RADAR ALERT: Tell the Associated Press (AP) to Publish Facts -- Not Disinformation
Virtually every week you read, hear, or see stories about female teachers having sex with their pupils. Yet, contrary to the experience of everyone reading this alert, the Associated Press just published a multi-part series on sexual predators claiming that 9 out of 10 were male. The false 9 out of ten claim was in the lead and longest story.
The empirical research reality is found in a report by the U.S. Department of Education (.pdf file) which notes on page 24 that 2 large survey studies found that about 43% of students reported that their abusers were female sexual predators.
Additional information can be found on Google under "Female Sexual Predators."
Finally, sexual abuse by adult females is not a victimless crime. The best evidence can be found in the transcript of a BBC Documentary titled "The Ultimate Taboo: Child Sexual Abuse by Women" described by the Canadian Children’s Rights Council as "a vivid and horrific programme in which the victims of sexual abuse by women told disturbing stories of emotional and physical damage:".
So, what to do?
We urge you to send emails or letters to the Director of Media Relations for the Associated Press. Tell him they've already caused great harm by printing a multi-part series that misleadingly promotes the myth that only 10% of sexual predators are female. Tell him that the only way they can undo that harm is for them to follow up with a multi-part series on female sexual predators and the harms they cause to their victims. As always, be polite in your calls and emails.
Go to http://www.mediaradar.org/press_release_20071023.php to read RADAR’s press release on the AP's claims.
Then write, email, or call. Do it today!
Paul Colford, Director of Media Relations
Associated Press
450 W. 33rd St.
New York, NY 10001
Date of RADAR Release: October 29, 2007
Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.
R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.
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I just sent my E-mail!!
I just sent my E-mail!!
These news agencies play up to the far left wing and the femnazis. We need to get people elected that are on the conservative side. Maybe that will help. The femnazis are ruining and running this world. The far left waddle right behind them and the associated press eat up everything these two groups throw at them. Can you imagine how much worse things will get if Hillary is elected? She will infiltrate all aspects of our government with her female cronies. If that happens there will be a point of no return. So, get out and vote the left wings out of office before it is too late.
Right wing/left wing...
Right wing/left wing...
democrat/ republican.....
nazi/ communist.....
These terms are now meaningless hysteria!!
America is tumbleing into chaos because the voice of the father is being muted!! Most men are too weakened and broken to even try to fix it!!