VAWA Budget Increased By $10 Million!

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Last week the US Senate passed a $10 million increase for VAWA programs. The amendment, sponsored by Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Richard Shelby (R-AL) and Patty Murray (D-WA) includes the following increases:
* $5 million to partially restore the cut the Senate CJS committee had previous proposed to Grants to Encourage Arrest and Enforcement of Protection Orders for a total of $60 million.
* $4 million for Engaging Men and Youth in Prevention Efforts.
* $1 million for a National Resource Center on Workplace Responses to Assist Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence.'

(Note - The 'Engaging Men and Youth in Prevention Efforts' is of interest to those who follow how VAWA funding is used to indoctrinate boys into a kind of Duluth Model feminism-lite DV brainwashing effort through school and church workshops. "Youth" is fem-speak for "boys." You won't see any attention paid to partner and dating violence initiated by girls.)

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I'm looking forward to the Nifong Prevention Act, and a billion dollars being allocated to enforce it.

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Being from Maryland this is embarrassing that Mikulski has led the way in gaining more funding for VAWA. I have been writing unanswered letters and emails to her for five years. I can say that her staff is quite aware of the plight of male victims. Her LA for DV gets regular updates from me on the plight of men in DV and yet this lesbian woman firster has the audacity to seek more funding for women or for indoctrinating boys to believe they are responsible for the violence. Just another mark showing the conscious hatred of our legislators.

I think it is time for white men to stand up and start raising hell.

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mo money we don't have and have to borrow for women to throw away. perpetual victims.

nuttin new. sounds like marriage in amerika.

why is it that money for our troops is taking money away from children's health care and
how is this money for feminists not taking money away from children's health care? this would pay for a lot of much needed children's medical needs. maybe it's like CS. we all know it is going where it is needed, wink wink.

and i'll bet the farm not one brave congressman will vote against it, again.

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They don't fight women. That's why we are in this predicament. Mothers have done a fine job with all of the "men don't hit women" lessons they gave us. Am I saying to go out and hit a woman? No. Not unless she hits you first. What I am advocating and revealing is that this "matriarchal rule" that our mothers(and some fathers) have pounded into us since we were young is the reason men are afraid to confront women on their bullshit.

In all reality, we need men that never cared about the pro-female bullshit that "mommy dearest" fed him when he was young. Men that could care less if women call them "misogynist." These are the men we need, because these are the men that will stand up to women instead of licking their wounds on some obscure site while women run wild in the world wreaking havoc on everyone.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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....Mr. reality!!! What we need are educated/ logical men who possess basic clasical critical thinking skills....

That can see beyond the highly emotionally charged hysteria...And say in no indirect fashion..."real men can protect this nations sons, as well as its daughters"

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Men who are "not man/father enough to protect our nations boys as well as our daughters...are simply unfit fathers!!"

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We have to build a movement like the women did in the late 60's. Since the media won't cover such a movement, notification of it must be through the Internet, word of mouth, and random mailings going out to the population. We must refuse to pay unreasonable child support, rally for laws that require the CP (women) to account for how child support money is spent, to treat uncommitted relationship pregnancies different than those from committed relationships, and have domestic violence laws that are gender neutral. If we go to jail, so be it, but the movement must continue and grow. Remember, civil rights laws didn't happen overnight and without suffering and unfair incarceration. The politicians aren't going to help us because helping men doesn't help them...we must force them to listen to us.

Like0 Dislike0 can also put a mensactivism bumper sticker...or maybee even 5 stickers on youre car!! and you can park the rear end of youre car where all passersby in the streets can see them!!

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If every man who's ever been served a restraining order would contribute just $10 per year to men's rights groups, they would overwhelm NOW, which has in the past falsely claimed to have a $10,000,000 budget (it's actually half that). NOW has also falsely claimed to have 250,000 members. If every man who's ever been falsely charged with abuse or deprived of his kids unfairly were to just join a men's rights org, we could overwhelm those numbers also. Politicians would be licking our fingers.

Why not even encourage convicted sex offenders to form a group and lobby? There are more of them than there are NOW members, too-- and you know where to send the political fliers, because they're all on databases!

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Education used to men intelligience. Today "educated" means indoctrinated by feminist/pro-woman propaganda. "Educated" means you went through their educational system, which is a monumental failure as of now. The educational system is crumbling due to chivalry and women. So we want "intelligient" men not "educated" ones in this day and age.

The term "real men" is one that shames men into slaving away for women. No men need not protect women to be men. They are already men biologically. No demands may be made of men in this day and age because the smart men are not listening anymore. They could care less what women want or what women think they should do. Men have listened and acquiesced to women's demands for hundreds of years and no longer will men bow down to the pussy goddess. Men are leaving their women to be with other men, to be with their kids and to be alone.

Men are on strike against women and not marrying them(I submittied an article on the marriage strike this morning. As of now I see Matt has not approved it. This has happened with many of my stories. Yet another example of how men work against men instead of exposing women.). This may be the biggest statement of all as men are clearly saying they do not want to be legally tied to women. It is a step in the right direction. Any man that still thinks "it is men's job to defend women" is a chivalrous fool and is not living in the present. Those are false beliefs of the past that must be buried in order to move forward. Men only protect those who protect them now. Women act helpless when men are in mortal danger. They don't stand up and take bullets for men like men do for women. If a man and woman gets robbed the man fights to save the woman while the woman either sits looking horrified or "screams for help" either way she does not struggle with the attacker in an attempt to defend the man. Women also don't fight for men, they will fight against their man but hardly ever for him. Take the same women when they are in a fight with their girlfriends and the kick, bite, scratch, punch; anything to protect other women and themselves but hardly ever for men.

Women very rarely stand up and get bloody in battle to protect men so why are you still giving your lives up for someone that could care less if you die? Of course there are plenty of MEN that are grateful for soldiers but women by and large criticize them as "part of the patriarchy." Women can criticize men with impunity as no woman ever fears "getting drafted" into a war like men do.

Stop being a pawn. This is an emotional battle as well as a logical one. Any slave against master fight is going to be that way because slavery is not just institutional it is psychological and as long as you think in order to be a man that you have to protect women you're still a slave mentally. Break those chains NOW!


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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MrReality, thank you for returning to the logical dialogue and providing excellent narratives about men's rights.

You suggested - "In all reality, we need men that never cared about the pro-female bullshit that "mommy dearest" fed him when he was young."

I would suggest that this is not possible.
(Those men do not exist.)

If you observe how boys are socialized, they inhabit a female-dominated reality from birth through college.

Think about the authority figures who are actually PRESENT most of the time in boys' lives.

Moms (hopefully breastfeeding), day-care providers, elementary school teachers, high school teachers, college/university professors.

It's a seamless web of feminism, yes?

(The deadbeat dads are off working 70 hour weeks or in prison...)

In the African-American community, 70% of boys never experience an educated, employed black man of influence at home or in school, of course discounting the obvious street economy entrepeneurs.

So my basic point is, there are NO MEN who have escaped "caring about female bullshit..." because that would mean hating your mother.

Every man is a mother's son.

The feminists understand this and that's why stupid Chivalry continues to subvert the men's movement.

So, I'd ask you to comment about this idea ---

What men cannot ignore, they must ruthlessly interrogate, and find a way to overcome.


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So what? Lots of men resent having not had a father in their lives, without "hating their mothers." Furthermore, men who grew up without a father are more restless, and likely to challenge society's values.

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