"Gender balancing raises bar for women"

Article here. Excerpt:

"After years of fighting for educational equality, it is disheartening to think that the college admissions' bar has been raised even higher for young women. My guess is that at some private colleges with balanced gender enrollment, women are getting the short end of the admissions stick."'

Related article: College Admission: Tough Times For Girls?

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Nary a peep from anyone (except MRAs, who as we know get loads of MSM time!!) when MIT recruits girls ahead of boys because the girls say they want to become engineers... when there is any kind of "affirmative action" for males though, all hell breaks loose. Meanwhile, the Sisters of Misery continue to insist boys have no achievement gap nor any issues particular to them in the education system. Amazed? It's bidness as usual, folks.

From the first link:
'Judith Kleinfeld, professor of psychology and director of the Boys Project at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, offers a slightly different perspective. Though the Boys Project aims to "educate families, educators and the public about the challenges our young boys are facing," Kleinfeld says that "reverse discrimination will not solve the problem. It creates unfortunate stereotypes of guys who are in demand and don't have to follow rules. I don't think that affirmative action for guys is the answer."

Kleinfeld suggests that if young men are indeed retreating from college, "we should do a whole lot more than we are doing in high schools to increase the skill level of guys."'

So in the case of anyone but (white) males, make exceptions. But in the case of (white) males, make them work harder. Again, no double-standard here. None. Zero. Zilch. *BARF*

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"God help the female English majors who apply to this school." On the other hand, women hoping to study engineering will find themselves at an advantage at schools like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which over the past decade has admitted women at a rate that is 17 percentage points higher than the rate for men."
"God help male engineering majors who apply to this school"

We all know it doesn't work that way.

Its never been about equality, but the advancement of women at the expense of men. I'm against affirmative action, but if it applys to girls, it should most certainly apply to boys (Gasp! Even white boys)

Affirmative action for women is based on the premise that women need extra privileges to compete with men. But these privileges have given women an unfair advantage. Lets abolish affirmative action and let men and women succeed on their own merits. Any female admissions counselor that doesn't like the english disparity should thank her feminist sisters. These insecure women fought with such hyprocrisy to create a social welfare state for women. Men don't need priviledges, but deserve an even playing field. Feminism is like a 1972 pinto, it constantly back fires!

Its been said many times, the elementary and secondary school system needs a major overhaul to identify the unique needs of boys. (especially reading and writing) Until this happens, articles such as these will bring great debate.


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Do not let this feminist propaganda distort your perceptions.

First, the reason more women are entering college then men is because men are doing more of the jobs where a college degree is not needed, construction work, truck driving, maintenance workers, factory workers, government workers, machinist, mechanics, fireman, police and such. Many of these jobs pay very well, but do not require a college degree. As more people get college degrees, their wages will drop, and the non-degreed job wages will increase. That said, it is very important that as many men as possible get a college degree. After which if they choose, they can pursue one of the professions mentioned above.

What these feminists are trying to do is undermine our confidence as men, so that we become less masculine and therefore more controllable by them. This is happening in all aspects of this society. Anthony is right when he says that females cannot compete with males. In athletics, only women compete against other women. In academics, these feminist are, and have been, changing laws that give females advantages over males. As men we have allowed this to happen, and to a greater extent we have encouraged it. So whenever one of these feminists can say ‘look women are doing better than men’ they do so.

Affirmative action must be abolished. It gives women advantages in employment, salaries, college admissions, government contracts, and starting a business. What this secular society is trying to do is create an androgynous society. It is elevating women at the expense of men (no if and or buts about it). Feminists declared war on Men long ago, and we are just now beginning to fight back. Hoist the jib!

