Woman arrested for throwing rocks at her boyfriend, while he was holding their child

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Mesa woman was arrested Saturday after she threw rocks at her boyfriend because he did not defend her in an argument with neighbors, according to police.
Sandoval was upset that Howe did not take her side in the argument and threw rocks at him as he held their 9-month-old baby, according to witnesses.

Howe was struck by the rocks, but no one was injured. Sandoval admitted to drinking 10 beers and a few shots of alcohol that day, police said.'

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And I wonder if the baby was male or female?

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Sounds like they just hauled her downtown, threw her in the drunk tank to sober up and let her go as the article makes mention of an arrest but no charges.

Sounds like she was abusing the little boy that was walking by, he had the sense enough to ask her to stop and that's when all hell broke loose.

But, mommy knows best, so throwing rocks at her boyfriend and an infant must have been the only reasonable thing to do at the time even though she was piss drunk.

Hope the poor sod that is her boyfriend comes to his senses and takes the kid, gets the hell out of their and has an extremely well documented case of her alcoholism and abusiveness so the courts may at least listen for a few minutes before they throw his ass in prison for abducting the child and give it over to adoption as the mother is clearly unfit.

Maybe she got the idea from that famous alcoholic good for nothing waste of humanity Britney Spears.

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More than likely he will stay with her. "Because he loves her." and she is the mother of his baby. No matter how much we hate to admit it, we are men, and we are truly hopeless romantics. Until we reach the point where we become jaded. It's the time tested made for TV story of why the battered wife stays with the drunk husband. But this story isn't made for TV, it's more like the real life version, where it's the romantic husband that loves his wife no matter how much she drinks and throws rocks in a drunken rage at him and the baby. I wonder when Oprah and her Vajay-jay are going to spit up a cool million to make this story into a TV movie. She does it for women, why not men?! She claims to be for true equality. I guess we can see. I will be right back, I am going to her site and suggest a movie be made from the battered husbands POV. This story would make a good baseline.

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Have to remember the first rule of journalism. If it bleeds, it leads!

Though the lack of injuries would not for one second stop the DV industry if this had been a man throwing rocks at a woman with child. It would be seen as a 'red flag' and an indicator that if he is this brutal in public when drunk he must be 10 times worse in private when he comes home drunk.

I'm just following their own line of reasoning by telling him to get the fuck out - with the added MRA knowledge that if a man wants to take a woman to court and get custody he needs a tremendous amount more then 'I feel afraid of her'. He needs huge piles of irrefutable meticulously well documented evidence. Medical reports of injuries had better accompany hidden time stamped camera footage of her inflicting the injuries.

But of course, when a man is abused by his wife, the whole thing gets treated as a minor barely worth taking her to jail over because her drunk ass failed to give him a black eye with a rock or hurt her child. Does her inebriated lack of coordination resulting in her failing to injure her targets necessarily negate the fact that she attempted to in the first place? Only when she is not a he.

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...but NEVER for them. How many times have you seen a woman support a man in a fight? I don't mean yelling "You go boy!" from the sidelines while he gets beat to a pulp. I mean actually jumping in and fighting to "protect her man"?

Now some men will say "I don't want my woman fighting for me" but that is just another symptom of outdated male chivalry and lets women know that we don't think too much of ourselves. Thus women will not think much of us either, especially since women have been exploiting men since the beginning of time.

This brings me to a notion that most certainly is false; that women are supposedly more mature than men. This has been disproven numerous times i just feel like putting the nail in the coffin. Women are not more mature than men....they are more self-absorbed. Here's an example:

Take the fight. A woman can see her man getting beat to a pulp but a woman will hardly ever put herself in danger even if it means helping her man. When asked why she did nothing she will claim "her man is stronger than her or she can't fight a man, she doesn't lower herself to fighting, etc, etc." However, the very SAME woman will become a raving lunatic when it comes to:

1. Defending herself when no man is around for her to use as a shield.


2. When she is fighting AGAINST her man."the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less.

Someone mentioned awhile ago that women downtalk fighting unless it is fighting for them or THEY are the ones doing the fighting. When men engage in fights we are immature, when women engage in fights whoever they are against HAD IT COMING.

This is true FEMlogic...things are only positive when THEY do them. If someone else does something "for themselves" they will be criticized to no end.

