On YouTube: Feminist Hate Speech
Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2007-08-13 18:54
Vid here.
This speech was submitted to YouTube about six months ago. This woman reminds me of a date rape seminar I was forced to attend at Syracuse. Definitely check out the comment and response section. Feminism: A politically correct hate movement!
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This will probably come out wrong but...
..I believe feminists NEED rapists to fuel their hate movement. I'm not advocating rape, but I think if rape ended tomorrow, feminists would lose a very powerful ally: fear.
The feminist movement is not unlike the American government using any excuse to say 9/11 or terrorists. They are using emotions to cloud out logic. The same thing goes for the feminist hate-speak. I always ask women what their biggest fear is and half the time it's of being raped. The feminist who leans on rape to stay powerful depends on emotions, not common sense or logic, to survive. Such a movement deserves no respect.
Worse than that
It is even worse than that.
They publish far and wide that 25% of women get raped on college campuses. Rape on campus is NOWHERE NEAR the numbers they publish.
They create whatever data they believe they need.
The are liars. Everything they say is based on a fiction.
Rape is a terrible crime. But falsifying the numbers does no person any good.
Feminism is not about seeking truth OR justice. It is about seeking advantage through instability and deception.
oregon dad
If rape went away completely tomorow they'd still have a trump
They'd instantly just turn their rhetoric to child abuse. They'd raise the child abuse panic - particularly sexual molestation of course because that's the only area if child abuse where it can be argued - but not proved - that men are the leading perpetrators.
Feminist rule - when in doubt just scream - WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?
That's one reason why fathers rights are so vitally important to mens rights. Not only do we know that kids and men are better off with a biological father, but if men are recognized for their role as fathers then it takes allot of power out of feminist arguments regarding the well being of children.
The 800lbs gorilla of the feminist movement is rape
The 800lbs gorilla of the feminist movement is rape. They use it when ever they can to cry “I’m a woman, therefore a victim”. They use the “rape card” so often it is losing its power. People are getting wise to this “MAN-nip-u-lation”. Rape is an assault of a sexual nature, nothing more, nothing less. However, if you compare the sentence one receives for rape verse assault you will see a huge disparity. Men get raped in prison all the time and society just ignores this crime. Men are getting raped in the justice systems every day!
Men and boys also get raped outside prison as well
Let us not for one second insinuate that rape is a male only phenomena.
Women rape men as well. They are - to a statistically significant number - never charged for this crime however.
My theory as to why this is - at least in the case of adult women raping adult men - is two fold.
One: The myth of women's inability to force a man to do anything combined with the myth of women's sexual desire being less then that of a man (no myth ever could be further from reality then that one)
Two: women don't target the same type of victims to attack. Men target the most desirable examples of females to victimize. Women target the most vulnerable - often the least desirable - males.
Society views vulnerable males as less then human - no protection is offered. Women have a natural ability to exploit male vulnerabilities which further enables them to carry out such attacks.
The MRAs reflexive - but what about prison rapes? - response to the feminist cry of 'men rape women!' is not productive or accurate. Prison rape invites the response - so what? It's still men doing the raping which, in a way serves only to further strengthen the opponents position.
Better to tout collage campus statistic that show sexual assaults being committed by each gender against the other at a virtual dead heat.
Or that the absolute highest amount of sexual violence on average amongst all types of sexual relationships occurs within lesbian relations and that homosexual male relations tend to have on average the same or slightly less sexual violence as heterosexual relationships.
You'll get no sympathy if you attempt to raise the issue of suffering within prisons as most people will not care what happens to convicted felons.
The argument that all people make mistakes and we should view those whom are labeled 'criminals' as being human must be won before prison rape can be used as a counter argument to the feminist war cry that men rape.
As to rape being the main moral issue feminists consistently raise to further their cause, I do not disagree at all. My point was hypothetic - that if rape disappeared from the face of the Earth feminists would not. They'd merely trumpet the moral issue of child abuse instead. That's all.
I’m in agreement with everything you stated
I’m in agreement with everything you stated, my post was not in response to your post, rather three fold.
One: To point out, or expose the “Man-nip-u-lative” use of rape claims.
Two: To point out the hypocrisy in sentencing laws in favor of females.
Three: Expose the attitude that rape is no big deal if it happens to men.
The reference to convicts had two meanings. Men are getting raped in prison (literally) and in the justice systems as a whole (figuratively).
My appologies then
I thought you were responding to me and also using the retort that many MRAs mistakenly use in response to feminists start going off about rape and sight prison rape as a counter example.
This is ineffective as prison rape is still seen as something men do - no one ever considers the big bull dykes in womens prisons.
