"How to get through to a man"

Linked from the CNN main page as of this writing:
How to get through to a man taken from Oprah.com. Anyone else notice the link to Time.com on the top? Looks like CNN and Time are collaborating these days in their misandrist pursuits. Excerpt:

'Meet every protest and argument he makes, no matter how ridiculously false, with the observation that he is absolutely correct ... but you still want what you want. In boxing this is called rope-a-dope, and even if you don't know what the rope part means, the dope part sounds pretty applicable. This is called win-win -- except you did and he didn't.'

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besides, the examples displayed don't really make sense.

for example, "the shower drip is driving me crazy". unless it makes some alien sounds when she's doing her business in the bathroom (or lives there), i don't see how it can drive anyone nuts.

a better example would be "the sink drip in our room is driving me crazy at night." i've been there and it's a real bitch when you're trying to sleep.

of course, the hard part is reaching the main water valve in our midget-based service basement. the dismantling of the sink itself is relatively simply in comparison. not to mention having the actual time to do it.

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A the heart of this crap, there's some truth....
When you're in a relationship with someone, you need to be able to let your guard down, be helpful and proactive in solving problems together, rather than confrontational, realize that there's give and take, and be appreciative of each other and your differences.

How sad is it that women need/want to be fed information on how to behave in a relationship as if it were a trick, to control another person to do what they want and still be superior in the eyes of their peers.

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Yes at the core there is a good point there, there should be no confrontations. BOTH need to treat each other with respect and talk it thru.

The sad part is how they make the man look so childish and moronic, but hey thats par in todays society.

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If you respect your male companion enough to not think of him as a sex-craved illogical beast, you might be able to get through to him more often.

Instead of saying "The leak in the shower is driving me crazy" and assuming that he can read your mind and will get up immediately to fix the error no matter what is going on, you could try this:

"You know, the leak in the shower is really annoying and wasteful. I know you are good at fixing things, can you please take a look at it?"

Personally, I don't mind doing favors for my girlfriend because she usually reciprocates. She has many strengths that complement my weaknesses and vice versa (I am horrible at grammar and spelling and she saved me many times with my essays in college). It works out when a relationship can be mutually beneficial. Don't ever expect someone to do something if they don't respect you. Manipulation tricks will only compound the underlying problem of him knowing that you are trying to manipulate him.

As far as the "maybe maybe" crap, I hate it. My girlfriend is straight to the point. Honest. Sincere. No dicking around. No mind-games or mind-reading involved. We've had good talks and bad talks but the fact that we have talks means that we want to fix the problem instead of telling everyone else in the world except each other ("he doesn't put the dishes in the dishwasher, but don't think I'll tell him that there's a problem").

I'm only 24 so I could be horribly wrong with some of this stuff, but I do know that I love my current relationship and it's wonderful. We treat each other as equals and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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What kind of advice is she giving out? Is this really going to help men and women to have successful relationships? I don't think so. Maybe that's not her intention.

Whatever happened to honesty? If you treat your man as if he's a dog, or a naughty child, don't be surprised if you get the same back. A relationship in which you need to resort to these tactics isn't worth having.

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The sad part is how they make the man look so childish and moronic, but hey thats par in todays society.

Yeah... that is... well.. more than sad.
It's revolting.

But on the other side, well... I actually feel kind of sorry for a lot of women these days. The "be strong and stand your ground or he'll hurt you" mentality has poisoned so many women's minds that they honestly don't know how to be in relationships anymore. The slightest sign that they're not in control of a situation with the men in their lives sets off fear and the emotions that follow.

When it gets to the point that women need to be told to treat people they care about with respect in order to have a good relationship, you know there's a problem. When that advice needs to be disguised as achieving womens' own selfish motives in order to be even heard, then you know things have gone terribly wrong.

Women have a huge issue with trust these days; and what's especially amazing is that it's usually not born out of any of their own personal experiences, or often anything that they've seen for themselves; but from being brainwashed.

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Since she makes money off women bitching about their husbands, it would be profitable to give crap-advice to women so that she will always have camera fodder.

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...who has a hard-time keeping a man even though she is a billionaire. The problem with women is they get advice on men from "other women" as opposed to just going to their man--if they have one--and asking him what makes him tick. The majority of women in the U.S.A. are stupid enough to think that women know more about men than men themselves. The problem with women is when they want to know about their partners they look in the mirror instead of respectfully sitting down with their partners, treating them as equals and loved ones(like men do) and discussing things like adults. Women think men are clay to be molded into whatever they want or to be "fooled" into doing whatever they want them to do; which usually does NOT work.

These are the reasons most women fail to satisfy men time and time again other than when they are in bed(and even THAT can become boring since women think that just laying there is all they have to do).

Nuff' said. Let's move on.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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I can remember this male-hating, "only women are victims" feminist sponsering a video that showed women pulling down the trousers of males in public...

This must be soooo empowering for her to think up this attempt at humiliating the other sex...

Well done Oprah, you inclusion in the Hall of Hate is guaranteed along with Dworkin and Greer.

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Re-read this article and substitute "negro" for every reference to a "man."

Then try to make a case that this is not feminist hate speech and a toxic ideology.

Works equally well if you substitute the terms "jew," "lesbian," "gay," "woman."

Oprah is a misandrist, obviously enough.

You would have to go back in history to Nazi Germany to find better examples of propaganda accepted as harmless entertainment.

