Australia: Adelaide, Salisbury & Murray Bridhe Community Consultation Events


With Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner responsible for Age Discrimination.

Have your say on building a fair and equal society for women and men in Australia.

The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC), in partnership with the Hawke Centre, the Equal Opportunity Commission of South Australia and Safe Work SA invite you join HREOC's new Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner responsible for Age Discrimination, Elizabeth Broderick, for a community consultation.

This consultation is part of Commissioner Broderick's national Listening Tour. The Listening Tour is an opportunity for people all over Australia to make their voices heard on the issues that matter to them.

Mon Nov 26, 5.15pm for 5.30pm start to 7.30pm
UniSA Hawke Building - Level 5, Bradley Forum,
50-60 North Terrace, Adelaide
08 8302 0215

Thu Nov 29, 12 noon - 2pm
Council Chamber,
Local Government Centre,
2 Seventh Street, Murray Bridge
08 8539 1100

Fri Nov 30, 2pm - 4pm
City of Salisbury Council Office
12 James Street, Salisbury
08 8406 8312

HREOC have established three female-focused themes for the tour:

* economic independence for women
* work and family balance across the life cycle, and
* freedom from discrimination, harassment and violence.

Discussion of other issues will also be welcome. Information collected from this consultation will be used to inform the agenda for the Commissioner's 5 year term.

We would urge anyone who cares about men's and boys' health and wellbeing to come along to these events to remind the new Commissioner that her responsibilities cover two sexes!

We would encourage you to make some of the following points (for a bit of background information on men and work-life balance click here (.pdf file)):

* Males have much higher illness, injury, accident and death rates and die 5 years earlier than females, yet research funding for male health is less than one-third of that for female health
* Males suicide at almost four times the rate of females. More males kill themselves each year than the entire Australian road toll
* More than twice as many males as females experience workrelated injuries and illnesses, and over ninety percent of workrelated deaths are males
* Young men are three times as likely as young women to be victims of violence, however, there are no public health campaigns to address this very serious issue
* Men are also victims of intimate partner abuse, however, there are no support services for these men, nor treatment services for abusive women
* Boys in Australia are much more likely to drop out of school than girls. In NSW, the difference between boys' and girls' average Tertiary Entrance Rank is almost 20%. Males currently make up just 37% of university graduates
* In Australia today, only women have reproductive rights. Upon becoming pregnant, a woman can choose to have the baby, or have an abortion, or put the baby up for adoption. A man has no choice whether to become a father or even to be notified that he has become a father
* Men are more likely to be convicted and receive longer sentences for the same crimes, compared to their female counterparts
* Following family court proceedings, children are far more likely to be given little or no time with their father than they are with their mother
* The current inequitable parental leave schemes, favouring mothers, reinforce fathers in the traditional 'breadwinner' role rather than supporting them as being 'hands-on' dads (which all the research shows gives better outcomes for children and their parents)
* Australian women are responsible for spending 90 cents in every household dollar

Please circulate this email and the attached, printable flyer, to your contacts in or near Adelaide. You can also download a copy from here (.pdf file).

More information about how to contribute to the Listening Tour will be posted at in coming weeks, along with details of other events as the HREOC team make their way around the country. Can't make it to the consultation? An interactive website is currently being constructed which will allow online contributions.

Kind regards,



Greg Andresen
Research & Media Liaison
Men's Health Australia
Tel: 02 8003 5813
Mobile: 0403 813 925
Post: P.O. Box 1292, Bondi Junction NSW 1355, Australia

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...greg, hopefully you can get a few objective(non-gender feminists) to sit with you and calmly bring up a few key issues regarding anti-male bias...At least have a public record of someone addressing these very real concerns!!

3 dedicated calm proffessionals can sit in a room full of anti-males, and still calmly state their concerns!!

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don't want to sound negatory here at T'Giving but this sounds like she is trying to give the appearance of being magnanimous. obvious from her femininst staurated agenda that she already has her affirmative action mind made up. all she is doing with this dog & pony show is throwing a few scraps to the peasants. lots of simpletons out there w/o a clue, no doubt. it's been so easy in the past.

hey, at least these days they make some small effort to put up the appearance of fairness. play the game and keep a cool head. maybe it will yield results. just don't forget where this woman derived her power. women and promoting womens special rights and privileges.

a few pennies maam, for the poor? playing a magnanimous scrooge here at Christmas. how original.

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