Discrimination against women... in coffee shops?

Article here.

That's right people, a story about coffee shops discriminating against women. Apparently they have to wait a whole 20 extra seconds for their drinks on average.

The study is unscientific. It only covered eight coffee houses, so that data is quite questionable. The author's sexist solution? Women-only coffee shops. Note that the author is male.

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Yep. All it takes is someone to say that women are not getting the exact same whatever as men and the solution is to create women-only whatevers. This need not be proven, only asserted. Typical feminism. The maleness of the authorship only points out the long-standing fact that plenty of men can be counted as the feminists. This is not news. There are plenty of duped men raised in the morass of falsehoods and misandry that typify the culture today. As for sex separatists? Yes, there are male separatists, too. Some think that men-only spaces should exist but no women-only. Some think there should only be men-only/women-only spaces. Others think there should be women-only spaces but no men-only spaces. As we already know, there are a lot of female separatists out there too.

All of them are wrong. All of them are just plain missing the point of the idea of equality in society and before the law. All have their reasons. None of them are good enough, and never will be.

Gender separatism for any reason may well be the most dangerous trend in human anthropology today.

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"Women only" places is a good idea. Such places implant in brains the idea that one gender can exist without another not only perfectly well, but even better than when genders coexist. And that's true.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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That all the typical "groups" were mentioned, but the only ones that seemed to be "statistically persuasive" in this completely unscientific circle jerk were the women. Sorry black guys, younguns, and ugly people(?)...this isn't about YOU!

Let me ask this: If these "all male" staffs are purposefully making women (and blacks and young and ugly) wait longer, wouldn't that just make the white men (and old people and beautiful people) that are behind them have to wait longer, too? I mean, if they're preferential to us white guys, they'd get those undesirables out of our way quicker so we can get our java fast, right? Do the "all female" staffs make men wait longer? What about the other groups? Are the "all male" staffs made up of all whites, or are there blacks, too? And how in the hell did they determine who fit in to the "ugly" category...rock, paper, scissors?

I honestly can't remember the last time I was in a coffee shop that had an "all anything" staff. They must have had to look long and hard to find them. And this whole idea of having "women only" coffee shops is stupid. Are they going to practice discriminatory hiring and get only women in there? If not, women will have to wait even longer, considering there won't be any white guys in there to speed things along.

What a bunch of bullshit, and a colossal waste of time. It was ALL supposition and innuendo, but damn it makes good print, huh?. I surely hope that my kids find a better way to spend my educational dollars when they're in college then vilifying white guys and helping the fembots in their whinefests.

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What about the men in line behind these women. They end up waiting longer too.

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What kind of pathetic life must a person have to conduct such an assine study?

Have you guys ever seen the difference between men and women and how they order dinner at a restaurant? The guy will make it simple..."a burger, fries and a diet coke"

The woman? "I'll have a burger with a seedless bun lightly toasted. "Can I have a baked potatoe instead of fries? Please only put about 2oz of ketchup on the burger"

When the waiter leaves, she immediately calls him back to change her order.

Than the meal comes, she wants something else because it wasn't what she expected.

My supermarket theory. When I go shopping, I estimate how much the food will cost and have a few $20 bills in my hand as I approach check out. The woman? She drops her pocket book on the counter and will spend several minutes digging for change at the bottom of her bag.

The woman will always hold up the line at 7'11 because of their indecision.

At these coffee shops, the staff know men tip more (its proven). Men are also very efficient when they order.

I have a friend who is waitress at Applebees. She hates waiting on a table of women. They tip like crap and can't make up their minds. She also mentioned male patrons will tip a male waiter more than female patrons.

Women have no concept of tiping because when dinning with a man, he pays the bill.

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This story was just covered on MSNBC. We are losing lives in Iraq, yet this story gets MSM coverage. I'll look for the video and post it to MANN.

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>She also mentioned male patrons will tip a male waiter more than female patrons

I find this really hard to believe. I was a taxi driver overseas at a military base many years ago and one time I brought my wife (girlfriend at the time) with me in the front seat. I was totally flabbergasted at how my tips went markedly up the time she was with me. It wasn't even close!

This waitress' comment sounds like more made-up garbage by a cry-baby woman.

It certainly doesn't happen all the time but I get really angry when cashiers and female customers start conversations as they're ringing up and bagging purchases while I'm behind them waiting for the transaction to end. Very, very rude and inconsiderate. It's easy for me to understand why women take longer to get through lines.

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Is women taking 20 seconds longer to get through lines at the coffee shops discrimination or better, more attentive service?

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The statement was the Men tip Waiters (rather than waitresses) more than Women tip Waiters.

Of course men tend to tip waitresses more than they tip waiters.... but the reverse is not true to the point where women tip waiters more than men would tip them. It might still be true that women tip waiters more, but men still tip better overall such that they tip waiters more and waitresses even more.


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I think Dittohd pretty much nailed it with his suggestion that women just have to talk more and so logically every transaction takes longer.

In fact, it's really the servers at the coffee shop whose time is being squandered by indecisive and conversationally addicted female customers. (And, asking the cute dude behind the counter a lotta questions about choices is a typical female flirting tactic.)

For a typical guy, shopping is a practical chore that you accept and the object of the excursion is to get what you need, pay for it, and leave.

For a typical female, shopping is just a lubricant for all the social interactions she can have, all the chit-chat possibilities in the aisles, all the girlie bonding moments, even if that means yapping on her cell phone to fill in the terrible moments of silence when she's confronted with the terror of being quiet for two minutes.

Actually purchasing anything is incidental to the real purpose of the trip to the mall. (Many women will spend hours looking at merchandise and then never buy a single item.)

It's about seeking attention, having some superficial conversations, and being seen.

I read somewhere that brain chemistry research shows that talking is for women what orgasm is for men.

Next time you're stuck in the check-out line behind a woman who's yapping on her cell while she slowly completes the transaction, remember that what you experience as a rude inconvenience is her version of another climactic moment.

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I invite you all to read the comment by paul parmenter on the Fray site. It's under the heading "missing the target".

This is the way we have to respond to these revolting people.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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..Sex segregation is a feminist issue??????

Didn't earlier feminist's fight to be admitted into mens social networks???

I can see where one might ask???? who stole feminism????

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...inventing a bullshit point, then getting everyone to argue over whether the bullshit point is valid(rather than people just debunking the bullshit from the door as being pseudoscience, we entertain that it might actually be valid -- simply because it concerns women -- when there is clearly no scientific basis for such a claim), thus bringing attention to the bullshit -- which is what the feminists wanted in the first place.

This chain of events then allows feminists to claim that the reason men are arguing over the "bullshit" -- and not accepting it -- is because they are sexist and not supportive of women's rights since men allowed feminists to assert that such a ridiculous claims is true rather than dispelling the nonsense with no concern as to how women feel about it.

If a scientific analysis had been conducted -- and the lie debunked -- when the lie was first presented it would never have gotten this far. Men pay too much attention to women's fraudulent claims and thus ensure their own enslavement.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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