Undistributed Collected Child Support - Listen to the shocking and informative interview of Richar Farr

Zero download time - Listen to the interview of Richar Farr on Ronald Smith's talk show with co-host Robin Denison. The topic of discussion is undistributed collected child support - the corruption is exposed!

Full Interview is here on DaddyBlogger.com.

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It would be foolish to concentrate ONLY on undistrubuted funds.

There is so much wrong with the child alimony agencies we need to petition to have them closed!

....and please tell me what good it would do to privatize them? If the complaint is that child alimony agencies are in it "for the money", isn't that what all private businesses are in business for?

Child alimony is/has always been/will always be about transference of wealth from men to women and from men to the state. Debtors prisons are unconstitutional but they get away with it by calling it "contempt of court". Won't the same thing happen if private business takes over? Don't creditors take people to court over unpaid debts? Nothing will change, may even get worse if you consider the accountability factor. When child alimony agencies are shown to be corrupt, it embarrasses the politicians in charge. If it goes private.....

These people seem to be saying "oh, we agree with child alimony as long as it gets back to mommy". Well, I don't agree with the forced transference of wealth from men to women anymore than I agree with the forced transference of wealth from men to the state in the name of the children.

My Board: [URL=http://z3.invisionfree.com/AntiFeministing/index.php?act=idx]Antifeministing[/URL]

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Whoever gets the kid should pay for him. Don't want kids, girls? Don't have them.

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Exactly! You want full custody? You take full respoonsibilty. That is a fair model but with that model that state doesn't get to cash in and the feminists (and the state) don't get to control the children because with that model most children will suddenly be living with daddy.

My Board: [URL=http://z3.invisionfree.com/AntiFeministing/index.php?act=idx]Antifeministing[/URL]

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