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Oprah/feminists view men as a puppy who needs training. Esentially, the article content gives women an overview on how to manipulate a male. A "compliment" makes a man think the woman wants sex? Women will forever believe it is their god given right to change a male for their own selfish goals. If a woman needs her shower head fixed, let her go to home depot, buy the tools, and fix it herself. Maybe I'll write a book detailing ways to manipulate women in regards to housework. anthony

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From what I understand, the guy she lived with for 12 years (Stedman Graham) never proposed to her once. I wonder why. Below is an excerpt of Larry King's segment where he interviewed Graham. Note that Graham does not deny that the relationship has been stormy, even as depicted in tabloids:

"KING: That's important because when you see all the tabloids, we'll get back to the book in a minute [at the time of the interview, Graham was in the process of writing an advice book for business leaders] , when you see all that how do you deal with that? She broke it up. They're not together. He's together. She's together.

GRAHAM: Well, you know, you have to know who you are and you have to be able to look internally within yourself to understand who you are and not -- and not get confused with the illusion that is really external.

So, you got to have a strong internal base and a strong foundation. And she has that and I've worked on that for years to be able to understand what I do well, what's unique about me, what do I bring to the table? What's my strength? What's my passion and to work on that and to disconnect myself from all the external things, you know.

She has her work and that's great. That's important for her but it doesn't have a whole lot to do with who I am. And so I have my work. It doesn't have a lot to do with who she is. So, you have to disconnect. You connect the disconnect based on who you are as a person.

KING: And how have you handled it, Stedman, when any relationship wavers?

GRAHAM: Well, I think you have to be positive.

KING: Even in down days?

GRAHAM: Even in down days. What you have to do is...

KING: That's hard."

From what I understand, they are no longer together.

To see the full interview, copy and paste this link: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0609/22/lkl.01.html


P.S: is it just me, or does this guy Graham sound like a babbling idiot? No wonder corporate management is in such a piss-poor state. Maybe Winfrey did brain surgery on him while he was sleeping..the ultimate way to manipulate a man.

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Article byline:
"By W. Bruce Cameron"

Alas, another manhole at work. But I am sure "O" would be thrilled to say she wrote it.

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Is anyone old enough to remember the days when it used to go like this:

"Darling, that leaky shower is really annoying me, and I want it fixed. But I am just a weak little girl who doesn't know how these things work. So if there were some hunky he-man around who could do it for me, I would be extremely grateful. In fact if he fixed it before sundown, I might spend tonight showing him just how grateful a girl could be..."

Result: shower got fixed way before the sun got anywhere near the horizon, woman was happy and man was happy. Of course the man had been manipulated, but it was shallow, he recognised it and let it happen anyway.

But that was a world that has been abolished by feminism, and is now just a fanciful dream. Women are now taught that this is absolutely the last way to behave. Instead they have to choreograph this elaborate dance of deception, where the object is not so much to get the shower fixed, as to establish female dominance and control; the man has to be manoeuvred into giving the woman what she wants, but - and this is crucial - without the woman giving anything in return. Men are purely to be used, not rewarded.

So what are men's choices now? Get used, be made to look a fool, and end up slowly being enslaved? Or slap her (not literally - God no) with a bit of devastating male logic: just tell her that since women can do everything men can do, but ten times better, and she is the one who is bugged by the shower, she is therefore clearly the one who should get off her butt and fix it.

So how would you play it?

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Or slap her (not literally - God no) with a bit of devastating male logic: just tell her that since women can do everything men can do, but ten times better, and she is the one who is bugged by the shower, she is therefore clearly the one who should get off her butt and fix it.

Sounds like the best way to go to me.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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And to think that we are the ones accused of not communicating. What's so terrible about speaking your request in a direct specific sentence? Why hint or beat around the bush? Just say what you want.
Methinks that womens' complaints about men not communicating are classic Freudian projection.

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In one of the interviews Jack Kammer does for "Good Will Toward Men", the woman he is interviewing says it is because when men do try to communicate their feelings (or whatever) to women, they usually get nothing but criticism in return, for example responses like, "how ridiculous for you to feel that way!".

The fact is that women are not yet ready to hear men speak up, no matter how much they say men are "poor communicators". In the current situation, the man can't win. (I think it's a bogus theory anyway, that women are naturally better communicators than men. That's the same thing as saying something like, "men are more naturally capable of playing musical instruments than women", since the vast majority of successful bands and orchestras are composed of mainly, if not all, men). If the same fuckup pschologists went around saying something like that, all hell would break loose.

Deborah Tannen who wrote "You Just Don't Understand" back in the 90's, was largely responsible for spreading the bullshit that women are better communicators. She ostensibly was writing about the way men's and women's ways of communicating are merely different, but the underlying message of the book was that women's ways are superior. One of the "..Misandry" books by Nathanson, discusses her book. That is one of the observations he and co-author Katherine Young make about it.

In other words, Tannen is just another royal fuckup who spews forth bullshit. It is incredible how people take this kind of hype to heart.


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Men talk in a direct manner and this is spun by women as "oppression" whereas women manipulate people into thinking--or acting--in a way they find "suitable."

Now who is the oppressor and liar; the one who says "Honey I want to have sex tonight because I think you look sexy"(as he stands there butt naked ready to go) or the one who thinks "I want to have sex with him--and have been thinking about him all day--because he looks good but I am going to 'act' like I am not interested in order to get him to do everything I want him to do for ME since as a woman I deserve the best"?

I would say the latter is the oppressor and the former is the honest one.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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