Time Magazine: The Myth About Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'"I don't think anyone will deny that girls are academically superior as a group. Girls are more academically powerful. They make the grades, they run the student activities, they are the valedictorians."

Christina Hoff Sommers, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, was explaining how she came to worry deeply about boys. In the book-lined parlor of her suburban Washington home, she ticked through a familiar but disturbing indictment: More boys than girls are in special-education classes. More boys than girls are prescribed mood-managing drugs. This suggests to her (and others) that today's schools are built for girls, and boys are becoming misfits. As a result, more boys than girls drop out of high school. Boys don't read as well as girls. And America's prisons are packed with boys and former boys.'

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Ends with:

'Worrying about our boys--reading and writing books about them, wringing our hands over dire trends and especially taking more time to parent them--is paying off. The next step is to let them really blossom, and for that we have to trust them, give them room. The time for fearing our sons, or fearing for their futures, is behind us. The challenge now is to believe in them.'

In short, there was a problem, now there isn't. Everyone just go back to what you were doing.

Typical feminist TIME stuff.

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Warren Farrell puts it very well when he says:

    What is the underlying issue when we perceive our daughters’ problems as the schools’ fault and our sons’ problems as our sons’ fault?

This time magazine article is playing that theme out. When it's our daughters problem we jump to fix things when it is our sons problem we say "tough it out, learn to be a man." This is exactly the attitude we see from educators, therapists, and sadly our chivalrous lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

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One lot say one thing,another says the opposite.Experts cannot seem to agree..What we do know is that the female sex has now complete control of the campi,everything is organised to suit their sensibilities.Males need male teachers they can look up to and who lead by example and are not easily blackmailed or cajoled by female wiles.
Since feminism has got rid of most male teachers aided by
a government witchhunt,if these people who keep writing about boys difficulties perhaps they should start with these issues.Do you really think they will?

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It's more then enough to acknowledge the problem, doing something might take money and recourses out of the hands of girls who need it so very much more.

I also loved the stereotypical attitudes throughout the article:

My favorite statistic seemed to sum up all the others: fewer boys today are deadbeats. The percentage of young men between 16 and 19 who neither work nor attend school has fallen by about a quarter since 1984.

Basically, male value is exclusively in earning money, otherwise a male is a "deadbeat". Kind of excludes the role of fatherhood doesn't it? Mom's have value even when they drop out of the world to raise babies, but men still don't.

Hodge says the secret is to reach boys before they get into trouble--he uses the academy's basketball facilities to lure youngsters still in grade school.

As much as this guy sounds like a real inspiration, he is focusing only on the future and not on the present. Especially for minority men, we desperately need to do a hell of allot more for them AFTER they get into trouble to put an end once and for all to the cycle of failure. We need to start allowing guys in prison to get college degrees again, and offer more pardons, maybe even automatic pardons if they stay crime free for 5 years. We can't just say fuck the ones we already screwed up and let's focus only on the kids. We need to heal ALL men.

The success of The Dangerous Book for Boys is one sign of a society getting in touch with these venerable truths. Nothing in the book suggests that boys are better than girls...

The whole article repeats over and over again that it must in no way be insinuated that boys are better at ANYTHING or in ANY WAY then girls yet at least half a dozen times the author mentions how great it is that girls are ahead in so many areas and how girls are better in this or that area then boys.

What the fuck is our societies complete obsession with pouring praise on females and allowing all areas that females out perform men to be congratulated and attributed to the superiority of the female sex in certain respects while at the same time forbidding absolutely the reverse? Wasn't this article supposed to be about boys? Shouldn't we acknowledge that males have skills and are better at some things then females?

As great as it is to read articles like this where they actually admit that we have failed boys completely, it would be nice to actually see them written in a way that does not pander to the great Goddess and female overlords.

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