This is the reason why I advocate men doing NOTHING for women until women learn to appreciate men. They are already immature...why continue to baby them? Women make the mistake of thinking that "having a job or going to school" makes them mature...even while they still act like babies on dates and in relationships. Or while whining they don't make as much as the guy next to them or while bringing their nasty attitudes to the workplace and putting everyone on edge.

Women are anything but mature. There are some mature women but they are few and far between.

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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Very good point, MrReality. You see the same phenomenon among females of many of the higher species. Two male lions will fight to the death for supremacy, but the females will just laze around at a safe distance and not get involved. They don't even bother watching half the time. That's because they simply don't care. They know they will not get attacked and will get to mate with the winner, regardless.

That is the female dividend in nature: she gets to be protected until she is ready to breed, and every female who survives that long will indeed get to breed, regardless of the quality of her genes. Males however have to prove themselves worthy before they get to do so. Thus it is only through the male that the species is refined and improved.

The female instinct for self-preservation runs through humans too, as we are all well aware. Women are too precious to be put at any risk. They must be protected at all costs. All male costs, that is.

And women also display the same indifference towards male suffering as those lionesses. They have a basic instinct that actually approves of the idea of two men fighting each other in order to win her approval - and her pussy. That's why the keenest wrestling fans are those old women who always bag the best ringside seats and spend the whole fight screaming at the protagonists to tear each other's heads off. They are playing out their fantasy of being carried off by the adrenalin-fuelled, sweat-soaked victor.

The gentler sex? Don't you believe it. At bottom, women have no qualms about seeing men bleeding and dying. Just as long as enough survive to look after them in future.

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I was reading some studies that say the X chromosome cannot correct itself whereas the Y can since it has a pair of back-up genes on it that the X does not have. The X usually corrects itself by swapping genetic material with another X; recombination. The Y does not need to do this....moreover Y Chromosomal Adam was supposedly more recent than the flawed mitochondrial Eve study.

The study shows that the Y "re-invents" itself more than the X chromosome...which is why our male ancestors are more recent...they evolve more often. The X seems older because it does not change as much...for instance as I said it still can't correct itself. Certainly sounds like why women can't admit they are wrong doesn't it? Both men and women were supposedly split from the same organism but the male inherited the dominant traits as opposed to the woman who got the recessive or negative ones. So it would seem that women are still "stuck" in an evolutionary stage that men have already evolved past.

They say a "male-specific" gene holds they key to the actual ORIGIN of men and women(that certainly goes against the feminist MSinformation that claims women are godesses). In that same study it taks about males getting the dominant traits.


Maybe that is why they act as they do(as if they are stuck in permanent childhood)? Just a thought...

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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My Wife will claim to be against violence and fighting. But there have been several times in bars, club or just on the street where she will be approached by another man chatting her up. Now I do not like this, but when she asks me why I did not step in and say anything I remind her of how she is a strong independent woman. She never wants me to say anything when some butch dyke comes and chats her up, because they are "just talking." I remind her that she must respect me as her husband and tell these men and women to piss off. It's not my job to jump in and beat up any guy that thinks he has a chance. I tell her, you're a strong woman that can take care of her self, I am not your attack dog waiting in the wings to rip anyone apart for you. But don't expect me to sit around and watch people hit on you. If she respects me as her husband, she can tell them to piss off herself. And now she usually will. Otherwise I have plenty of ladies I can chat with while she is of pandering herself! LoL

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She wants you to beat the person to a pulp when a man approaches her yet when a "dyke(lesbian)" approaches her she chats along with them because "they" are "just talking." Has she ever been into girls? She actually beats you in the head with that strong woman crap?

No offense to you...but she sounds like she embodies they very ignorance that we are fighting against...you are right to do nothing for her. Watch her very closely too if she shuns men but invites lesbians. Something is VERY wrong with this picture...

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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I have noticed that many of the articles which I submit to this site which deal with men's issues and the female gender are usually not published.

As stated before the problem is twofold: Female greed and male chivalry.

It is my contention that many of these articles are blocked because they point to articles which tell the truth about women and how men continuing to pander to them only prolongs the problems between the sexes. If this continues I will have no choice but to start a REAL men's activism website -- without the moronic captcha features -- and deride this one as a pseudo-men's rights website which censors men almost as regularly as the women do.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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