RADAR ALERT: Reminder - Tell Congress this Week, "Say NO to HRES 590!"

In this week's alert, we asked you to contact Rep. George Miller, chair of the House Education and Labor Committee three times this week. His committee is the one that will be considering House Resolution 590, a resolution which RADAR believes to be the most misleading, biased, and untruthful bill on domestic violence ever introduced in the House.

We need to get this message through to Rep. Miller, loud and clear. If you've already phoned his office, please also email or fax him. And vice versa if you've already emailed or faxed. And if you haven't contacted his office yet, please do it now.

For a detailed analysis of the 18 claims in this resolution that are one-sided, misleading, or outright false, see http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/RADARanalysis-HRES590.pdf

Be sure to refer to "HRES 590" which is a resolution on domestic violence, and not "H.R.590" which is a completely unrelated bill on a totally different issue. And as always, be polite in all your communications with Congress.

Here's the contact information:

  • Telephone: 1-202-225-2095
  • E-mail: George.Miller-at-mail.house.gov (In the subject line, type “Say NO to HRES 590”)
  • Fax: 1-202-225-5609 (In the subject line, type “Say NO to HRES 590”)

“Stop the Lies! Say ‘NO’ to HRES 590!”

Do it today!

Date of RADAR Release: September 6, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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(RADAR) -- " .... House Resolution 590, a resolution which RADAR believes to be the most misleading, biased, and untruthful bill on domestic violence ever introduced in the House."

A tempest in a teapot.

This bill is a trivial artifact of pervasive feminist control of legislative processes.

It apparently (unless I misread it) requests no funding for any expansion of misandrist laws or initiatives --- it is a symbolic statement of solidarity with the mainstream views of domestic violence; of course, demonizing men.

The 500-pound gorilla is, as everyone understands --- VAWA.

That is the money trough, the tax-payer-funded juice, the clout, the Holy Grail of radical feminist coercion.

HRES 590 is merely a symbolic "bow" and supplication to VAWA and the ideology behind it.

Let the pols have their silly sideshow of solidarity with feminism.

At least it's an honest, unconflicted no-lose vote indicating where they actually stand.

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