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...is because it caters solely to them. Colleges center around women and their so-called issues. That was the ACTUAL TACTIC that women used....alienate men from the institutions they built. Anyone that has been living during the past 40 years knows that colleges are bastions of misandry. V-Day although thought of as a joke by the masses are being pushed by college-educated women and men. College programs misandry into the heads of women and men. That's why men that have brains either disconnect themselves or leave college completely. These days I suggest they leave...hell men build everything anyway. If we agre that colleges are worthless because of feminism they have to either change or fail miserably as no male will support them. With feminism spearheading colleges and other schools no wonder Americans are perceived as dumb and gluttonous. As long as women run colleges with their male puppets we are confined to idiocy.

The wealthiest man in the world is a college dropout...which shows that colleges today don't really have that much to offer other than inflated tuition prices and a bunch of pseudo-intellectual anti-male literature. During my college years I would notice how the female "professors" would literally single out and argue with the male students. One male was like "Well I am going to back out of this argument because you're not using logic or looking at any of the points I have made" and the teacher said "Oh you're not getting away THAT EASILY!"

What kind of dumb ass bitch talks to students like that? Without those students these man-haters would not have jobs.

So I do agree that they have not RAISED ANY BARS. This is a sham to make men think that women now have to work as hard as them -- which we know they do not as long as Affirmative Action is around -- to get into these schools. Moreover when bringing lawsuits because of sexual harassment -- which is usually when a woman gets passed up for a promotion by her male boss(one woman I know of that lives locally filed a sexual harassment case because she owed the man money! Even though she had borrowed money from him rather than pay him back she claimed he was harassing her sexually!) in favor of a male that is better qualified -- women can scare men into doing what they want.

Affirmative Action forces companies to not "discriminate against women" which is dumb because all companies "discriminate" in the hiring process. Moreover I still see black men that don't get jobs because they are black men and wear their hair naturally in cornrows or dreds(even if they look well kept and neat).

What women have effectively done -- and it makes me sick -- is falsely paint themselves(at the expense of black males mostly when they hijacked the civil rights movement) as the REAL former slaves and anyone that compares American women(now or in the past) with black male slaves -- or hell slaves of any race -- is a seriously stupid person. No wonder women are the ones doing it then.

I saw one so-called black history special about slavery hosted by black women. The disgusting part about the entire special was that by the end of it if you did not know better you would think that there were no black male slaves as much as they went on about how women were forced to work in the house and women were ot seen as equal and *add several other feminist gripes whether real or invented* meanwhile noone mentioned that men routinely received MUCH harsher punishments than the women daily or that men worked longer hours or that some of the women had affairs with the slavemasters. They would actually beat the men in front of the women...sometimes till the men fell unconscious...yet this was spun as hurting the women more than the men.

If someone whoops my ass till I pass the fuck out how the hell are you hurt more than I am by WATCHING me GET my ass beat unless you count the fact that most of the women were probably late for their next in-house session? Pouring tea for white women is MUCH worse than getting hung your balls whipped you know. It's liek the soldier that lost his legs but they paid more for the woman's thumb. Aaaargh! This shit makes me sick. These women are just waaay too concerned with self--promotion even at the expense of their own sons, fathers, husbands, etc........this must end.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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You made some good points. However, the best point was about how women are always the victim. Even when a man is killed or beaten-up, if a woman is affected this society concentrates on her issues, because she claims to be the victim. The fact that a man was killed is the after thought, not the main concern. This illogical and irrational response to violence committed against men is indicative of a feminized society.


In the 1935-1960 era, feminists quietly studied VICTIM psychology as espoused by Sigmund Freud, and studied the methods of various Frankfurt School intellectuals who migrated here from Nazi Germany after WWI. Hillary Clinton is a student of Saul Alinsky (a leading modern Frankfurt School advocate) when she was in college. Feminists then picked up sexual liberation from Kinsey's doctrines. The combination of free sex, VICTIM psychology, and sexist techniques is the exact basis for feminism as it emerged in the 1960's, and for the most part is today.

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After over thirty years of "Affirmative Action" I've lost a great deal of respect for the US Government. It's bad enough that they try to pass themselves off as a democracy (while no major issues go up on referendum), but to discriminate against lower and middle class men is criminal. How did they sell the idea that being a working class male in America has ever been such an over privileged condition?

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