How Female Illegals Abuse the System

Article here. Excerpt:

'Every year thousands of Americans are victimized by a swindle known as the "immigrant abuse scam." What's amazing is this shake-down is paid for by the U.S. taxpayer under the guise of stopping domestic violence.

One of those persons was Roger Knudson, 64, of Arizona. When he discovered his wife was having an affair, he filed for divorce. Fearing the judge would learn her visa had expired and order her back to Mexico, she fell into a rage and attacked him.

But the DA refused to prosecute the assault. Then the illegal went to a local woman's shelter that provided her pro bono legal services and told her to accuse her husband of the very crime that she herself had committed. "I have spent thousands of dollars since 2002 clearing myself of the accusations," Knudson wrote sadly.

So here's how the scam works: A woman makes an accusation of abuse. The laws define domestic violence so loosely that she doesn't need to provide a scrap of evidence -- she only needs to scream "abuse!" So the judge issues a let's-play-it-safe order.'

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The system makes it such that, if a foreign woman wants to gain citizenship in the U.S., she can come over via one of those "Russian brides" things that you see advertised on the internet; then when she gets here at the behest of a man and begins living with him, she files for DV and becomes part of "the system", and can then use that to put her on the road to citizenship.

Ref: See Wikipedia under "mail-order bride". Excerpt from that entry:

" This process [described immediately above in Wikipedia entry] is intended to prevent would-be immigrants from abandoning their sponsors immediately after obtaining residency and fraudulent marriages solely for the purpose of immigration. There are exceptions. For example, a woman who is determined to have been a battered wife can self-petition under VAWA provisions."


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... to be a permanent fugitive due to your gender, rightfully suspicious of the females with 911 and false accusations on their cellphone speedials?

How does it feel, to be a suspect in a free cuntry?

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The USA's hatred of men and love of women is known the world over it seems and women looking to come to America to rape. plunder, and pillage it are fully aware that they can do just that as long as they agree to destroy as many men as they can along the way.

Simply disgusting.

Keep in mind here folks, it was the first Clinton reign that birthed VAWA into existence, if the missus gets into office in '09 just imagine the unholy abominations she'll deliver unto the world. She'll have the fucking National Anthem changed to 'the land of the free - as long as you are a female - and the home of the brave women who fight male abusiveness'

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