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Women aged 21 to 30 working full time earn 17% more than men
A New York Times article of September 23rd mentions an analysis, based on 2005 census data, of the wage gap between men and women aged 21 to 30. Women who are employed full-time in that age bracket earn 17% more than men. The following is excerpted from the article (registration is required to view the article in its entirety):
For the first time, women in their 20s who work full time in several American cities — New York, Chicago, Boston and Minneapolis — are earning higher wages than men in the same age range, according to a recent analysis of 2005 census data by Andrew Beveridge, a sociology professor at Queens College in New York.
For instance, the median income of women age 21 to 30 in New York who are employed full time was 17 percent higher than that of comparable men.
Professor Beveridge said the gap is largely driven by a gulf in education: 53 percent of women employed full time in their 20s were college graduates, compared with 38 percent of men. Women are also more likely to have graduate degrees. “They have more of everything,” Professor Beveridge said.'
The article goes on to describe the discomfort the economic disparity creates over the question of who pays for a date.
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These parts speak volumes
'“I love traveling, going to the opera and good restaurants,” she said. “It doesn’t have to be Per Se, but good food is important in my life. It’s sometimes hard to maintain the lifestyle I’m used to when I’m in a relationship with a guy who makes less than me, since I don’t want to be paying for the guy I’m with all the time.”'
---> Of course she wouldn't mind it if it were the other way 'round, eh?
'Unyi Agba, 27, an advertising executive with a small firm in Boston, almost always dates professional men, but when she goes out with someone earning less money, there is tension. “This is a topic that’s traveled in my own female circles a lot in the last year,” she said. Across a restaurant table with a man who earns less, “it’s never explicitly said, but there are nuances,” she said. “Things are said like, ‘Boy I’m going to be really broke after this dinner.’ "
And her response?
---> She just couldn't seem to offer to go halfsies or *gasp* pick up the tab??
Says it all.
Oh! THIS must be the wage gap
we've been hearing so much about.
Right there on Hillary Clinton's campaign webpage
"Today, despite the progress women have made, they earn only 77 cents for every dollar men earn "
now...who is a liar here?
oregon dad
That's why I submitted this article
I thought I was logged in at the time I submitted the article, but it appears to have been submitted by "anonymous." In any case, in view of the importance of hard statistics in the cause of men's rights activism, I thought I would bring the article to your attention.
There is commentary on salon.com about the article. No mention that men aged 20-31 are making 85 cents for every dollar that full-time employed, college educated women earn. However they do make an observation that some MRAs might make: the false equation of "passion" with economic effectiveness. The context is that of a woman who complained about a former boyfriend's lack of passion, as if greater passion necessarily meant greater economic ambition.
Oh, okay..the problem is "who pays for a date"..
Simple-minded lil' old me..I would have thought the issue would be to correct the wage gap. Instead, it's "you go girl!"
Question: when the wage gap supposedly favored men, say in the 1960's, didn't more men than women have degrees then? Why is that considered a justifiable explanation now, but wasn't then??
Imagine what this will do to marriage rates...
...given how the average American princess thinks these days, after her 20-25 years spent stewing in "girls rule", "men are scum" and "you go girl", all while mommy happily unloaded daddy in the name of "empowerment", even though daddy mysteriously continued to finance their lives and her education.
See, as this article points out, the same old double standards are alive and well. Women want to be "equal", yet they expect to be coddled, carried and paid for at every step of the game, and they only marry up. Why, you might even say that women only fuck up.
Well, the joke's on you girls, because the men you and the sisterhood are chasing out of the education system and workplaces? They're going to be far, far beneath your royal standards when it comes time to find someone to pay for your tastes when you're tired of working after a whole five or ten years of your safe, comfortable, air-conditioned careers, long after daddy finally managed to slip off the hook by dying or ending up in debtor's prison. And you can bet your ass that very few of the young men you spent decades shitting all over will be willing to put up with even more of your shit when jerking off is still free.
Can you imagine what this disparity will do to the tatters that remain of marriage in our countries? Either way, I sure hope these girls are saving up for cat food and hysterectomies during their truncated working lives. With attitudes like theirs, they're gonna need 'em.