RADAR ALERT: H-RES 5-9-0, Misandry Has Got to Go!

Since the beginning of September, we have called on you to contact members of the U.S. House of Representatives to "Say NO to HRES 590." And our efforts are working!

To date the House Education and Labor Committee not voted on this hateful resolution. Even better news, the bill hasn't been scheduled for debate! That's exactly where we want it to stay.

And now we have a great opportunity – not only can we deep-six the bill, we can also send a powerful message to several Representatives who are running for president. Four current house members are running for President in their parties' primaries:
Duncan Hunter
Dennis J. Kucinich
Ron Paul
Thomas G. Tancredo

Because they are current House members they will also have to vote on HRES 590. We can continue our efforts to stop HRES 590, and perhaps influence the Presidential campaign, by making these four Congressman the focus of our efforts this week. For a reminder of just what's so offensive about HRES 590, see RADAR's critique here (.pdf file).

The contact information for each of these presidential hopefuls is:

Duncan Hunter
202-225-5672 (tel)
202-225-0235 (fax)
Note: Hunter's website explicitly states that you must be a resident of the 52nd Congressional District to send him an electronic message.

Dennis J. Kucinich
202-225-5871 (tel)
202-225-5745 (fax)

Note: Kucinich uses the "Write Your Representative" service on the House website, which requires that you enter an address in his district.

Ron Paul
202-225-2831 (tel)
not provided

Thomas G. Tancredo
202-225-7882 (tel)
202-226-4623 (fax)

As always, be polite. Contact the candidate(s) you would consider voting for in a Presidential primary. Let them know you want them to vote against HRES 590 and why. At the end of the call, fax, or electronic message you can let them know that a no vote and maybe a statement against the abuses of VAWA would get your vote in your state's primary.

All 4 of these guys are second tier candidates and are looking for ways to shake things up. This is a good way to test the effects of our grass roots efforts. If we make as big an impression on them as we did on Rep. George Miller, one of these 4 may mention VAWA abuses in one of the presidential debates or on their website because they will see we are potential voters.

Date of RADAR Release: September 24, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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(RADAR) -- "Even better news, the bill hasn't been scheduled for debate! That's exactly where we want it to stay."

That is EXACTLY how feminists passed VAWA 2005 - 2010!
(By banning all contrary testimony and censoring MRA perspectives. Thanks Joe-Wanna-Be-Prezodent-Biden. NOT.)

You have adopted the tactics of your adversaries, and celebrated your victory prematurely.

Strategy RADAR ... refine it.

Not just ejacula-cheerleading.

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RADAR is one of the best and effective organizations that men have to combat anti-male hysteria!!

Diffuse Klan like feminist hysteria with the facts!!

Facts trump feminist (agit-prop)

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