Toronto Star: Where are the men?

Front page news on Sunday in the Toronto Star: Where are the men?. Excerpt:

'Most – like Smith, 36, with three children by different fathers – received no help from the men. A few have, including Zenith Isaacs, 35, who was helped by Julian Hinckson, 41, the father of her two youngest, until he was stabbed to death in June near their Sparroway home.

Throughout the city, single mothers are raising children on little money, often in public housing where kids are exposed to greater risks, because it's all they can afford. Too often, they live with fear and violence.'

UPDATE: Read the second installment: Where are the women?. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, the Toronto Star reported on a hidden crisis of single mothers, mostly black, mostly in public housing and routinely living with fear and violence. We asked everybody we interviewed to offer solutions.

Jordan's advice was as blunt as it gets: The problem lies as much with the women themselves as with men who turn out to be absent dads.'

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So they run a second installment to be politically correct (or something), but the two-parter definitely goes at men harder than women.

It is very disturbing, people having kids without considering their own choices and how they affect those kids. Single people can have kids and some should, though by no means all (actually, I think it's the same for marrieds, too). But if they do they need to be responsible about it. With birth control (BC) solutions made largely for use by women, given away or sold for way cheap (ever been to Planned Parenthood?), women in the western world have no excuse for "accidentally" getting pregnant. Men on the other hand have either irreversible techniques or 50-70% techniques (withdrawal, condoms). Since Big Pharma is dragging its feet on The Male Pill, and until it arises, women are in fact more responsible for BC than men (though as a practical matter, men need to make sure if they are having sex with a woman and do not want children with her, take whatever precautions they deem necessary or just plain take the risk of unwanted paternity - the legal system as we all know will throttle the man who fathers a child and claims he should have no obligations, financial or otherwise, as he didn't have any legally-enforcable say in the bringing of it to term).

Finally, notice that the advice given to women in this two-parter rests largely with what women should be doing vis-a-vis each other, whereas the advice given to men is largely about what men ought to be doing vis-a-vis women. This really shows the bias in the reporting. Again, this matter is addressed from the perspective of "what women want" without much consideration of the status of men. I don't really see Part 2 as being a balancer to the matter at all.

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"[Gail Jordan] adds: 'Men need to get it in their heads that being a father means being there for their children and showing their children the importance of fatherhood. It doesn't mean getting a woman pregnant and leaving her to raise the child alone.'"

I wonder if it occurred to her that at times, the family courts are responsible for leaving women to raise the child alone?

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Both articles were baltantly antimale. The lame attempt of Part II to appear balanced was just more male bashing. The only criticism of women was that they failed to stand up for themselves and stick together!!

How about exploring the fact that many women deliberately get pregnant so they can get into public housing and onto welfare? The best way to get these handouts is to remain a single mom. Many women have zero intention of marrying the father of their meal tickets (excuse me, children) because this will interfere with the handouts.

And what's this about "encouraging" men to take responsibility for other men's children? We all know "encourage" is fem-speak for force, preferably with the power of the state.

More feminist solutions for problems created by feminists in the first place. Here's a clue. Treat men like second class citizens and they may not want to be around you any more. And no amount of "encouragement" will change that.

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First they decided to perform a major social experiment on eliminating the figure of father from the core family structure. Now, upon their seeing the total failure and terrible consequences of the experiment, they in infinite wisdom decided to put all the blame on fathers themselves.

I sincerely laughed when I read the following:

Their stories reveal a hidden crisis in this city of strong single mothers who endure – no matter what. They are the flip side of the problem of absent fathers that Renford sees in public housing in Toronto.

Hypocrisy at such degree turns itself into burlesque and becomes entertaining.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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Extraordinary. All these fish apparently in desperate need of bicycles...

Clearly these hordes of single mothers have thoroughly absorbed the first lesson of feminist social engineering: how to use men purely as sperm donors, because they are no use for anything else. Now they are clamouring for the second great lesson, to which the first was just the prelude: how exactly to enter into the wonderful, fulfilled life in the testosterone-free paradise that was promised to them once men were removed from the picture.

There has been no shortage of self-appointed experts teaching the first lesson. So where are the experts to teach the second lesson?

Oh look, I have found one. her name is Peggy Drexler, and she has written a brilliant book about how to do it. Read about it here:

Here is an extract from the article:

"This focus on how women raise boys and how boys react to being raised by women only results in findings that should set typical parenting circles into a spin, crushing long held beliefs that these boys are somehow lacking in their upbringing.

In fact, it seems that these boys, raised by women, actually become better-rounded, more compassionate, and more thoughtful, while retaining all their “boy characteristics.” Drexler calls them “head and heart boys” because they have the best characteristics of an individual, regardless of gender."

So there is the answer. These boys are not forming gangs, taking drugs or getting into any kind of trouble at all; that is a monstrous myth. They are in fact doing brilliantly, and putting the sons of two-parent families into the shade. Ms Drexler has proved it. So just distribute hundreds of copies of her glorious book among the single mothers of Toronto. Problem solved.

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Women make up a stupid plan to use men for sex, children and money. They make it so they can kick the father out anytime then they blame men for what they did. How fucking stupid are women today man.....I swear.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab


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They aren't stupid, they know exactly what they are doing. If you place a cookie jar on the table and expect your children to never eat from it unless you tell them to, how long will the cookies last when you leave the room? Is it the childrens' fault? Do they lack morals? It's possible but it would have been better if the cookie jar was out of reach in the first place.

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...because they act upon their greed without thinking about the repercussions of such greed. Moreover it goes beyond a cookie jar analogy...because women manipulate men into placing the jar on the table in the first place. Women have been manipulating men for their gain since the human race has been around. Women think their devious acts and greed will not be met with justice; like when they thought feminism would give them the power they wanted with no price to pay. Yet -- even with the biased legal system -- they are now paying the price as nearly every male is "weary" of women in the UNITED STATES. Men are backing out of marriages or just not even getting into them. That's why IMBRA exists it tries to pigeonhole men into marrying and mating with AMERICAN WOMEN.

Groups of men are shunning women when they approach men in the street for the most mundane things. No man in his right mind today will go to work and take care of a woman who sits home and does nothing but spend money. Women are stupid enough to think that all of this bullshit they have been doing for....well since the beginning of time....would NEVER come back to bite them in that bunched up cellulite they call an ass.

The only women that will miss the "what goes around comes around" boat are those whom have been treating their men as equals -- and lovemates -- all along. The rest will be taken out by their own childish natures.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab


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