Rudov: Men are in danger as more women buy tasers

Marc Rudov calls women that buy tasers "Jane Bond" with a license to kill men. Mr. Rudov points out a few incidents where men have been murdered via the 50k volts that tasers deliver to men and now women are being sold these weapons to use against men with impunity. Taser International does not require that these women have permits for these weapons. Men are now at the whim of women whom are armed with weapons to use against anyone they choose.

Marc Rudov recently debated feminist Lis Wiehl concerning this matter.

The debate can be viewed here.


Ed. note: If you have trouble loading the video via the the target page to the link above, the direct link is here

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Why is he making such a fuss out of tasers? Men can buy tasers too. An average woman has slower motions, a more fat body, a smaller brain and more deferred reactions than an average man, and if a man sees that a woman is going to take out a taser out of her handbag, he will have enough time to taser that stupid bitch three or four times.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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the "lady" brought false stat's to the party. quoting n.o.w. fabricated stat's and then trying to make a joke of actual government stat's? she should be the one ashamed. maybe she could throw some "university women" joke stat's in, just for fun? last time i heard this was considered an automatic forfeiture in an honest debate, unless we are playing by affirmative action rules.

an honest commentator would be honor bound to make this public, wouldn't he/she, if this were an honest debate and not a set-up? too much to expect i guess.

i thought marc did a nice job.

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I can see it now taser shootouts between men and women. It's funny how the so-called "progressives" are actually going backwards in the name of "change" isn't it? The ones that resist this change are actually the ones that are giving people a choice to not be indoctrinated with rape hysteria, pro-lesbian messages, male bashing, homosexual activity on channels that do not even allow heterosexual activity. "Progressives" today are the people that think illegal immigrants should get a free ride right after they run drugs across the border and enter the country illegally. The same that believe in Tasering and shooting American men on the spot -- especially black ones -- but make excuses for mexican drug dealing mothers that pop out babies in the back of the immigration van for instant citizenship, the one that back-up lying women that claim they have been raped, the ones that allow little girls to terrorize young boys in the name of some lop-sided version of "equality."

It's just like the old days -- which I never experienced personally but have read about -- where "progressives" were the ones that thought whites were superior and blacks were inferior. Noone has learned, the same mistakes have been made AGAIN.

Here is my opinion: The most racist, sexist, and most malevolent(i.e. Women win in all of these categories.) have always been in power claiming to not have any power. Their goal was -- and is -- to reinstitute martial law, slavery, and bigotry as a popular notion. Most women want someone else slaving away during the day while they go buy shoes and clothes or get drunk.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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...finally. Lis has hardly ever won a debate against Marc. He nearly always beats the skirt off of her each time.

The rigged vote was very see-through of course -- they simply fixed the polls and set-it so noone could vote -- but Fox thinks they are fooling us.



The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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