Female sex offenders reveal cultural double standard

Article here. Excerpt:

'The decade long wave of sexual offenses committed by women — teachers in particular have exposed a cultural double standard: The public is more willing to accept the female abuser's claim that she had a "relationship" with the victim. And in cases in which the male is a teenager, the sexual abuse is more likely to be dismissed as a rite of passage. The questionable, yet overriding assumption, is that women predators are somehow different from men.
"Men are demonized, women are diagnosed. Men are beasts, but women are troubled or mentally ill," said media scholar Matthew Felling in an interview with Fox News. In fact, accounts of women sexual offenders are often more titillating than harsh. Felling calls the news coverage of young, attractive teachers involved with their students "part crime drama, part Penthouse letter."

To watch NBC's "To Catch A Predator" you'd think all predators are men. The series uses decoys on the Internet to lure men hoping to hook up with underage teens. Robert Weiss, executive director and founder of the Sexual Recovery Institute in Los Angeles, who provided his expertise in one of the episodes, says sexual compulsions on the Internet are male-dominated.

But female predators are beginning to use the Internet — not in an anonymous way to find children but to stay in close touch with those they are involved with. Rice, the former Tacoma teacher, communicated online often with the 10-year-old she had sex with, according to court records.'

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While I agree that there are HUGE double standards when it comes to female sex offenders - in my opinion there is no area of our cultural beliefs where the double standards between men and women are greater - this article does as much to reinforce as many of them as it tries to debunk some.

The author calls diagnosing a woman vs. demonizing a man a double standard, or at least throws in the quote "Men are demonized, women are diagnosed. Men are beasts, but women are troubled or mentally ill," said media scholar Matthew Felling in an interview with Fox News.

The article then goes on for 8 paragraphs under the title Spiritual "relationships" doing exactly that - diagnosing women and demonizing men. Was the quote thrown because the author had a brainstorm that she her self should diagnose female predators and offer all kinds of excuses for them?

Of course then, she also throws in the 1 in 4 myth as gospel truth for girls and offers boys a 1 in maybe 6 claiming even that figure is generous because boys do not report it.

She claims women only use the Internet to strengthen the relationships not to seek them out and uses the fact that Dateline NBC has not caught any women using decoys posing as HETEROSEXUAL teen girls. Yeah, those decoys are going to attract oh so many females who like sex with young boys or lesbians who tend to stay within their own community. Some one needs to send her to this site bkgirls.net. It's the lesbian female international (as in worldwide) version of NAMBLA. Women don't use the web.

She uses every excuse for women not being as bad as men when 99.9% of her argument rests exclusively on the fact the NO ONE HAS LOOKED FOR FEMALE DEVIANCE IN THE WAYS WE LOOK FOR MALE DEVIANCE. NBC does not troll lesbian sites or create bait profiles that would make the average bull dyke's boy briefs wet.

Society does not screen female daycare workers the same, or female babysitters the same, or female nurses the same. Society does not pay as much attention to the female friends of either our sons or our daughters. We do not see because we do not look, not because it does not exist or is not just as prevelant among women.

We are still caught up in this myth that women are LESS sexual then men - when the truth is the opposite.

At least it's a start in the right direction I guess. Maybe more articles like this will convince some people to start looking deeper at the issues and uncover the truth that our society is so not ready to hear - women are the sexual masters in the mating game and women's tastes and interests in sex are even broader then men.

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Men have only themselves to blame for all this feminazi persecution.

Men play right into it every time they accept the notion that women are the fairer sex.

They also play right into it when they accept that they cannot live without pussy.

It's a double-whammy.

A complete psychological self-castration that started when men gave Mommy way too much respect.

99% of (heterosexual) men cannot imagine how they could live without being a slave to a woman.

Tell me why I'm wrong.

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...everytime a father becomes overly protective of his daughter no matter what kind of girl she is he supports the matriarchy. Everytime a man compliments and chases women in public he supports the matriarchy. Everytime a man agrees with female "victim" propaganda he supports the matriarchy.

When male comedians make jokes on stage that make the mother seem "more logical" than the father or when men act like mama's boys they support female tyranny a.k.a. The Matriarchy.

I had a game I used to play but am thinking of dumping it now because they have "women forums" now which are making the claim of being a "safehaven" for women. That it is a tabletop GAME seems not to matter to pro-women male bashers that must spread feminist "victimology" everywhere they do. They are not pulling any punches only men are and that is why the MRAs cannot keep up with the ton of misandric laws they keep dropping. When we finally learn to tell women and pussywhipped men to fuck off until they LEARN to respect us we will not get any respect.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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