Hillary's Shakedown of Chinese Immigrants

Wow, read this. So she got all that money from poor Chinese immigrants? Or were they just told to say they gave her that money, or was it given to them to give to her?

Egad. I haven't seen news like this since Chicago in the 20s (not that I was alive back then, but...). Excerpt:

'All three locations, along with scores of others scattered throughout some of the poorest Chinese neighborhoods in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, have been swept by an extraordinary impulse to shower money on one particular presidential candidate -- Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton.'

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Dirty money from Chinatown! Gotta love it.

Next step: "Rudy raped me!"

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where do i begin

hillary's had 6 different postions on iraq. she voted for the war, than claimed the bush administration manipulated her with false intellegence reports. this is probably true, but a true leader does not cry victim.

several months ago during a debate she chastised obama for his willingness to speak to iran without establishing bench marks. guess what? she changed her mind. now she supports such a policy.

she has proposed about 8 new different governement branches which includes her healthcare plan. estimates suggest these new agencies will cost approx. 800 billion dollars. if she wants to spend close to a trillion dollars, thats fine. but when asked if she would raise taxes she responded with a karl marx quote. "sometimes we need to take some away from the public for the common good" sounds like taxes will increase. maybe she thinks the public is stupid. if your gonna raise taxes, just be honest and tell the public. i must be fair, she wants to repeal the bush tax cuts, but that won't cover all the $$ she wants to spend. reports suggest she might raise the gas tax. great, now we'll be paying $5 for a gallon of gas. she mentions the money where wasting in iraq and she's right. but hillary, what does that have to do with increasing taxes. what will she say? "its not my fault bush invaded iraq." wrong hillary! any incumbent president inherits everthing from prior administrations. you can't play the blame game. she says this is bush's war. if elected hillary, it becomes your war. if you can't handle the mistakes of the bush administration, don't run for president!

she enjoys taking credit for successful aspects of her husbands administration, but had nothing to do with some of his failures. take it from a resident new yorker, as a junior senator she has accomplished very little. when she was elected she promised to improve the economy of upstate new york. i lived in syracuse for 5 years. take it from me, the economy sucks as soon as you enter sullivan county.

during an msnbc debate she was asked if as president she would prevent iran from becoming a nuclear power. she was asked if a miltary option might be necessary. she did not ansewer the question! i don't care what her postion is, but atleast tell the people your ideology on the matter.

hillary has yet to ansewer questions about the economy and failed miserably with her 1992 healthcare initiative.

someone needs to asked hillary about the selective service.
when i was 18 i was required to registar for the selective service which is a list used if a draft was ever implemented. women don't have to do this. if hillary is elected she is commander and chief of the most powerfull military in the world. she has authority over generals that have served in wars. how can a woman lead this country and not require other women to share the same responsibilities as men? to be honest, i'm not sure the selective service requirment still exists. either way, i still smell the stench of hypocrisy.

i can go on and on but i'm heading out for the day.

i think you guys get my point.

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Flip-flop, flip-flop. Watch the windshield wipers go whenever a Clinton is trying to formulate policy.

Although you have to give her credit for assuming six different positions on Iraq; that's more positions than she ever assumed in Thesaq.

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A bold investigative journalist should shake this tree a little!!!

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Note the comment made near the end about losing face if he did also not donate to Clinton's campaign, as did members of his community. Indicates there is a powerful cultural element involving the collectivistic nature of Asian people. Mix that with other shame-based elements common among Chinese and other Asian Americans, and you find something Clinton staff can exploit. Not so much different from extortion. Certainly it is disturbingly clever manipulation.

These people are being taken advantage of. And some of these people also probably don't even exist. This stinks to high heaven. Not a far cry from Whitewater.

From the tenor of this story, I would guess that the reporter picked up on this stench, but the editor (probably a Clinton loving Feminazi or beta-male) went through the original draft story with a red pen and took out all of the naughty bits.

She's a skank. I hope it becomes obvious sooner rather than later.

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Her claim to fame is that she once had sex with Bill Clinton.

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