Feminist Farm CafePress Site is Officially Open for Business!

Please visit (and feel free to buy something to show your support for men's rights!) at http://www.cafepress.com/feministfarm.

As some people pointed out in my earlier posting, I'll surely get a lot of crap from MSM, feminists and "idiot men". I can hardly wait. I'll share samples of my hate mail in future postings!

One thing I forgot to mention in prior post is that, as noted at the bottom of each Feminist Farm CafePress page, proceeds from the site will go to men's and women's organizations that work for fair treatment of women AND men.

CafePress has an affiliates program that pays 20% of each product's *markup price* (i.e. NOT 20% of the product price). Please contact me at feministfarm-at-cox.net if you or your group is interested in becoming an affiliate member.


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Good stuff, but I wish you had a bumper sticker that said PROSECUTE MANGUM.

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Actually the "feminist pig" idea is a pretty good one. I'll buy one of those coffee mugs when I see Gloria Steinem on it (obviously you don't have to sketch her as a pig, since she already looks like one).


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Google image Gloria Steinem, and check out the cartoon drawing that appears in the lower right-hand corner. Lol!

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