UK: False Accuser Jailed

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who falsely claimed to have been raped by two different men - forcing them to spend time behind bars - has been jailed for eight months."

Eight months seems lenient for attempting to destroy two families, and putting innocent men in prison. However, it is a positive development because:

(1) She is in jail.
(2) She has not been given the usual anonymity.

Maybe the tide is beginning to turn...

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In this age of constant exposure to rape propaganda (agit-prop) on every street corner, and all over the media, a sort of Klan like hysteria have evolved, and men are getting killed over it!!

Making a false accussation of rape, and knowing men will kill, and lynche over it..Is about one of the most violent acts a person can do to another!!

..For more on (agit-prop) and rape hysteria

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She gets 8 months for a double rape?

Rather lite sentence isn't it?

A false rape accusastion is RAPE!

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officers of the law that knowingly and willfully manipulate / distorte/ and re-define what a false rape accussation means; to keep rape hysteria alive...should also be held accounteable!!

I was falselly accussed of rape and the girl was never charged, ..why because women helping battered women are getting police to cover up the fact that up to 50-80% of all rape accussations are false ...

The reason why the public isn,t aware is because police/feminists are keeping it their dirty little secret!!
Who cares if men are getting killed??? These femi-pigs (domestic abuse industry)need their pork dollars..
They need as many false accussations as they can get to keep the Klan like anti-male hysteria at a feverish pitch!!

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A false rape accusastion is RAPE!


In an age where women can scream "rape" because of their own regrets after the fact, or because a man looks at them sideways, men aren't offered the slightest protection from crimes (ranging from false accusations to child molestation) that do a whole lot more harm than consensual, drunken intercourse. Hell, we aren't even protected from actual, physical rape as boys or as men (prison rape is a big joke, boys who get molested by their female teachers are "lucky", even though the emotional sequelae have been shown to be just as serious for a boy who is molested as they are for a girl), even though the rates of sex offences against men are very likely higher than the rates for sexual offences against women - a reasonable assumption when you consider that 90%+ of all victims of violent crime are men, and that almost every study on the subject is deceptively constructed to conclude that only women are victims, while only men are perpetrators. Women suffer a mere fraction of the violence that men do, and somehow they're the "real victims"? I don't think so. It's time for that particularly toxic meme to die a long-overdue death.

Maybe when all of this changes, and a large number of women are languishing in prison for non-payment of child support or for rapes they didn't commit, and a few million women have fought and died (without the assistance of men) for the countries they want to rule, I'll start acknowledging the opinion of women who want to pretend to be our "equals". As for false accusations, if brushing up against a woman in a crowded subway is rape and urinating in public is a sex offence, then false accusations are rape, plain and simple. Women aren't the only ones who can expand the definition of that word and twist an entire language to suit their purposes.

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