Canada: Universities now where-the-boys-aren't
Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2007-09-23 04:48
Story here. Excerpt:
'"It's an international trend that experts widely described as the "feminization of education."
"Martin blames the trend on the public schools, which he said switched gears through the 1970s to appeal to the learning style of girls because they weren't doing as well as boys.
"Boys are getting shafted," said Martin, starting in the early elementary school grades where there is "zero tolerance on horsing around" and boys are treated as learning disabled and put on medication if they misbehave."'
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Welcome to matriarchal
Welcome to matriarchal chaos..and the end of western civilization!!
Girls vs Boys
"Martin blames the trend on the public schools, which he said switched gears through the 1970s to appeal to the learning style of girls because they weren't doing as well as boys."
While I can't speak for Canada, girls in the United States have been doing better than boys since at least 1900. For example, in 1900, the sign of an educated person was a high school diploma. Far more girls than boys were high school graduates. While more boys graduated from college, the number of college students was so small as to be insignificant.
Boys have always been on the short end of the education stick. To claim otherwise is another feminist myth.
Most men do better out of institutions.
Here's an excerpt that says boys and girls were never "ahead" of one another in main schools but roughly equal in the 1900s:
"They say something similar is happening today: boys are into the internet and computers. They like to innovate and experiment. They "like taking risks, being entrepreneurial, being collaborative - all behaviours that lead to success in the workforce today".
But while they are rewarded for their behaviour in the workplace, they are punished in school because they are non-conformist, poor at listening and following instructions, and restless.
It is a seductive theory. It seems to fit well with the longer-term trend in England. Up until the late 1970s boys and girls were scoring roughly equally at the then main school-leaving examinations, the O-level and CSE...."
It also proves what I am going to say in this post that boys are much more collaborative and innovative than girls. A boy that is homeschooled will typically have a higher IQ than a girl who goes to school. As will boys that attend the same schools women do...a study confirmed that men have higher IQs than women as well as having larger brains.
Boys are better hands on learners and extremely creative whereas women benefit more from institutionalized instruction.
That's why most extremely successful companies, nations, the educational system itself, etc. are built largely by men. Women are better followers....herd creatures that are quick to follow the leader of the pack or who they think is the biggest and strongest. Boys will forge their own way in the world. The reason more boys graduated college before feminism is because college was more open and one could CHOOSE their major whereas high school has that set structure and kind of tells you what classes you need to take....most boys I know where bored during high school but did extremely well in college. Paul Robeson -- a black male -- outperfromed all college students and taught himself 5 languages I believe with NO educational institution to thank for his intellect. Rutgers University has halls and student centers dedicated to him. It really does not take that much intellect(on the behalf of the women that use misandry as a stepping stone) to get good grades in a country that has always pandered to women...even before feminism.
Boys have always outperformed girls in college -- because YOU choose what you study and in college you succeed on your "own merits"(Boys and men are VERY self-sufficient leaders, women tend to need a support structure like high school. They succeed when things are stacked in their favor) not on some homework that you get a parent teacher meeting for if you don't do it -- until the feminists got their hands on it and made it a hostile environment for boys.
"Why do they(women) constantly stand before the fairy-tale mirror-on-the-wall, to reassure themselves that they are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most courageous? Because they are compelled t