Teaching problems: Same newspaper, same day

This story about a teacher who will likely never teach again after a false accusation.

No mention of any action against the false accuser. Note also the suspension without pay since 2005 for an allegation of touching.

Then this story in the same paper same day. All about how diverse classrooms have become but a bit of tweaking is in order to ensure a few more minorities - talk about the importance for society to be reflected in schools, such as more female janitors required, but nothing about the incredible lack of male teachers.

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...When is this madness going to stop???..Prior to the internet, men couldn,t or wouldn,t talk to each other about the madness thats happenning accross America With False accussations. The internet can re-open lines of communication between men, and we can curcumvent what Dr. Warren Farrel in "The myth of male power" edequitelly terms..The Media Lace curtain.

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It will stop when the men who are the targets of false prosecutions, lawsuits, and restraining orders become politically active and make it stop. All we need is $50/year from each exploited male.

900,000 restraining orders issued per year. Sign up one tenth of these men and NOW will never be able to compete again.

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Damned browser - duplicate post.

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Well I'm glad to hear that another falsely accused man was exonerated. I hope he cleans up in civil court if he decides to sue, although it's extremely unlikely that the police will proceed with an investigation against a girl who was 13 at the time of her offence. Given that 12 is the minimum age for criminal responsibility, and that the defendant is equipped with a get-out-of-jail-free-card (better known as a vagina), there's not much point.

A 13-year-old girl can destroy a man's life with impunity, and we still hear feminists trying to maintain that "men have all the power". Bullshit.

As for the fact that nobody is saying a thing about attracting more men to teaching, that's hardly a surprise. Men are all automatically rapists and predators, haven't you heard? Hell, I'll settle for NOT being falsely accused in advance because of my chromosomes for now. Asking to be treated like a human being is a battle for another day.

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I am not surprised at all. This girl did what she was taught. They are starting at younger ages, realising the power they have and what they can do with it. We can all thank the likes of Oprah. It's only going to get worse unless men stand up and demand change. Get involved in your local politics because that's where it starts.


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...make sure that we remain slaves. Women will continue to have their male lapdogs punish men. The male lapdog happy to serve his master will continue to deny men their basic human rights.

When will men finally stand up and be ready to thrown down for their freedom? If they can just get out of that AIDS-infested pussy(since American women are leading the charge when it comes to AIDS cases) for a minute they might have a chance.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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..Mr reality...1 in 4 American women have venereal disease!! American women have the highest percentage of venereal disease in the western world!!

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It really doesn't make much sense to proclaim "women are free and men aren't..."

That is in essence not different from what the feminists say when they argue "all men are privileged by the Evil Patriarchy and all women are victims..."

In truth, some women are free, some are not. Some men are powerful, most are not.

Now, if it's about the legal and cultural assault against men by feminism as an ideology and the institutional promotion of misandry... then, OK. That's right thinking.

The AIDS connection I don't get... the grievous epidemics are mostly in Africa, Southeast Asia, Brazil and Haiti.

America's AIDS rates are a fraction of those in developing nations.

The chances of an American heterosexual man contracting AIDS from an American hetero-sexual female are very slim, especially with safe sex practices.

Perhaps I'm missing the premise of the argument?

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There is a book out -- the title escapes me at the moment -- that shows how American women invented and propagated the modern day raunch culture.

The latest news I have been reading about is how many women are walking around with AIDS and not telling anyone they have the package. Dirty bitches. Meanwhile you have the average male slave -- who thinks he is free -- running behind these crusty royal skanks wiping their asses for them. I am pretty sure that the 1 in 4 figure is quite accurate. These women today are nasty!


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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