Ohio Woman Charged for Having 15-Year-Old Father Her Child

Video report here. Some good lines include:

"...it was not a student-teacher relationship." (So it wasn't so bad then? "Relationship".)

"... is accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy..." (There it is again, "having sex with", as predictable as the tides.)

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...women are the only politically correct victims!!!

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the sad thing is, this is how the girls are being brought up today. They can do no wrong, they don't have to answer for anything and men/boys are there to serve them and take the the blame for anything they do.


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1- He broke the rules. He must pay!
2- She broke the rules. He must pay!

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> 1- He broke the rules. He must pay!
> 2- She broke the rules. He must pay!

Make no mistake about it, since there was a child born he *will* have to pay, considering the precedent set in similar cases:

See here and here.

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