to challenge this bigotry is instantly labeled as misogyny.

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