Female absenteeism is apparently not just due to child care

Article here.

It has been found that women are twice as likely to be absent from work as men. This is mostly due to child care, however studies show that doesn't account for all of it. The real answer is still unknown. However that doesn't stop the author from chalking it up to something else.

You guessed it. Sexism.

Don't hesitate to sound off the message boards. A few women are waving their feminist flags high along with a good dose of man bashing.

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If the absentee rate for women as well as men is dropping, what's the problem? Talk about pulling a sob story out of your ass.

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Women don't want to work as hard as men..why would anyone have a problem with this issue??
In fact women even claim that they are due credit, once having achieved significant numbers in fields such as medicice, for the reduction in standard number of hours worked by hospital physicians in certain specialties, such as pediatrics. And that is not mainly due to child-care issues, because it is largely women in the early resident stage of their training, who "achieved" this reduction in work-load for the profession overall.

The majority of women in the medical profession who are going to have children (i.e. the ones who aren't Frankenstein-looking sows), as in most other professions, wait until they have several years experience as fully qualified workers in their fields, then marry up in income (for example to a cardiologist or plastic surgeon), and "retire" by their mid-thirties to have a baby or two.


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Why would someone have a problem with what I have given below? Because once people develope an ideology, or at least a societally-endorsed set of beliefs (in this case those beliefs promulgated by feminists), they naturally as well as actively resist any counter-ideas which ring true.


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(excerpt from the article) -- "...it’s not just mothers with kids who need to go to the doctor. Even women with no children miss work at twice the rate of men, single or married. ... That focus on gender… has created a situation where co-workers and managers expect women to be absent more often, and that, in turn, creates an air of unreliability around female employees."

I have long advocated that it would be to America's advantage to provide every woman with a guaranteed annual minimum wage -- say $50,000 -- in return for which they would promise to just stay home and never, ever show up in any workplace.

Once men no longer have to massage women's fragile egos, sit on endless committees, worry about workplace harassment, attend diversity training seminars, or listen to endless PMS-induced whining, then obviously productivity and GDP would immediately rise by 3000%!

Raise my taxes please. Just keep the bitches occupied shopping or watching Oprah, so I go to work in peace...

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$50,000? If Roy's plan passes, I'm getting a sex change!

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Hey,The times is at fault,the article said so.The answer is therefore to shut the times down and everything will be hunky dory

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No, we should pay men $50,000 to stay home from work to shut the whiny bitches up. You know, if we paid them to stay home they would call it a "glass ceiling", we all know this. Plus, they would no longer have to compete with men, something they don't do very well.

I have a theory about men staying home from work more now to and why the work ethic has decreased.

When you have a group of employees that gets treated better than another group. The second group will eventually begin acting like the the first group.

So, if women can get away with calling in sick over a headache, men learn to do it too. Of course, there is far less tolerance when men do it but still, it is a natural reaction when you constantly see one group getting better treatment. This lowers work ethic and attendance.

Ever notice how no matter where you go these days, you can't seem to get good customer service?

My Board: [URL=http://z3.invisionfree.com/AntiFeministing/index.php?act=idx]Antifeministing[/URL]

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If msnbc has begun to talk about women's economic ineffectiveness at work place - this means that the situation in this sphere has become really problematic. America has begun to lose economically to Asian and other countries due to all the economic burdens imposed by feminist policies.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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True, MSNBC isn't exactly Conservative so if they are talking agaist the feminist BS, then we know there is progress.

My Board: [URL=http://z3.invisionfree.com/AntiFeministing/index.php?act=idx]Antifeministing[/URL]

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But the absenteeism is getting better for both men and women. There is no story here. It's bullshit.

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