NYT: 'When Ties to a Parent Are Cut by the Other'
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2007-09-25 14:36
Thanks to Maurice for pointing this out. Article here. And you guessed it, it starts out with a story about an evil alcoholic truck-driving father as the perp. Only about half-way down the article do they get to this:
'Dr. Baker said her research — both for the book and with several hundred subjects over the last five years — indicates a mother or father is equally likely to do the manipulating. It is “truly 50-50,” she said.'
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I don't believe her research
I think the parental alienation is committed by the mothers against the fathers in about 95% of parental alienation cases. That's just based on who I have observed bad mouthing who.
Everybody should be aware by now the NYT is a gender feminist sympathizing newspaper. I wouldn't trust the NYT to report snail races in an unbiased manner.
Everything promoted on gender relations by the NY Times...
...will be a lie or a complete distortion of the facts which presents women as "victims" and men as "agrressors."
You will never see anything different. Stop reading it, stop subscribing to it, stop expecting to see a fair shake. The chivalrous men there and the biased feminists that run it are never going to "be fair" so stop expecting it. Simply read another paper and do not deal with the NY Times. If someone asks you about the paper trash the paper by giving it negative reviews and by telling everyone that the NY Times hates men and never gives them a fairshake.
Kill their revenues and stop being obssessed with what they have to say. Women wanted women to rule men via institutions, laws, etc and they got what they wanted by men listening to them and helping to make their own slavery occur(Once again). Stop helping out with your own slavery and start debunking these misandrists without trying to be "fair."
"Why do they(women) constantly stand before the fairy-tale mirror-on-the-wall, to reassure themselves that they are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most courageous? Because they are compelled t