YouTube: Kim Gandy on CNBC debates wage gap myth
Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2007-10-24 04:14
This is must see TV! The premise of the debate is about congressional and senate hearings on the proposed "Paycheck Fairness Act" This is a bill heavily supported by Hillary Clinton. Another woman does an outstanding job schooling Gandy on the wage gap fallacy. Its good to see the MSM giving equal time to others who challenge feminist propaganda.
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Ouch! The Kimster got
Ouch! The Kimster got schooled!
Gandy is right
Gandy is completely right in one point. There is a certain number of men who endorse this proposed bill and all the tendency of discriminating men in general. Mainly, these male feminists are daughter-owners, but there are also some other species.
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
Men still want to protect
Men still want to protect women and give them special treatment-- which is actually a way of controlling them; something a loon like Kim Gandy seems to be all too eager to encourage.
Gandy had nothing
absolutely nothing of any merit or value to say in response. Jesus, I would have figured anyone could've done a better bluffing. Hopefully, this has been a real moment of embarassement for Gandy.
It's Getting Harder ...
It is getting harder and harder for women to find silly Chivalrous men who want to protect and pay for them.
Women in America are, let's face it, panicking!
They can't find their wallets!
No thinking man will marry today in the midst of this feminist legal tyranny.
The rare thinking woman might wonder - "why am I alone?"
The other 80% of the bovine species are still counting on cashing in on their entitled sale price for possessing a vagina.
Moooove on, girls. To equality!
Women today are having to
Women today are having to fight for men. Women today are constantly saying "I am not like those other women". We have thrown women on the defensive and on the defensive is where they will stay.
My Board: [URL=]Antifeministing[/URL]
Women are coming up with all kinds of bullshit maintain their tyrannical matriarchal power status against the onslaught of true equality. Just look at that moronic "feminists are sexy" article. Women are so frightened about losing their "entitlements" that they are pulling bullshit like "feminists are sexy" out of their ass and calling it science. They can't stand being told -- and forced -- to grow up in order to "just get a man."
No man wants a spoiled little girl with a grown-up body(They even try to stay a child for their entire fucking life. Honestly, how many women do you know that are obssessed with staying and looking young?). Nope girls, now you must grow the fuck up or get the fuck away from us. Go have your little lesbian haven that you built somewhere else. Makes all girl babies(because women cant create men). No "real man" gives a shit.
No if's and or but's about it. Justice is being done without the help of the misandric courts. Nature is the best judge, jury and executioner. It was natural for men to get tired of being women's slaves. The gender war went against men and nature itself and thus was doomed to fail. Only women would embark on such a stupid, useless journey to nowhere then whine and blame someone else for the damage they have done. Dumb skanks.
Men need to keep nailing away at the matriarchy. Don't let up on it...keep hammering away. Break that pink throne into millions of pieces.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek