Tennesee Court of Appeals Favors Bastardy

Story here.

Same old story: Man sleeps with female; she sleeps with other men; she gets pregnant; keeps bastard; she picks one as father; HE NAIVELY VOLUNTARILY SIGNS PATERNITY ACKNOWLEDGMENT; pays support; DNA proves he is not the bastard's father; juvenile judge terminates his financial slavery and orders female to pay him back; higher court overturns pro-male judgment. Upside: he does not have to pay anymore bastard support in the future; Downside: will not get back payments already made since he did VOLUNTARILY sign a paternity acknowledgment.

Lesson: DON'T SIGN ANY DAMNED THING WHEN A BASTARD IS SAID TO BE YOURS! If your signature was not necessary they would not cajole you into signing away your life! DON'T SIGN ANYTHING!

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Don't confuse so called "bastard" children, which is one issue, with paternity fraud, which is another. Paternity fraud occurs in both married and unmarried couples.

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You sue her and "John Doe", the biological father for recovery to get around that pillar of injustice "In the best interests of the child" mom keeps all her money and your money too.

As long as recovery is from a man, all is right in the world.

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