"Home Is Where the Hurt Is"
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-10-05 13:31
Via Boy Genteel. Article here. Excerpt:
'"Our policies are geared in one direction -- not only unfair to male victims, more importantly, it's not very effective. We're not treating the whole problem; we're only treating part of it. Right now our policies are driven by battered-women's advocates. While they certainly should have a place at the table and their voice is important, they shouldn't be determining policy. There are mental health professionals, attorneys, people involved in family law, children's advocates and social workers who have a different take on domestic violence; and their voices are just not considered in the same way as battered-women's advocates.'
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Very good, but facts again...
This is great. However it is in a "City Paper", the kind found in many cites that are available for free at coffee shops and other such places. Alas it isn't an MSM publication, but that it is appearing in a widely-distributed, albeit local, paper, is good.
Also the author gets it wrong here:
"Most victims of domestic violence are women; the statistics range in identifying 75 to 95 percent of victims as female. Those numbers alone make it clear that, as a population, women deal with domestic violence most often."
Big mistake. Nonetheless, her pro-balance and equality-of-access arguments are very good. I just wish she had gotten this particular fact correct.
Its interesting, that they
Its interesting, that they at least are realizing it. I still get surprised at how such obvious conditions are ignored when there are women involved.
Meaning, we already have a system where people are judged by a third party, with a panel of impartial observers or Jury. Its called our legal system.
But, as soon as women get involved, these so called "Advocates of battered women", it becomes a womens only issue and these very same women are deciding policy, when they shouldnt be because they are no longer impartial.
When will the madness end....
The beginning of the article is loaded...
...with misandric myths and distortions, and while it tries to take male victims of DV into account, and does a great job exposing the hypocrisy and bias in the local legal system, it bases much of what it has to say on the word of feminists spouting misandric, gynocentric gems like "75-95% of DV victims are women" (the actual figure is about 40% according to the CDC's recently released study), then there's the "rule of thumb" (which never actually existed) being parroted by a LAW professor who TEACHES about domestic violence no less, not to mention all the usual Duluth model crap and the "women as property"/"men as monsters" nonsense. If women were the "property of their families", then men are most surely the "property of their wives", not to mention being the "property of the state". This kind of misandric hypocrisy is enough to make me nauseous.
Even so, it's nice to see anyone even acknowledge the millions of men who've been abused (and the whole half a dozen shelters that serve them), and it's even nicer to see someone pointing out the massive differences in how men and women are treated under the law, but it's a crying shame that they had to use feminist, misandric dogma in the process.
When the YMCA and Canada's BOY scouts are allowed to discriminate against women and girls the same way the YWCA and Girl Guides (not to mention 99%+ of domestic violence shelters and the majority of police and courts) discriminate against men and boys, when ALL DV laws and the enforcement and application thereof reflect the fact that 25% of deaths due to DV and 38% of injuries resulting from DV which require hospital treatment happen to the 60% of victims who are men, when 60% of all DV research, funding, shelters and services are geared to the 60% of victims who are men, then and only then will I care what most women have to say about the issue of domestic violence, since I have yet to hear one (aside from Erin Pizzey and a few brave researchers and journalists) say ANYTHING even vaguely reflective of reality.
BTW, the figure of 60% male victims comes from the fact that according to the CDC (which is also the source of the badly under-estimated 25% of deaths and 38% of injuries), 50% of DV/IPV is mutual, while 71% of non-mutual DV/IPV is female-perpetrated against a male vicitm. That means that 25% + 35% of the victims, or 60% of the victims of DV/IPV are MALE.
Our policies are driven by
Our policies are driven by liars who want to impose their delusions on all women. Nifong is the rule, not the exception.