UK: Divorce Rate Falls to 30-Year Low

Story here, but what is of equal interest is the picture of "the wife" threatening "the husband" with a plate during an argument. So the Daily Mail thought this is a perfectly fine kind of picture to use with this story? Well, at least they are being realistic. Some interesting content though... excerpt:

"There was speculation that high divorce settlements may have dissuaded men from divorce. Spectacular recent cases include those of Beverley Charman, awarded £48 million of her husband John's fortune in May, and Melissa Miller, who won £5 million of her husband Alan's £30 million wealth even though her marriage lasted only three years and there were no children.

But some analysts said that if high settlements had put men off divorce, they would have encouraged women in favour of divorce.

Robert Whelan of the Civitas think tank said: 'High divorce settlements are a reason for men not to get married, not a reason for them to steer clear of divorce.'"

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That's the daily mail site.

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I corrected the text.

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Quote from article:

There was speculation that high divorce settlements may have dissuaded men from divorce. Spectacular recent cases include those of Beverley Charman, awarded £48 million of her husband John's fortune in May, and Melissa Miller, who won £5 million of her husband Alan's £30 million wealth even though her marriage lasted only three years and there were no children.

And let us not forget Sir Paul's recent trip to the divorce cleaners too.

These men knew or should have known what they were in for when their pretentious little marriages ended as most do. They remind me of dead road kill on the side of the road. Evolution hasn't caught up with these critters yet giving them the instinct to identify truck tires with danger. So they proceed across the road blinded and fixated on the bright headlights. So it is with too many men. They seem to think they have some kind of exemption from the divorce racket and they go into marriage willingly oblivious to the known facts about the unpleasant fate waiting them.

"Fools and their money are soon parted."

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Robert Whelan should understand that it is impossible for men to "steer clear of divorce". Once married, men are not in control of anything.

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This article is pro-marriage propaganda. Here's the real story:

Marriage Rates Continue to Slide

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