Essay: 'PC Feminism and the DV Courts'

Article here. Excerpt:

'If the PC feminist theory of domestic violence was only being taught to womens’ studies majors, that would be one thing, but it’s being taught to judges charged with the responsibility of granting temporary and permanent DV restraining orders, and, to some degree, with the responsibility of deciding custody and visitation issues. In a report entitled “Education for Injustice,” RADAR (Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting) identified a number of examples of this. Here are two: West Virginia’s benchbook on domestic violence, the official judicial handbook, states, incorrectly, that “women are overwhelmingly the typical victims of domestic violence;” similarly, Alabama’s benchbook puts forth the false claim, “National crime statistics show that about 95% of spouse-abuse victims are women.” This “education” is funded by the federal government pursuant to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).'

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The final sentence in this excellent piece reads - "Fathers are not just useless pains in the asses, they’re evil."

Because pervasive misandry has become like oxygen in our culture -- i.e. ever-present, largely invisible, and taken-for-granted --it is challenging even to name what it is, talk about how it functions, analyze where it appears as ordinary everyday coercion.

The DV Industry continues, by virtue of VAWA and its billions, to be the primary social engine for demonizing men.

As the article points out, the acknowledgement of female violence and the initiation of DV by women on parity with men, is a myth-busting fact that feminists cannot allow to be recognized without causing the entire DV house of cards (hall of mirrors?) to shatter.

Of course, Chivalry is feminists' best weapon in maintaining accepted PC mindlessness and the story line of an imaginary gender oppression.

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Many of the judges and other officials involved, either _are_ graduates of women studies programs, or took at least one course in this area while in college, as it is pretty much required on most they were "sensitized" (aka indoctrinated) on the issue.

Also note that there is a group called the Association of Women Judges.


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Many of the judges and other officials involved, either _are_ graduates of women studies programs, or took at least one course in this area while in college, as it is pretty much required on most they were "sensitized" (aka indoctrinated) on the issue.

Also note that there is a group called the Association of Women Judges.


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