It is very important to sight what little evidence exists about females raping and sexually abusing - there will undoubtedly be more as time goes on thanks mainly to feminists that just won't shut the hell up causing more and more people to look at the issues and realize there's allot more to them then feminists whale on about.
We are currently at the very dawn of understanding female sexual deviance and male sexual vulnerability. Right now we see males as not being sexually vulnerable for the most part and we do not view females sexual deviance as harmful - that and we don't even begin to scratch the surface in our overall understanding of female sexual deviance and the extreme forms in which it can express it's self. It's still off limits to subject females to the kinds of sexually invasive testing that males routinely are forced to endure at the mere suggestion there may be a problem. It's still off limits to delve into a females sex life - and feminists will fight tooth and nail to keep it that way because the average female likely has as many or more skeletons in her closet of sexual secrets then the average male.
An example. My girlfriend was watching the show Supernanny yesterday and the family that the British woman was helping with their kids was one in which the mother forced her two boys to sleep in her bed with her every night and still wiped her 7 year old sons ass every time he went to the bathroom. I couldn't help but think that if a man did that - even if it was 100% totally innocent - he'd be in prison as a pedophile. She also was the owner of a daycare. Ironic since she couldn't even take care of her own children.... I'm sure she was just to attached to her little dolls and it probably was not sexual - as I tend to give anyone regardless of gender the benefit of the doubt - but no one even so much as suspected that she may be sexually abusing her two out of control sons and that abuse may be the reason for them being out of control. No man would escape suspicion in the same circumstances.
why were you forced to attend a date rape seminar? Can you tell us more about what happened there?
God what a hate-mongering cvnt. Now I am not easily moved to using "that word" and as you can see, I used a v instead of a u, I am so scarecely moved to even consider it, but other words utterly fail me.
She is worse than a Nazi. At least in the case of the Nazis, they never asked Jews or their other many victims to accept that they were to blame for anything else others did. But she is basically telling men that they should assume responsibility for the misdeeds of a very small number of other men and that men should "do something about it." She is suggesting that any man who does not "do something about it" is headed for Hell. Yet she says nothing about any other type of crime, ones just as awful, but which leave far worse results, much longer legacies too, perpetrated by both sexes.
+ She doesn't suggest women should lobby one another to avoid using false allegations or accusations in a divorce.
+ She doesn't suggest women should lobby one another to stop using violence to express their unhappiness with their bf/husband
+ She doesn't suggest to women that they redouble their efforts to work as many hours and to do so without complaint, just like so many men.
+ She doesn't suggest women lobby one another against standing idly by while men are coereced into going to war while women are not.
+ She doesn't decry male genital mutilation.
And on and on.
She is interested only in carpet-bombing men with sheets of shaming accusations and asserions of associative guilt, the same kind of thing Farrell wrote about in one of his books ('The Myth of Male Power' I think it was, but could be wrong)
She is not the least interested in justice, just power. She is exactly what we are working against.
Freshman year
All students had to attend a seminar on dorm rules. Part of the lecture included a date rape discussion conducted by a professor from the woman studies department. Think of Kim Gandy on steroids. The woman was evil.
I attended the same in college.
Part of our "orientation" was a 45 to an hour long lecture on how the black women in college are about something and how they should screen black men to make sure they are not bums. We were also informed that women don't need men and that women are strong, smarter than men, more gifted, and that men should be thankful if one of these strong amazon warrior-like women "choose to date you."
Once we left all of the "empowered black women" had to ask the men where the classrooms were and the testing center since that was what was "supposed to be discussed" at orientation when the feminist tirade was taking place. I found it ironic that a black MAN was so ready to rave on about how worthless he believed he was in comparison to typical Ameriskanks.
*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5
Actually, no gorilla has ever weighed 800 lbs
I was looking at Guinness the other day, the max on record is around 500 or 600.
Feminists (who sometimes ARE 800-pound hairy lesbian gorillas), have used rape to their benefit, by politicizing it. They further their ideology by stating that rape is due to the power that men, as a class, have over women as a class.
"The personal is political"..didn't one of the fascists in the date rape seminar say that? My "Psychology of Women" professor sure did. (she wasn't really a professor, but instead a graduate student..it is like the college is admitting that the subject is not serious scholarship. Which of course it is not.)
MRA humor follows..
Question: What did the gorilla say to the really ugly orangutan?
Answer: "Isn't that a lesbian costume you're wearing?"
That’s right ax, the 800 lbs gorilla would be the largest
That’s right ax, the 800 lbs gorilla would be the largest gorilla in the jungle