YouTube: Stephen Colbert on Feminism

If anyone needs a laugh, check out this video! I'll say it again, this is a classic for the archives. (I'll be shocked if Matt actually posts this).


Ed. note: Well I am not *completely* without a sense of humor! :)

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I laughed so hard my face hurts. Thanks.

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I'm pretty sure that I saw in the video clip Andrea Dworkin lurking in the background at the pole dance class, behind all the not-so-skinny wanna-be-strippers.

She was mumbling something obscene about the objectification of women ... by women.

Wasn't it comedian Chris Rock who said upon becoming the father of a baby girl that "A dad's only job is to keep her OFF THE POLE!"

Gotta laugh at the raunch culture that feminism has sold to women as "liberation."

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...I am starting to see men everywhere begin to agree with what we are saying and boy are the women panicking. Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be a slavemaster like women and come to the day when the slave realizes he wants to be free?

This must be terrifying for the cruel, insensitive matriarchy that has enslaved men with psychological bullshit for hundreds of years. Women are afraid alright. They are afraid that men are finally waking up from that pussy dream(which is really a nightmare) and demanding that women -- and the world at large -- treat them like people instead of attack dogs.

Get jobs now girls. Go work in a ditch, or do anything you can to make a buck and support yourselves, because there is a strike going on and men are not getting hitched to their slavemasters anymore. Especially black men who have had enough of people cracking the whip on their backs.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Mr.reality.. feminist hysteria is cyclical!!

for example...We know know that black men paid a terrible price for rape hysteria 100 years ago...That is up until the case of the scottsborro boys!!!

The case of the Scottsborro boys being declared innocent changed debunked the rape hysterria of that era!!!

100 years after that case..all the people that lived through that era are dead...And feminist rape hysteria is back full swing!! That is until the duke laccrosse case!!

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That is very true. Excellent observation scottkirk!


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The marriage rate is on a steady decline: a 50% drop since 1970 from 76.5 per 1,000 unmarried women to 39.9. Researchers blame the increase in cohabitation as the main culprit, although cohabiting couples have twice the breakup rate of married couples. (See -

Wikipedia's single page entry on "The Marriage Strike" at -

has several worthwile links, including a 2002 paper by Barbara Dafoe Whitehead & David Popenoe titled, "The State of Our Unions." (They later published a 2005 book with the same title.)

According to the authors:

"The ten reasons why men won’t commit are:

1. They can get sex without marriage more easily than in times past
2. They can enjoy the benefits of having a wife by cohabiting rather than marrying
3. They want to avoid divorce and its financial risks
4. They want to wait until they are older to have children
5. They fear that marriage will require too many changes and compromises
6. They are waiting for the perfect soul mate and she hasn’t yet appeared
7. They face few social pressures to marry
8. They are reluctant to marry a woman who already has children
9. They want to own a house before they get a wife
10. They want to enjoy single life as long as they can"

I found it interesting that while Whitehead & Popenoe discuss the anti-male biases in the Divorce Industry, nowhere do they attribute the rampant misandry in our injustice system to forty years of radical feminism.

Their research totally ignores the root causes of the marriage strike, prefering to talk about young men's attitudes as if they were causes instead of consequences of a toxic feminist social climate.

The apparent reluctance in academia and the MSM to acknowledge men's abandonment of the institution of marriage as a conscious (and, dare I say, "political") choice invites further commentary from MRA's.

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...thus we can alter the content at will.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Hey Mr.R. that's quite a genius bit of prose attached to your sig line i.e. - "The Women Are at Fault" essay. Worth the read.

Matussek nails the basic MRA's criticism of feminism -- which is that it has not brought about equality, but rather, the INFANTILIZATION OF WOMEN.

I believe this suggests something possibly interesting about the growing men's marriage strike.

American men today (with some rare exceptions) are faced with marrying/partnering with a female who is(psychologically) either an adult-infant or a wanna-be-man.

In many cases, women exhibit both deformities at the same time, i.e. - an aggressive false-masculine "go girl" bravado coupled with an infant's sense of permanent entitlement and a victimhood-inspired rage when denied anything she wants 24 x 7.

What man wants to marry an aggressive, raging child in expensive clothes and make-up who is primed for blowing up?

Of course the petulant angry "hot girls" often mature into truly sophisticated calculating vampire harvesting machines.

So, there is always room for optimism!

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I worry that I might come across as a bit harsh vis a vis women's quest for equality.

In fact, I am completely 100% in favor of women's independence.

I wish for them to be independent of my wallet, my home, my career prospects, my comfort, my politics, and my consideration.

Just please, girls, do not come around petitioning for my chivalristic charity when your immaculate plans go awry.

I used to care about what women want.

But, now they proclaim that they're all grown up, and so the most charitable thing any man can do for a woman today is to let her experience fully what it means to be an independent adult.

I guess that could be mistaken for tough love. (And, maybe I'm a feminist?)

Problem is, American women have made themselves entirely unlovable; so, I guess it's just being harsh after all.

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