Chile: Males Increasingly Reported As Victims Of Domestic Abuse

Thanks to Marc A. for the heads-up.

Story here. Excerpt:

'While women’s abuse has resulted in great public sympathy and a mild response by government, male victims of domestic violence appear to receive less sympathy and support in Chile’s male dominated society. Universidad de Santiago psychology professor Eugenio Vargas argues that the challenges male victims must overcome before they will report incidents of abuse most likely lowers the number of complaints filed.

“In society, there are different perceptions and responses to abuse that affect women. There is a validation of the subject and there are networks of support.” said Vargas. “These things do no exist for male victims...Sometimes, even a victim's friends will assume a critical position of their situation. This is the reason why men avoid talking about the subject.”'

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I wonder what kind of "domination" includes not being heard or taken seriously when reporting assaults by one of "the oppressed"?

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Heck, I even just try to talk about how my wife and her feminist friends have no respect for me or any of our male friends. And they guys will laugh and taunt me to no end. All I can do is /shrug and sit silently as they all start to knock-up these Feminazis and start to loose there lives. Then when they come back to me broken asking what went wrong I debate on if I should even try talking to them about MRA issues or not.

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Police officials, however, beg to take exception. “In every police station there is an office for these kinds of cases,” said police officer Sebastian Carrasco. “There are employees who are dedicated exclusively to these kinds of cases, and they can ensure that nobody else will hear about the situation.”

Nobody, Including the local prosecutors office I am sure.

Though if Chille really does have an officer on staff at every police office to handle male victims of domestic violence they are centuries ahead of the United States in dealing with such issues.

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I am encouraged that increasing numbers of men around the world are reporting domestic abuse that they have suffered. Maybe what's going on in Chile at the moment will help the planet realize that when men are abused by their partners, it is THEY (not their partners) who are the true victims of abuse?

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Those wimps couldn't even fend off a woman. What kind of men are they. They were probably pissing her off to the point where attacking them with weapons was their only option anyway.

that's what we need to ever come!

Until the world stops thinking of male victims of domestic violence like that we still have a long way to go.

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