The Onion: "Man Finally Put in Charge of Struggling Feminist Movement"

America’s Finest News Source reports – “After decades spent battling gender discrimination and inequality in the workplace, the feminist movement underwent a high-level shake-up last month, when 53-year-old management consultant Peter "Buck" McGowan took over as new chief of the worldwide initiative for women's rights. "All the feminist movement needed to do was bring on someone who had the balls to do something about this glass ceiling business," said McGowan, who quickly closed the 23.5 percent gender wage gap by 'making a few calls to the big boys upstairs.' "In the world of gender identity and empowered female sexuality, it's all about who you know."

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All they needed was a little help contacting the Illuminati!

FEMINISM-- 'Fuck Every Male' Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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Finally, it became widely known that feminism is a creation of men (in particular of male daughter owners). I bet that this McGowan has at least two daughters.

Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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"And don't get me started on how disorganized and scatterbrained their old fundraising methods were," McGowan added. "Let's just say the movement never really had a head for numbers."

What a great story to poke some fun at the usual sourpusses... err radical feminist organizers. Bravo Onion!

Like0 Dislike0 got to be kidding me ..I laughed my ass off over this piece!!

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The NOW bigwigs don't care about their membership. Visit their web site and try to find anything at all about the woman who was sentenced to be whipped in Saudi Arabia, or the British teacher in Sudan threatened with execution for naming the teddy bear after Mohammed. You'll find plenty about Hillary, not a word about those incidents. Why? Because anything they say might be misconstrued as support for Bush's 'War On Terror.' Those bitches care about nothing but padding their own wallets and electing Democrats.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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NOW hides behind so-called women's rights but when push comes to shove they are nothing else than a radical left wing political party.

Your also right about NOW's failure to comment on the British teacher. They don't want any association with Bush's war. Even if it means turning their backs on an issue that fits right within their feminist guidelines.

As for the new "king" of feminism, will Gandy make him sit while he urinates?

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..I;ve never really understood how someone could rationalize their use of calling feminist's ..."lefty communists" instead of femi-nazi.

I could see how both fascism and communism are both totalitarian type organisations and one could mischarectorise differing aspects for each!!!

But lets get real hear, Hillary Clinton and her primary donators...are simply not about to turn their real estate/property and asset's fortunes into state property anytime soon!!

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Hell, visit NOW's website and try to find any credible information about their so-called membership. (Better yet, try to find a link to use to contact Kim Gandy or their headquarters' office staff.)

NOW's propaganda states -

"NOW is the largest, most comprehensive feminist advocacy group in the United States. Our purpose is to take action to bring women into full participation in society — sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination.
Founded in 1966 by a small but determined group of women's rights advocates, NOW has more than 500,000 contributing members and hundreds of chapters across the U.S."

Funny that NOW has refused for years to document or in any way verify its claimed ½-million membership, and at NOW’s last annual convention fewer than 500 women showed up. (Must've been the stale cupcakes at the buffet table....)

A few minutes on NOW’s web site with a pocket calculator shows that NOW has precisely 341 local “chapters.” (A chapter can be one lonely lesbian with a P.O. box in Montana ... which is exactly how many NOW chapters exist in the Big Sky state.)

Of the 341 chapters, 57% of them (196) are in ten states: CA – 35, FL – 30, PA – 24, NY – 21, IL – 16, MI – 16, TX -15, OH -14, VA – 13, NJ -12.

The other 42 states have on average 3.5 NOW chapters, 24 states have fewer than 5 chapters. (WY, UT, ND, SD, and HI have the distinction of hosting exactly “zero.”)

My suspicion is that if NOW were required by Congress to verify their membership before getting any more taxpayer funding, their roster of paid subscribers would be slightly less than that of the KISS Army.

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I wonder what Gandy thinks of Gene Simmons tongue.

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Their membership isn't anywhere near 500,000. It's probably not even close to half of that.

We really need to reach out to the men who are getting shafted by the system. Guys like Glenn Sacks who try to play nice to the media while distancing themselves from us in the process are just wasting their time. We must reach the men who would agree with us, if only they knew that they could make a difference by supporting men's rights groups. This is far from a hopeless battle. The truth is on our side, and one day the numbers can be on our side, too.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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this guy sounds exactly like what Now needs to help them "Buck" up.

obviously new bodily fluids were needed. he can surely help sort out that darn check book and all that taxpayer money to be spent.

seriously i think he will be a good fit for these womyn. no time to celebate now. lotsa womyn desperately need his expertise.

he likes golf and rumor has it he enjoys a good cigar.

you'll do well, pilgrim.

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Guys like Glenn Sacks who try to play nice to the media while distancing themselves from us in the process are just wasting their time.

Glenn actually measures what he does by a feminist yardstick. In other words, he tries very hard not to offend "women" while not really caring if he impugns men in the process. He's got a bad case of chivalry. I think he should see a doctor.

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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You're absolutely right.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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You realize that this article is satire...Don't you?!
This is the Onion not CNN.

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Yes, of course it's satire. For now.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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