More anti-boy stuff couched in 'humor'
Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2007-09-08 22:37
Thanks to Greg for the heads-up. Article here. Excerpt:
'It is all rather troubling, especially for the parents of little angels like my daughters. Evidently, it is impossible to satisfy the—apparently justified—parental demand to educate girls in single-sex schools and boys in mixed classes. (Not for the first time in my life, I conclude that the world doesn't have enough girls in it.)'
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That was supposed to be humour?
Sounds like the author was pretty serious to me.
Testosterone-fueled little
Testosterone-fueled little monsters huh? Does this guy by any chance sing soprano?
If he does it is probably a result of SELF muttilation
I think self loathing is actually a man thing.
The MSM carries on non-stop about females lack of self esteem, but I have NEVER seen a female castigate her entire gender with absolute vitriol in print, on screen, or even in conversation.
Women hate individual women, but never women as a whole.
Loathing of not only one's self but the entirety of one's gender seems to be something of a male trait for some reason.
Personally, I think these man hating males should follow through on their hatred and sacrifice themselves to the glory of the great goddess. At least then they'd shut the fuck up.
I think I am going to propose to the feminists that they start some kind of church to the great goddess and one of their beliefs should be that any man who hates men is to be encouraged to sacrifice himself at the alter of the Goddess so that he may beg her for forgiveness of his trespasses against woman kind.
At least then the rest of us who don't hate ourselves or our gender can get on with our business without having to listen to these nitwits
Maybe feminists can be useful for something after all.
Something he says runs totally counter to evidence
He says "Boys benefit from being in a classroom with girls, but girls do not benefit from being in a classroom with boys" (supposedly a "study" showed this).
I do know that there was an article, posted on this board not long ago, that reported placing boys in single sex classes enables them to improve immensely, and even surpass the girls in reading and writing. What exactly did they use as criteria in this "study"? Apparently not test scores or grades. Perhaps the "study" was influenced by feminism, or policical correctness? It at least sounds like the results were "expected" - presupposition of study results leads to finding what one is looking for..
I disagree, it is not a "man thing"
It is simply the current view of society as a whole, that men are scum. How can you not know that? You have been with us a while..
Yes it is the popular view right now
But have you ever in your life seen women spew such vitriol about their own gender? I'm not talking about hating on individual women or one group of women hating on another, I'm talking about women fiercely hating on ALL women or girls.
Has any women ever referred to all girls as 'estrogen filled little monsters'?
Or claimed that girls in general make boys school experience miserable?
Or the more girls the more trouble as a whole?
Or anything even close?
I'm not trying to be anti-male here, I'm just curious why so many men are all to happy to be extremely anti-male.
I think men and boys make women and girls lives immeasurably better personally as virtually everything that has ever made females lives easier through out history has been created by males.
Why Boys Benefit
(The article) -- "Boys benefit from being in a classroom with girls, but girls do not benefit from being in a classroom with boys."
It's really very simple.
Girls are predators, seeking the attention of boys and, as their mothers have taught them, aspire eventually to marriage (entraping a boy) --- so to become desirable to boys they have to fake being stupid.
Boys benefit because girls really are stupid.
Not to say they are not "emotionally intelligent..."
The divorce extortion racket proves that women have a certain predatory I.Q.!
Wasn't it feminists who eliminated all male schools?
As I recall we used to have plenty of boy's schools and all male colleges. Then feminists insisted on having them admit girls because the boys were supposed to be getting some kind of educational advantage that the girls were not. Now they are claiming that the boys are ruining the educational experience for girls. What are the boys supposed to do? Drop out entirely?
Little Angels ???
Will they still be angels when they propagate a false rape accusation or a bogus domestic violence charge? Will they still be angels when they initiate violence towards their husband and use the reliable victim card to avoid legal action? Will they still be angels when they drink a ton of liquor and claim date rape? Will they still be angels when they abuse their children and avoid prosecution because they cried during interrogation? Will these angels escape penalties if as teachers they rape a 12 year old boy? Will they still be angels if they kill their children and use the reliable postpartum defense.?
Of course they will be. They're women. ;)
Any more questions?
Actually, you think you're exaggerating, but you're really not
Ideological ("radical") feminists are unquestionably trying to severly undermine boys' education (see "The War Against Boys" by Christina Hoff Sommers). In the feminists' view of utopia, as a minimum ALL the really low-satus and dirty jobs (janitor, laborer, miner etc) would consist of men..and just enough as necessary for women to live comfortably, in their upperclass dwellings. Men would not be necessary for financial support..that would come from the state. So a woman could choose to not work, and still live comfortably, as many do now (I know the reader is tempted to say, "That's the way it is now!". No, it's not, really. For example, ideological feminists pretend that they want women to form a substantial proportion of the blue collar job-holders, but they are really just seeking equal the long run, they don't plan on having women do these jobs, except in cases where they could be completely isolated from men. However, there ARE women doing a number of those jobs now, alongside men).
OK, here we go seems like every darn time I either mention that feminism derives from Marxism, or that radical feminists seek some form of utopia, at least a couple people accuse me of going too far. Hey, guess what: anyone that thinks that should read "Legalizing Misandry" by Paul Nathanson, Ph.D. and Katherine Young, Ph.D. Or at least check the index and browse through it. You are in for a big surprise..prepare to be enlightened:)
We don't need dads like this
For God's sake, it is bad enough having so few girls growing up without fathers. But when the dads that are present feed their daughters this kind of garbage, it makes one despair. It sounds very much to me as if the daughters of this smug, self-loathing creep Tim Harford are well on their way to becoming the spoiled, selfish, manipulative, conceited misandrists that we are all too familiar with.
Dads who teach their daughters "You are superior to any boy who comes your way simply by virtue of being female, and never forget it" are just as toxic as single mums who teach their daughters "men are no good: just use them for your own purposes".
No wonder we have a generation of women who act like whores - whether of the "entitlement princess" or "trailer-trash slut" varieties. They are sisters under their scaly skins, neither of them worth wasting our time on.
Perfect article
Now only idiots will not recognize that male daughter-owners is the only root of all major problems in the modern world.
I think that a good solution for this problem would be to put every daughter-owner in jail for a long term like this one:
Or maybe something slightly more radical.
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
Who Relates With Whores?
Paul P. --- "No wonder we have a generation of women who act like whores..."
But sir, you have not explored your argument fully and deeply enough.
If women are entitled to act like whores, then what has become of men?
I could answer, but I am curious how our comrades hereabouts might comment....
What role indeed
The only fault of a man who falls into the whore trap is that men are resourceful. Men will use what they have at hand and make the best of it. If all men have are women who act like whores at their disposal they will take it and make the best of the situation they are given. (or the best of the situation to the best of their knowledge.) That is why we as enlightened MRA's must teach future generations that we can eliminate the whore from the equation and still come out at the end with a positive sum. (ie-you do not need women who act in such ways to fulfill your life.) And once we do this women will choose to change and become part of the equation again but not as a negative integer, but as a positive. Thus giving the entire world a grander total!!!!
Self reliance first!
NBDSPCL is right partially.. men do tend to OVERprotect their daughters and teach them that what is between their legs makes them special. Think about the first date scenario when the dad sits there grilling the young male because his "little princess" may be "taken advantage of."
Mr. Rudov even touches on this subject that dads bending to their daughters will lends to misandry.
"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5
"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab