Hillary Condemns Discrimination in Speech... at Women-only College

In remarks at her alma mater Wellesley College, Hillary said that women have always had to fight discrimination in career advancement, and still do. Excerpt:

'"So let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work together,” she told the cheering, standing-room-only crowd of more than 1,000 women and a smattering of men in Alumnae Hall at Wellesley, which is one of the historically all-women colleges known as the Seven Sisters and is still limited to female students. “We’re ready to shatter that highest glass ceiling.”'

It’s funny that when men are excluded from an institution it’s called “limiting,” but when women are excluded it’s called “discrimination.”

Currently Mrs. Clinton polls a less than 50% favorable rating among women voters.

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once we appraoch the '08 election you might have to create a new site specifically for hillary news! hahahahaha

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... I am aware that I can do too much Hillary. I am trying not to over-post the issue and it can be hard what with all of MSM covering her every move on a 24/7 basis. I am only trying to hit the high points where her lack of qualifications and absence of any discernible platform (except perhaps the feminist one, which of course she is keeping on the D-L and showing only to her friends at NOW) are made clear in the subject story. Still, if it seems I am over-doing stories on her, feel free to post as much. Feedback from the readership is always appreciated, even if it includes the occasional "rant". ;)

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I wonder how blacks feel about her use of term "highest glass ceiling"?
Man, she is just exploiting that one to death.

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...are lying bitches claiming to be a-alike to a race of people that actually experienced "real" slavery.

I actually find most black men to be spineless wimps that refuse to stand-up to lies such as the one this woman is promoting.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Mr.R. What do you think of Tim Wise? Seems to me as misguided as the rest.

This comment from Wikipedia (therefore, read with caution) sums it up...

"Wise's supporters contend that he focuses his attention on white males for the same reason that left-wing icon Noam Chomsky spends most of his energy criticizing the United States government even though other nations have committed similar atrocities - because he is a part of that category or system, and is therefore more capable of changing that system."

How could someone as educated in social issues as he is possibly believe that men are more capable to changing the system?

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...There is something quite perverse when the most liberated group of people the world has ever witnessed in terms of health, wealth, leasure time and general life options....THE WHITE MIDDLE CLASS FEMALE..

continues an incessant propaganda campaign stating they are victims!!


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the hillary articles are great! keep 'em coming!

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hillary wants to lead a nation of women, obama wants to lead a nation of individuals. he's gaining more of my respect with each passing day.

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...that's the first time I actually heard of Time Wise. I am checking out his page now on Wikipedia to find out more about him then I will get back to you.

ScottKirk: That is exactly what I said and it is not just white women enjoying those benefits now, black women have jumped on the entitlement bandwagon. I know more than a few black female corporate idiots that act just like the white women and oppress their own men with anti-male ideology.

So it is that western women as a whole are enjoying a life of leisure and wealth never seen before by any group of people on the planet.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Man...If you haven't seen mark rudov..AKA..The No Nonsense Mans latest segment with liz weil on Fox news..youre missing out!!
It's about hillary playing the gender card!!
Check it out at...... no nonsense man.com

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Lis Wiehl is an overly emotional blathering idiot and this debate really shows it. Marc has improved alot.....he really laid down the law on that one. I am glad to see him no longer pulling punches with narcisisstic, manipulative women and wimpy men that pander to them.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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lis weil is constantly defeated by rudov. i love it!

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It's my understanding that Lis Wiehl is an attorney!

Yet she has the gall during the so-called debate with Marc Rudov to state that the Duke U. lacrosse team false-rape case "had nothing to do with relations between men and women."

Lis argues from the premise of whatever she's feeling at the moment. Feminists claim this "emotional intelligence" is vastly superior to the oppressive patriarchal logic of people who actually think and reason.

I've suggested before that Fox needs to find Marc a better girlfriend.

I'd favor a brunette, but would settle for an intelligent redhead at this point.

Lis is starting to rekindle my long-extinguished sense of Chivalry.

I want to hold the door open for her as she EXITS the Fox TV studio for good.

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Too bad EI can't enable Hillary to give coherent answers to basic questions.

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