Resolution 590: Why is Congress Ignoring the Needs of Abusive Women?

Essay here. Excerpt:

'The resolution states, "Whereas male children exposed to domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their own partners." But research shows that girls exposed to domestic violence are also at much greater risk of perpetuating the cycle of violence -- why does the bill include no mention of that?

In some places, the resolution misleads, such as its claim that "adolescent girls who reported dating violence were 60 percent more likely to report one or more suicide attempts in the past year." But in truth, it's adolescent boys subjected to dating violence who are more like to attempt suicide, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

A few years ago family violence researcher Murray Straus wrote an essay called "Women's Violence toward Men is a Serious Social Problem." Not only did women engage in partner violence at least as often as men, but women were actually more likely to deliver the first blow. Indeed, "every study finds that women initiate violence in a large proportion of cases," Straus noted.'


Ed. note: See RADAR Alert posting re this issue.

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